If it was the result of mummification, should not all of the mummies have fair hair?
These eggheads are dumb as fuck for not noticing this inconsistency.
White people can revoice and say, "WE WERE KINGS!"
If it was the result of mummification, should not all of the mummies have fair hair?
These eggheads are dumb as fuck for not noticing this inconsistency.
White people can revoice and say, "WE WERE KINGS!"
Reminder that today's population of Egypt is the exact fate our enemy wants to all European countries. Genetic waste.
It was an Aryan empire re-settled thousands of years after the cataclysm.
Yeah, exactly. Egypt have fallen to arabs because they overrun it, not to mention their already diverse culture and slavery.
Egypt is an example how its easy to destroy a white culture.
Well this is weird, I knew the Ptolomies were were half Greek but ancient Egyptians being full on white?
That's odd.
I wonder what Ancient Aliens take will be on this.
Most ancient peoples were Caucasoid–this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.
That's one box nood mofo middle left
My hypothesis is that they were a semitic civilization (hence the lack of forhead protusion and the existance of thick lips on the busts), but had Indo-European (white) immigrants who eventually rose the ranks and became elites. Many indo-europeans entered the middle east in the second and first millenium BC. Hittites were white, and conquered Babylon in 1500BC, for example. Many of the later pharoahs have been confirmed to be from tribes of IEs: tutankhamun for example was from a celtic tribe, if I recall, and shared a haplogroup with many of the people in Britain today.
This isn't a case of WE WUZ, since it's IE that went all the way to disregard their proginal language and culture to adopt Egyptian ones, and continued it as its new rulers. That isn't a downpraise of Semites in a favor of Aryans at all.
This is clearly an attempt to steal black history and replace it with racist white history.
Reminder that Genghis Khan supposedly had red hair and green eyes.
Reminder that there are niggers with albinism.
Fair hair wasn't THAT uncommon back then, either because of simple mutation or genetics.
Yeah because anyone in Egypt was able to afford mumification.
Oh wait, it was something that only the higher and ruler classes could do. Does that mean that the ruler and high classes were white while the blacks were slaves?
These fucking people don't know how to slide the truth anymore.
Hold on original poster.
So what you're saying is that;
Someone needs to repaint this with Pepe whipping a crying Wojak while he is forced to drag a pyramid boulder.
the egyptians were berbers/meds, not niggers or western euros
There were actually (at least three) different ways for mummification in egypt. Depending on how wealthy you were, you'd be able to afford the more expensive ones. If you didn't have the money, you'd go for the quick'n'dirty one instead.
Here in more detail if anyone cares
Still for all the most famous mummies we know that they were white. Just like in any society nowadays most of whites rule since they are more intelligent that blacks and sandniggers. It should be easy to count the number of mummies, divide them by "level", then make a clear distiction about a higher amount of white rulers.
If even today most of scientist, politicians and entrepeneurs are white with all the muh racism crap, imagine in ancient egypt
This, THIS is the time niggers will listen to science and not engage in magical thinking.
Nice try stormderps
There is a theory that Berbers were southern Europeans that crossed to north Africa by walking across the frozen ocean during the iceage.
Based on the variety of light skin and hair among the Berbers its very likely true.
Can't you see the negrosity of the curly hair? Dey is BLACK!!!! YOU RACIST CRACKA!!!!!
Greeks ruled Egypt from 305 BC–30 BC, a similar time frame as stated in the article.
This is nothing new. This news would only be notable if the findings were from earlier periods.
Yes, my friendly man of African American decent.
To be fair, I thought red hair was a genetic mutation in some Asian groups. It doesn't mean that he was white was he?.
OK, so some Celtic tribes migrated into Egypt, assimilated, and ruled? Makes sense, considering that there's that little factoid floating around here that a large number of British men are directly related to King Tut (or Ramses).
Not everyone was mummified in the same way. Some folks got the poor man's discount mummification.
I'm sure some Egyptians had light hair and others had dark hair. Ancient Egypt was not a homogeneous society.
She's putting 2 + 2 together.
The bigger question is: What are the names of the Jews who lied about mummy hair-color to begin with?
Goodbye Australia.
It's kinda weird that people are pushing Egyptians as Black, when it was the greatest example of an actually multi-racial civilization in history. As far as I know, pretty much everyone except asians lived in and/or ruled Egypt at some point. You'd think they'd be all over that.
The trick here is that Genghis Khan was not a full-blooded Mongol. His mother was a Merkit - a northern tribe that often wandered into russkie lands and was on decent terms with them. So he might have been 1/4 or even 1/2 Slav, hence the red hair/green eyes.
Btw, he was super anal about that fact and eventually exterminated the Merkits so that his ancestry would never be discovered.
Nobody with a brain ever paid attention to the wuz kangs niggers anyway.
It wouldn't be surprising if a Celtic tribe did gain some power in Egypt, they were favored mercenaries after all. It would be similar to the Galatians tribe in Turkey, they were mercenaries but come in power in the region.
