Clinton Victory

Alright, I have a serious question and something to discuss right here: What if Hillary wins?

While I have unquestionable support for Trump, I still have a worry at the back of my head. And that worry is a Clinton presidency. I'm anticipating done real shit going down if she's president, like a complete out war or the collapse of civilization.

So all in all: What are some accurate predictions for what a Hillary presidency would lead to, and its effect on the world.

absolutely nothing, she's an establishment candidate who wants to keep the status quo
She won't do a thing, which is bad in itself.

Embrace your inner darkness and fulfill kek's wish: chaos.

Civil war.

Our lifespans will probably be drastically shortened.

she will shit herself with how powerful teflon don is. no romney aspie bullshit, no mccucking for muh pr.

Either demoralization beyond the event horizon through support of more SocJus shit, civil war, and/or war with .

Two customers of mine yesterday were of the "I'm moving to Canada if Trump wins" persuasion. It's a disorder. They were Bernouts whose circuitry would literally fry if our mission were accomplished. Do they really expect that to be feasible? Of course not, they say it because it's fashionable to say. It means nothing more to them than passing a stranger on the street and saying "good day." They simply virtue signal, and it's societal cancer.

Worst part? These were white women, 50+ who had grandchildren.

They are willing to hand away their families' future because they have been brainwashed by globalism

We're all getting drafted and thrown into the meat grinder in Syria.
See you faggots on the front lines.

What you have floating in your mind is what I had a week ago. I want war. You want war. We want the crumbling establishment to come tumbling down.

It won't, though. is right.

Clinton's migrant-flood won't be met with retaliation. Retaliation only happens if your average thinker, your average Manager at Burger King or whatever finds that middle-eastern cultures aren't compatible with America's. And for that to happen, they need to know a truth, a very simple one, and I've been spreading this one online everywhere, steam, fb, twitter, anything you have that connects people… Hell, I changed my name on steam to it. I've got a few people to adopt a smidge of my view, which is all I can do.

January 1st, 2016

Just the date. It will spark a few people's curiosity. Remember what happened in Colgone? Spread it. I use this copy paste:

The United States continues to brown out in a concerted White Genocide. That's the truth, you said it, user.

yeah but her cunt brigade will try to use this to their advantage, every time with media it's going to be
I can only hope enough people are tired of listening to same bullshit

Imagine a continuation but hyper-aggressive version of current foreign policy with even more hostility to Russia. That will result in a brinkmanship scenario that's unsustainable.

Nuclear war is inevitable.

If Hillary wins the US will change to a more diverse population, less segregation and less racism.

The foreign policy will be same aggressive one of forever. Trying to encroach the planet with burger weapons deployment.

Hillary will pass trade deals in detriment of the average burger to keep this forward deployment alive. She has to hand out shekels to the foreigners so that they accept US presence.

I she will try to goad Russia into a war if she wins.

I for one will welcome our new Russian overlords with open arms.

This is purely delusional, winning the presidential elections mean nothing if democrats can`t secure the house and senate too. No major political changes would occur, it`s just going to be continuation of Obama`s presidency.

You have seen their complete failure of their regular armed forces both in Ukraine and Georgia. If Russian Army can`t even obliterate Georgian military, there is no hope for them in west that has more troops with better equipment and more productive forces than Russia can even dream off.

So tell them they better make good on it when the time comes or they can shut the fuck up. If they're your customers, kick them the fuck out and tell them to never come back. Anti-American pieces of shit aren't allowed.

That is true, but western militaries these days consist of a bunch of cucked fags and trannies.
Russian infantry will ducking steamroll them.

Only 1/4th of all Russian conscripts ever serve in their armed forces, meanwhile most of NATO forces have proven themselves in multiple battlefields in middle-east. Air forces of Russia are in worst kind of decay since fall of the soviets; their equipment is exactly the same it was in 1991, so their air forces are equal to those of North Korea(same goes for their navy too). Only thing that is actually salvageable and still effective in Russian military are their special forces, everything else is substandard compared to NATO.

pretty sure this would be considered the unit with the worst K:D ratio in all of history tbh

Personally I'm hoping for a Holla Forums mass suicide.

if trump wins I'm hoping for a reddit mass suicide

Russia would be doing us a favor if it nuked the District of Columbia.

Nothing will happen if she keeps the status quo.

Holla Forums will probably have hundreds of happening threads, whining about the usual.

Fact is, there'll be more black crime and chimpouts, more sjw and feminist bullshit but nothing approaching Sweden's level obviously.

You can obviously expect more bullshit indoctrination in the media if 2016 is anything is go by.

Nothing will happen because nobody wants to sacrifice themselves to start a revolution.

First comment, EVERY TIME.

>Bill Clinton dies even before the election, Hillary marries Huma while waiting for the inauguration and is the first open gay woman president.

>United Nation Government declared in Jerusalem after the ruinous war ends with a white peace, borders are abolished becouse that was one of the conditions from the Rothschilds to save USA, EU and China from the unpayable debt.

Whole Latin America floods in USA.

>Doe to the nuclear devastation in New York and subsequent destruction of the old United Nations building, United Nation Government relocates to Jerusalem, where all International courts, banks and institutions are based.

She has already announced policies that she would enact 100 days into her Presidency that would effectively dissolve our borders and make our immigration problem far worse and irreversible short of a race war.


Just quietly, currently Russian forces would wipe the US. Their military is probably the best in world right now, and this is even said by top US military people.

