Don't Be Evil

Google Declares War On Alternative Media: Plans To Punish “False News” By Halting Ad Revenue

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was never Google's motto anyway. What they wrote was that it's possible to make money without being evil. That's an observation. It's not prescriptive. And since Google became a publicly-traded company, they have no choice in the matter anymore, anyway. They have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to behave evilly so long as that evil behavior is 1) maximally profitable, and 2) legal.

Welcome to early 21st century capitalism. Now fuck off.

Fake news sucks. Good riddance.

How does one determine what is truth and what is fake?

First one ignores psuedo-intellectual epistemological horseshit about 'what is truth' from guys who just took rhetoric 101.

"Don't be evil" was literally their motto. It's not paraphrasing something taken out of context. They came up with it.


It's Jew late

Prove it.

Interesting article.

You're right, they don't have a "fiduciary" responsibility or duty to maximize profits.

They do, however, have a duty to make reasonable business decisions that are intended to benefit the business. They have no duty to avoid evil behavior, and if the only reasonable business decisions are evil ones, they have a duty to pick one.

So I think the point stands. Even if Google's motto were "Don't Be Evil" and it's not, that's a silly and unrealistic motto for a corporation such as Google/Alphabet/whatever the fuck they call themselves now.

How fucking new are you?'t_be_evil

Joke's on you, I was merely pretending

You use a point-based system that decreases every time a link to the site is found on /n/

In all seriousness though, I'm actually surprised in all this butthurt over fake news that facebook is one of the few sites taking the high road over the whole thing, at least relative to all the other big internet companies.

What if like

We just educate people to know how to determine whether something is fake news or real

It's not that hard, and they'll do quite a good job. The problem here is that, in the future, it's certain we'll hear "that one story that was buried by mistake", and when you hide it long enough it didn't happen.

You can't be serious, are you disconnected with reality? this is the right way to address this issue, not with utopic scenarios where people can receive proper education. And in places like FB people don't even read the articles, it's good enough with the title.

Besides, in politics you just need to convince people for a while of something, and even when it's proved to be fake, the damage is done. Truth doesn't matter.

Maybe blocking news that's so alternative as it is BS is a good thing.

That Wikipedia article links to

as support for this sentence:

So let's try this in that page:

Ctrl+F Don't be evil -> 4 matches
Ctrl+F motto -> 0 matches

Read the other links in your own Wikipedia article, you shitter. "Don't be evil" was an "informal motto" that was batted around the office at Google, but it wasn't invented by Brin and Page, it isn't the Google motto, it was never the Google motto, and if you bother to scroll down in your own Wikipedia article, you'll see that it doesn't even mean what you think it means in the context of Google.

Liberals are already passing around a fake news list that includes all the mainstream conservative sites.

As if we needed any more evidence that liberals are always right

That is why they changed from "Don't be evil." to "Do the right thing.".

The mainstream lying media sucks, yes.

>>>Holla Forums

get out. this is a Holla Forumsnology board.

Because The Right Thing may involve evil, that's why.