Get REKT niggers
Seriously, how does it feel having absolutely no history?
Damn, that's brutal.
This, and (I forgot about this until now) the Celts were all over Europe, not just confined to the British Isles. There would be a lot of them spread out over a larger area.
Is this the End of Kangelion?
Just like in India too. It seems to be a trend…
Apparently the Irish were Set cultists, Set having green yes and red hair, and took over for a while before a rebellion expelled them. If you look at the changes in religion Set went from minor god to equal to Osiris, then killed Osiris and took his throne, before finally Isis revived Osiris and he drove Set out of Egypt. Sounds like a minor immigrant group growing in power until they could stage a coup and take over.
Interestingly enough, the Jews were also in Egypt at about the same time, and stereotypical Jews had red hair back then.
So the hybernian conspiracy is true?
Are there any old Celtic gods similar to Set?
Now everything is coming together.
The most accurate depiction of Genghis Khan and his family is a set of portraits drawn during the yuan dynasty, and therefore depicts him with greying hair rather than red. Meanwhile, his son, Ogedai khan, is depicted with red hair. I believe the eyes of either were either green or grey.
Their faces are about as mongoloid as they get.
I doubt that. I'm quite confident that Temujin crushed the Merkits because they kidnapped and raped his wife, rather than due to his ancestry.
Well, that served as the last drop in his cup of patience. However, he really did not want his ancestry discovered. No true-blue Mongol would ever follow a half-Merkit.
He got himself a Merkit fucktoy before he BTFO'd them, though. Prudent.
There is no need to insult the heritage of Celts.
Jews are known usurpers, and it is no stretch of the imagination to think that they would be willing to create the "Red-Headed Jews" stereotype themselves by fabricating stories so they could brand themselves as being the whitest people of Europe.
Red hair and green eyes are rare indeed. It goes against common sense to think that Jewish desert hook noses could ever develop these traits, and not the ugly, black curls and black rat eyes that we know them for.
wait…so Brother Shakka-Ahmose was lying to me all along?!?!?!
Someone needs to fucking make that video
Let me add, I'm not saying the Celts are Europe's 'whitest', but those foreign to the concept of having light eyes and light hair would most likely think the pale Celts would be. Jews just so happened to have seen an opportunity to try to out-White the rest of Europe by branding themselves as Red heads, much like how they try to pretend that the Ice Age Neanderthals had receding foreheads and prominent hooked noses.
Neither of these things is the truth.
Incest and Middle Eastern deserts wills only ever produce brown skinned, hook nosed, black-kinky haired Semites, and this is the truth.
Set is equal with Greek Typhon, Ugaritic Baal and Babylonian Tiamat.
The Celtic/Irish equivalent would be the God Balor and the Fomorii.
Holy shit those quads.
Kek is with us.
off by one :(
No, what is odd is the idea that the subhumans currently inhabited Egypt were able to create and maintain the civilization of ancient Egypt.
kangs btfo.
The funny part is whitey was actually kings.
Article about blonde ancient Egyptians.
I think Lord Kek had something to do with this tbh fam.
u dum cracka dat mummy haz blak skin
This is toooooo fucking rich.
Is 2016 the best year on record?
I know my Halloween costume in July for the first time in my life. It just keeps getting better.
Holla Forumsacks need to use this as racist dogwhistle so that we can drink together and celebrate our KANGNESS is public.
There are going to be white pharaohs at every bar in the world this year.
Praise KEK!!!
Hol up!
Alright, that's it.
I'm dressing up as a KANG this Halloween.
CHecking myself and my fellow anons.
Three Dubs in a row? Kek smiles upon and us and I return his smugness 100 fold.
Halloween, 2016.
Make sure you do your part and remind your local dindu that they were not kangz an shieet.
So one of the most famous Pharos was white? This is definitive irrefutable proof.
Pharaohs were a bunch of people
In the late stages they were caucasoid to plain-out white, macedonians/greeks like Cleopatra and Ptolemy
The early to mid stages were light brow like berbers/phoenicians, example is how all these guys were seen as foreigners , IIRC it was libyan/nubian/asian-east guy/arab-persian-something desertic and some other anexed image showed the elites being toast brownish
Speculating about the non-late decadent pharaohs being white is kangz-tier
And in the end they went full Sweden by allowing jews and other kinds of people dominate them, so i don't think it should be a cool thing other than giving them credit for the actual useful civil works
No. Niggers have had a massive inferiority complex against whites since ever first laying eyes on them.
Hold up, does this mean that Jews have been fighting da wyatt man for 5000 fucking years?
At least 5000 against Egypt and Libya
we already knew that, we had DNA samples taken decades ago
I can't just ignore this endorsement.
It's the eternal struggle, user.
Can someone translate that image into English please.
For anyone that is excited over this news, I draw your attention here:
Stop embarrassing yourself.