Why can't we have both?
Maybe the Tolerance police supreme leader and the 4th Peace prize for that?

Netanyahu of all people might be the one to keep King Nigger out of a UN job.

LOL ok.

Hillary wins = she loses
Hillary loses = she loses
Either way, she ultimately loses

How do you figure?

Wait I meant he wins part

How does winning become losing?

Hi there

Buy guns, and redpill people you know, but don't spend time fretting about "how bad it would be if she won", think instead of, "All the dirty, stupid, and anti-white shit that cunt would do if she was given the chance".

Those two ideas might sound very similar, but the difference is thinking past the sale.
Trump has the media and even Hillary thinking past the sale every goddamn day. The closest we should get is, "This is what that bitch WISHES she could do to this country"

Purging defeatism makes for powerful meme magic.



She loses either way because people will stop her and thwart her designs on the country.

Refugees flooding every major city and small town, funded by tax-payer dollars, where they will cause so much more crime that some places will be no-go zones if you value your life.

Even more Gun Control, to the point that, yes, they will force people to hand them over. Expect them to pile on further restrictions and laws for who is allowed to own a gun. Ever get a parking ticket? Forget to pay a license plate renewal fee? Clearly you're too irresponsible for a gun!

Further racial division to create further rioting and protests, which will lead to yet more police militarization as they exclusively act as riot busters.

Common Core education expanded or somehow made worse. Instead of investing into education, they will continue to make things worse to facilitate the further need for outsourced jobs and low-wage immigrant workers.

And let's not forget the further expansion of liberal tumblr politics. It would not be surprising at all for Clinton to constantly mention trannies and made up genders, while also pushing that trannies are a real medical condition, and not just a delusion that needs therapy. The tranny bathroom thing is just the start. Pedophile and beastiality acceptance is likely the next step, because they've yet to fail in meeting any other prediction.

I dont know about you guys but Hillary seems to be in shit health moreso than Trump. She already had 1 small stroke and she has those odd coughing fits. Her VP matters a lot, and if she chooses some radical leftist we are fucked her doctors will probably let her die to install some Treadu (or whatever his name is) tier guy who is trying to actively genocide instead of just be a corrupt lesbian slut.

If she is elected then I think we should flee to another nation because it is only a matter of time before dissidents get fucked over. Obama is already using the IRS to target conservatives, under Hillary it will be ten times worse. They are gonna blackball anyone who isnt a corrupt liberal doublethink idiot piece of shit so just fucking leave for New Zealand, Greenland, Australia etc or alternatively if you want to fight go to France and join the legion.

my guess is that they let hillary win but their real candidate is her VP.
As soon as she becomes the President they will drop her and fill the empty seat with their true candidate the VP.

mark my words
they election will be about Hillary VP!

That guy's build like an ox filled with high energy of Kek.
He does a couple of rallies in a week while Hillary has 1, coughs her lungs out and stays away from peopel fro 4 weeks.

Her VP will probably be Warren. Or some other unknown SJW cuck male.

hello Trudeau

Stop with this collapse bullshit, unless a Sampson option nuclear war happens it won't happen, and even then you won't be running around surviving, you'll die a miserable death in some underground bunker assuming you weren't vaporized in the blast or don't have access to a bunker.

The most that would happen is all out war where the gov collapsed, and then it would be a massive scramble to who could make the biggest strongest state the fastest. Even then, it's not going to be everyone looting and dying everywhere (unless your in a big city), if you're in a city/town with 300,000 or less pop the police and local men will establish a government and police force/military within a week.

The immigration pedal will be pushed to the fucking floor. With current demographic trends whites are expected to be a minority by 2040. With Clinton in the white house we'll be a minority by the time she leaves office.

If she wins it won't be a collapse; in some ways it will be worse because there won't be any resolution. Just a faster grind into mediocrity and despair.

doubtful she'll win, but I'm hedging my bets all the same

She wants power for its own sake. She's way too old and set in her ways to actually believe in a lot of the BLM and SJW stuff. And add to that the fact she's probably hiding a serious illness from the American people.

Imagine how rotten this woman is deep down. She will say or do anything just to become president.

She probably has nothing but contempt for most people, yet she wants to be remembered with books and movies about her.

Marcus Aurelius used to wonder what motivated these haters of mankind who, more than anything, wanted to be remembered by the plebs. Nothing's changed.

What's the name of this deformed spurdo meme?


If Hillary wins, we keep doing exactly as we're doing. Remember, in every case, we are the insurgency now.


She will increase non-white immigration exponentially. So she will actually do something, and it will end any chance of fixing things electorally.

Alright, I have a serious question and something to discuss right here: What if OP is a faggot?

Indeed. Once whites become a minority, we need to get downright Machiavellian. Instead of losing hope and becoming disinterested in politics, that's when we need to become more involved than ever before, and play the various progtards constituencies against each other as much as possible. We'll also need to become even more undisguised in our racial identity and pride: once we're not the majority, the time for dog-whistling is fucking OVER. Government moves migrants into your neighborhoods and schools? Round up the local whites, and Set up unofficial "schools" for white students in private residences, or even set up new churches with tax-exempt status to function as education centers. Y'know what makes the kikes so successful? They aren't afraid to be loud, in your face and to treat everything like anudda shoah (while of course mixing in more subtle doublespeak). Not being defeatist here, just saying that our strategies will need to evolve.

First fucking reply in every fucking thread… can't make this shit up….

This is underrated tbh.