Okay Holla Forums I've been thinking. Why would Jews push for race-mixing, mass Muslim/nigger immigration...

Okay Holla Forums I've been thinking. Why would Jews push for race-mixing, mass Muslim/nigger immigration, or for the end of the white race in general?

Why would they do this? It makes NO SENSE at ALL, if western culture dies out Jews are FUCKED, FUCKED. Whites are the best goyim they can have seving them, can someone tell me why would they want to see us gone?

Read some Kevin Macdonald.

Or search for his name on youtube.


Because they're afraid we're going to get sick of their jewery and gas them all.

because they want to rule over dumb animal slaves.

Jews want to be the top dawg.
They call themselves the Chosen and they were promised the whole World by their G-d.
So in come whites, who are:
-more resourceful
-more dynamic
-have souls
-way better connection with nature
And they basically shoa their kind. These are called the Romans.
Not only that, they adopt a heretic religion of their own making, Christianity.
Which proves to very sucessful for conquering the world, establishing morals and ethic-
Spurring technological progress in the process.
Especially if it's syncreticized with native pantheons.

Meanwhile the Jews are locked in their ghettoes, shunned, killed and all in all made the Christian bitch.
They of course remember this in the oral Torah and plot revenge for 2 thousand years. They discover that economy is a basis for all civilizations.
So they manipulate until they basically hold their whole world under relatively good control.

In comes Hitler who dares to present a different way more succesful economic and cultural organization than the degeneracy filled Weimar republic.
So they decleare war on this bastid but the genie is out of the lamp.
The bull has run amok.
They of course win the WW2 but the spark was started.
Becouse they know that this would mean they will fail in the future they swear revenge and vilify Hitler, Germans and in extension the whole European race.
Of course in addition to the mentioned 2k planned revenge for the first shoah they fake the 2nd one.

They want to eliminate their main rivals just to rule over the ashes.
And since they don't have the numbers, they have to use shitskins.
The problem is that:
A.) Whites are a lot smarter so they figure out the plan and use the internet to eradicate the virus
B.)Shitskins are impulsive, have no long term visions and fight their own
C.)Their fellow Jews constantly jew each other, are arrogant and have become slow since their win in WW2

That's why you see so many happenings in 2016, when they wanted to declare their NWO. Nothing is going according to plan.

Indeed the reason of why the western civilization is whites

They are not reproducing anymore neither working

You can blame the jews for propaganda, but whites are the ones listening it

why the western civilization is in decay is whites*

they want us to hate muslims so we can go bomb places in the middle east to create greater israel

they want to destabilize and flood all white countries as a method of insulating themselves

Why would jews suffering ever be good for them?

Lurk moar faggot.

It's all just an edgy meme, like most of the shit on the chans. Kids trying to out edge each other.

Arabs are weak as fuck.

The jews and their military could easily establish greater israel is us whites weren't here to protest because "muh human rights".

Whites are the biggest obstacle to jewish domination.

Go back to cuckchan, turbonigger.



We are 100% serious about ovening all kikes.


its actually a legitimate question, though its a pretty shitty OP and probably doesn't deserve its own thread

The reason why you asked this, is because, like 1st post said :

but to be fair, because there's a lot of bs ITT, I'll tell you why :

the answer is YES to all of this

now educate yourself and read some books


Because they believe that every other race is so inferior that they're no threat at all.
Funnily enough, whites are the only thing standing between the jews and utter destruction. If we lose, they're doomed to follow.

TL;DR for a TL;DR

They feel Europe needs to be eliminated because of Jesus being a false prophet and other shit.

Look at Brazil and South Africa. Multiculturalism brings chaos, making them easier to control, while they are bleeding the countries dry.

Hi there CF

It's just delusional neonazies trying to justify their irrational hatred.
Pic related explains how Holla Forums has become what it is, posted when the change was happening.


Reminder that you're a newfag by definition until you've read the Protocols.

Nobody else tell this lazy nigger anything.

You're in one.

Dropped right there. Nobody from Holla Forums uses stormfront. You faggot

Not disagreeing with any of that but why wouldn't the Jews want to take out the Chinks first? The Chinks have the longest standing civilization and will certainly be a challenge to which the Hebs have no known solution. Is this a D&C effort? Take out whitey first and then move onto Chinky next?

They don't actually want to destroy whites, just weaken them and use them for their own interests.

Right now they are training us to be their attack dog against Muslims. They will get millions of white Europeans to murder and be murdered for the sake of Israel.

They are using the Muslims they brought into the West to essentially bait whites into going full Ben Garrison against the Islamic world, meanwhile the kikes that planned all this shit will be sitting pretty counting their shekels and laughing their asses off

Read Alfred Rosenberg's works, specifically The Myth.

You will realize why they want to be rid of our people. Thesis and antithesis.

A) They hate whites.
B) They hate whites having power over them. They don't like knowing for a fact we could Shoah them any minute if we were so inclined.
C) It makes money.

webm this plox

this tbh

That is also why they primarily lead the right wing movements and shift the narrative to pro israe, anti muslim.

I've actually looked into the supposed links that implicate Stormfront of brigading us and found zero evidence that it was a widespread, coordinated effort by the site members. The only thing I can safely say is that there were a FEW intersite users.

I remember reading this exact post in this same format months ago and it got 300+ replies.

Don't take the fucking bait, Holla Forums.

what's the answer then? give us the tl;dr from the last pasta.

Jews make short-term decisions for long-term goals and it always ends up fucking them in the end.

mr. idiot, sir,

white people are the only competition to jews on this planet. no one else is capable to withstand a global take-over by jews.

second benefit of race mixing would make people to low iq idiots, willingness and especially without identity.
the people would be twisted in the head. they would not be able to compile an own state.
instead they would live in jew dominated fake states were all major positions are controlled by kikes.

jews would then globally rule over everyone and most people would not even be able to understand who is the ruler of the world and if some lone guy would figure out about jews, he would be simply ignored by the rest.

lurk moar, jews are not white, they benifit from white genocide because then they have a mixed slave race of animals.

They are trying too. They just can't because chinks are not as emotional as us. They are using white guilt and pathological altruism to destroy the west.

The complete answer requires a lot of reading.

But here's the answer in two lines

At least the globalists really want just things to stay the same. NWO is a rather ironic term, seeing as how old it is now. And in the short term, a low-IQ servant class is preferable to them, seeing as stupid people will find it harder to wrap their heads around how you are tricking them. The long term consequence of dumbing down the population like that is of course economic decline, lack of advancement in the sciences, insane overpopulation and generally a hard time for everyone, even themselves.

There are of course Zionists and religious Jews who help them, who genuinely just want to commit genocide after genocide until Jews are the only ones left, because they promise themselves a messianic utopia from that in which everything prospers.

Of course the consequence of that would be that the still non-shoahed globalists would simply re-engineer a worker class out of their fellow Jews, because what goods can they enjoy if no-one is producing them? So which brand of Jews gets their way really doesn't matter, because the result is the same, albeit one of them having a smaller genetic variety.

That is not true per se, although it would probably go this way in our current world situation.

So… basically what we have right now?

The Jews believe they will reign supreme and enslave the gentiles of the world so long as the White race is snuffed out. They're so much more intelligent than the other muds, they don't fear them. They only fear Whites.

Yeah but in larger scale. Right now there are still nations they don't have full control of. Mainly in Asia, if the kikes could decide they would already fill China, Korea and Japan with mass rapefugees like western countries.

It is a distraction. Jews historically don't do well in a mono-culture (esp European/western) because their activities are too obvious.

They are counting on us being too worried about shit skins trying to fuck our daughters to answer the jewish question.
