Really sends you into a state of contemplative zen…
Really sends you into a state of contemplative zen…
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The chart proves true once again!
Steven Universe has bad character designs?
Every time
It looks like she has the long front teeth of a rodent.
stop fucking up my fetishes
That's not a fetish, it's a kink.
This shit looks fucking awful, even for Steven Universe standards. But hey, at least she looks really progressively designed so that's all that matters. :^)
I'm watching the episode now and the character design is even worse in motion.
I can't believe people are flipping their shit over this ugly character and Pearl being a lesbian, when they say it out loud that she looks like Rose Quartz, which is why Pearl is nervous.
It looks like a fucking MtF tranny.
It's not a kink, it's called onetornonerolledsleevesexual.
You forgot to put the #3 arrow.
nice gif sauce?
Plebcomics is right again!
That picture aside in context it makes sense.
The character had to 1:Look like Rose and 2:Look like someone going to a concert
If they had changed the design it would not ave met those requirements.
Ehh, difference is, Mystery Girl actually looks A: exciting and outgoing, not merely attempting to look like she is, and 2: Probably strong enough to pick you up, presuming you're not a landwhale.
She's what the special snowflakes WANT to be.
I fail to see the problem
You fail to see the problem because you are either illiterate or purposely ignored the image. Your waifu is shit, and you've just got to deal with the fact that she follows a template. 2/10 made me reply but also convinced me that you must be a special needs student for your outstanding lack of reading comprehension.
I guess it's a good thing I wasn't referring directly to the words written on the page but rather to specific traits common to sjw character design.
But pretty appropriate to going to a rock show.
Brushing long hair to one side is "Spunky"?
I was about the same about you.
Well it's a shame the image is comparing the character to the traits listed on the image, and not just common SJW character designs
In the 90's maybe. No matter how you put it, the look's dated
Dying your hair bright pink, fluffing it up so that it has an unrealistic amount of lift is spunky, yes.
Nice comeback. Will you say I have cooties next?
But context matters the reason those traits are listed is because those traits are overused, but that does not mean that all characters with those traits are necessarily designed that way for the same reason. They are fitting for the context given in the show (looking like rose,going to a concert) Now if she continues to dress that way all the time you may be on to something.
You haven't been to many concerts have you?
People still dress like that all the time.
Nothing about dyed hair, ripped pants or tying a jacket around your waist is inherently limited to grunge music.
How is she supposed to look like Rose if she doesn't have pink hair?
I'm not sure what you mean by this, it just looks like long hair.
It wasn't meant as a comeback you really did fail to see what I was talking about.
Context does matter, but that doesn't change the fact that of all things to go for, they went for the bushy pseudo-sidecut. Rose had long curls instead, and there's a dozen other ways to have tied the connection together.
Not individually, sure. But as a full set it's still a dated thing. Even with all of two concerts in my memory I don't recall anyone looking as out-of-period as this.
Regardless of context it's still one the the checkmarks of the image in question. You can't just brush off everything with "it makes sense in the show, I promise"
Find me someone with that sort of natural volume and I'll drop it. Otherwise there's no way that is unintended.
Enlighten me, then. Because no matter how I read it, it comes off as a weak attempt to turn an insult back on me.
I think you've got the wrong thread.
I got it, my bad.
But it isn't a sidecut. I still have no idea what you mean by "bushy" long hair is long.
Ripped pants are still a thing either due to fashion or just trashiness it's still commonplace, dyed hair never really went out of style and tying ones jacket around their waist is simply convenient.
Sure but if you take the context into consideration there was no way for them not to be able to hit most of those checkmarks.
you can't just completely ignore it either, Sjw's design their characters like that to fulfill a bunch of quotas this character was obviously designed to resemble a different already existing character so while it meets the criteria of the checklist on paper it doesn't really meet it in spirit if you get what I mean.
pic related
You said I lacked reading comprehension but missed that my complaints were not about the exact wording of the image but rather the meaning of them for example the hair the description says "subject should be given a spunky haircut to show she does not subscribe to heteronormative gender roles" now despite the fact that dyed hair is unorthodox and your odd insistence that long hair=spunky neither of these two qualities are inherently unfeminine or "spunky" there is a reason why the original version of the picture had a character with a sidecut/spiked hair thing meanwhile the character in the show just has long dyed hair.
Any insult you perceived was due only to your own insistence to make the original comment about reading comprehension preceded by an insult.
Fuck I forgot the pic
The thing is, her design is meant to be a human who superficially resembles Rose while being a relatively realistic design; a tricky proposition when you think about it, given Rose looked more human than most Gems, but Pearl's unlikely to meet a human who has;
…outside of like, cosplay conventions. Mystery Girl is pretty much the closest look you can get to Rose and expect to see on the street at some point. Also, her look is very deliberate on her part, while Rose was more or less born how she was with only superficial changes til she died, as with all Gems.
I think it'll be a point later that she's not necessarily a lot like Rose, which isn't a bad thing. (because Rose had plenty of issues, as we're finding out)
I'm expecting her to not have pink hair if she appears again and it will be an issue that she really doesn't have anything in common with Rose.
Quite possibly. Though on the other hand, that might not necessarily be a bad thing; Pearl might realise how kinda one-sided her relationship with Rose was all these millennia. (Possibly, they haven't been entirely clear on that. But I think it's established or at least implied Rose was a bit… weird about relationships)
You mean that in an unexpected turn of events, Pearl realizes how much of a cuck she had been, and decides to solve it by learning to love someone who isn't Rose?
Nah, that's too much character development for Sugar. Pearl will be damned foreverially to be a cuck, and she will simply drop the mistery girl the moment she learns she is not like Rose, who is perfect and could have never done something wrong.
Her shirt looks like a ripoff of the symbol Mouse uses to mark where she's been on Reboot.
you sure got told
are you the person from tumblr in that pic?
nope, not me
Out of interest though, is this person actually not white? I just assumed it was because of the lighting or something
Knowing the creator, I would bet she's some sort of generic brown. I mean god forbid two "white" characters be happy together. That's racist, somehow!
There are character profiles and concept art online, she is supposed to be white (only slightly darker in complexion than steven) but is always shown in odd light levels.
While there are a lot of fat shitskin women out there, whenever they appear in animation (especially western animation) the latter is almost always true.