The meme magic is too powerful
Erdogan wants the same powers as Adolf Hitler
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erdogan is a fucking nut job that needs to be put down violently
Please delete this post to avoid diplomatic incident
kek would be displeased with me if I did such a thing
I think he should roast in nuclear fire but holy shit this will be full of lulz as he fails spectacularly.
If Kek wills it.
this is the only way
where there's hitler mentioned, there needs to be jewish scum mentioned
— Cahida D?rsim (@dilkocer) January 1, 2016
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6+8+2+9+9+9 = 43
4+3 = 7
Make it happen Kek.
Oh shit! He is going for the Spear of Destiny!!!
A fucking turkroach is trying to Compare itself to Der Furher
I think kek might be pissed off at us or something… What have we fucked up or not done?
I don't think Hitler wanted a global chaliphate under Ottoman rule, Mehmet.
If he attacks Israel its going to be one hell of a ride
Shifting of the overton window, the Furoach is making Adolf acceptable - just in time for Trump to take over USA
That faggot has gone too power hungry too fast, the media here in yuroop started turning against him. I think the kikes will replace him shortly
This statement shows that Erdogan seriously misunderstands normie sentiment in the west.
Kikes are now going to freak out and start trying to push the West into a war with Turkey.
reminder that wikileaks just leaked a part saying that turkey were sneaking in missiles into palestine:
a lot of the ones that participated in the coup were educated in west countries, most likely working in one way or another for Israel.
Gulen runs a lot of private schools and is a CIA asset, and Erdogan is a power hungry dictator that will play all sides of the game for his own benefit. Terrible situation all around but then again, Turks.
Merchant vs Scavenger
Whoever wins, Europa loses
But isn't Turkey thoroughly jew'd?
I could see that being part of some bigger jewish plot, either to build sympathy for Israel or sabotage the Hamas.
Estrogen might be an islamist anti-white but this is still funny. At least he probably knows holohoax was a hoax.
What the fuck is that pic
inb4 Holla Forums is blocked in Turkey
Inb4 Internet is blocked in Turkey
inb4 internet is blocked in (((EU)))
@ilduce2016 was an account run by Gawker.
They said they did it to prove Trump was a racist, bad guy etc.
The quote itself is older than Mussolini though.
Yes it is, and Trump later commented that he knew the quote was Mussolini's. It's even better.
what's gawker
a bankrupt firm which was owned by an ugly kike
oops, misread what you said
Anyway, the point is, it's good that Trump didn't back off when he was accused of being literally fascist.
Sounds like Erdogan likes Adolf. Good for him.
Whoever wins, Europa wins.
I think you guys have been swayed by a little too much talmudvision. Erdogan is definitely red-pilled.
If he gets deposed in the coming weeks we'll know who were involved
The notion that everything Hitler and Mussolini did was bad is now being seen as an absurdity by the common man. You can't hear quotes like that or see Hitler decrying big banks without agreeing, yet these idiots believe that we must shun EVERYTHING. They're only hurting themselves.
Thread theme
Sorry for the jewtube link. Feel free to proxy or ignore it.
But he's not white, AND he's a Muslim probably, so its totally okay.
I mean, we wouldn't want to be called bigots by some brown person…
Never make the mistake of thinking that someone who opposes your enemies is anything approximating your ally, for such is not necessarily the case.
There are plenty of people who know the Jews are scum that are themselves also scum, and I wager Erdogan falls rather blatantly into such category.
Did you call them a racist?
I assume you called them a racist.
Because they're clearly a racist.
That's, like, literally racism. And white supremacy.
On behalf of all (((white))) people, I would like to apologize for their racism.
I just cant even right now tbh fam smh.
Nah, roaches gonna roach. This is just a mad roach that's upset NATO and his allies are not willing to crash this plane with him.
Next thing you know, Erdogan will announce that he wants to be white
Though it was funny seeing the "alpha" one try to take a swing at me. Turns out if you take the punch without flinching, leftycucks will turn tail and run.
Mah nigga.
You can't really rely on that
Erdogan only hates Jews because he is a Muslim and above all, a Turkroach. In other words, he is only acting this way because he is envious of the globalist successes that Israel has achieved, just like every retarded Arab deep down inside their hairy chests. He also changed his stance regarding Israel multiple times, with the most recent being a statement that he wants to "reset" their relationship.
More and more secular Muslims are even starting to see Erdogan for who he really is.
Deleted what?
Erdogan wants Turkey to be Israel. As in, he wants Turkroaches to be the ones Jewing everyone in sight with a bit of snackbarring here and there.
what happened to it
What it looks like happened in Turkery is Erdogan backed down against Russia and Putin and then Jews and west tried to have him overthrown. It looks like Jews were behind the coup and its actually a good thing for Russia and bad for the Jews that it failed.
my sides
So Erdogan is literally Hitler now? Jews Please…
Was Hitler even that bad? No.
Hitler was a boyscout.
Turkey seems significant now, more so than I had originally gave them credit for. Remember that greater Israel includes a small part of Turkey, so either Turkey opens up against Israel or Israel opens up against them.
Philippines, Turkey, UK, and the US…interesting world wide developments in 2016. There has been a very strong swing back towards conservative opinions and viewpoints.
Was this the first event that made 2016 the best current year ever? See, I told you guys Erdogan was good.
It's ok to be literally Hilter if you are a Muslim.
be the surveillance camera man
fuck, wrong thread
and a folktale was born
nice trips but…
you should get rid of this, trips or no, this guy is right