So because of her mega popular (lol) TV show, Supergirl is getting a new four issue miniseries that's essentially Supergirl: Year One but out of continuity. It's going to be drawn by Joelle Jones but the real kicker here is the writer: Mariko Tamaki.
Glad you asked. Mariko Tamaki is pic-related, a 40-year-old woman trying to look like a hipster twenty years her junior. She's only written slice of life/coming of age garbage nobody's ever read before this. Well the VISUAL warning signs are there but what other signs are there?
Oh no…
But wait, there's more!
A Canadian Jew… fuck.
McGill University… FUCK.
Oh god, a Jewish dyke performance artist from one of the most SJWest colleges in Canada who performed with a group of angry fat dykes…
Oh boy, a graphic novel about a teenage dyke and her inappropriate relationship with an adult teacher. How touching!
Oh and it should be no surprise but she's buddies with Kate Leth. Glad this type of person is writing comics.
Lincoln Brown
so whos dick do I have to suck to become a writer?
Christopher Diaz
It is almost nothing, my friend. Why so much butthurt? Relax and don't read it.
Thomas Thomas
Marketing trying to see if they can grab some of the Supergirl TV audience that they're being told exist, perhaps? A four-issue miniseries that's not part of the mainline continuity tells me that this is either supposed to be some sort of experiment or somebody is being given a chance to do something unusual behind the scenes, at least.
Needless to say, I hope it crashes and burns.
William Howard
Counting down until the lve interest of vibrant ethnicity shows up and takes her by storm with his exotic charm.
Mark my words, it's only a matter of time. Screencap this post in advance.
John Lee
It's not who's dick, it's how much proverbial dick. You have to be a humongous sjw faggot to get a job in the big two.
Luke Phillips
A lot of faggots, like OP, want to come here and bitch about shit that doesn't fucking matter at all. It makes him feel special.
Ryan Rogers
Doesn't look the least bit Nipponese, or even any kind of asian.
One of those hipster aliases to hide how they're from a rich family that has been given everything in their life?
Carter Stewart
Didn't they already do "The Adventures Of Supergirl"?
Adrian Wright
On the one hand, I know this is nothing but cape garbage that nobody should give a fuck about, regardless of whither it's canon or not.
On the other, I'm disgusted that comics have become the hobby of the upper-class, who have the personal finances necessary to take a job with so little pay, benefits, or over-all opportunity.
Joseph Stewart
Forget Mexico, when are we going to build a wall on the Canadian border?
Samuel Jackson
Carter Murphy
Everything's fine.
Matthew Moore
Great thread OP, a bastion of topical discussions, really.
Jacob Hughes
That's the rub of it isn't it? These trust fund kiddies aren't straining or trying at all to make a quality product, they just want to virtue signal and damn the sales since their way of life is assured through either a trust fund or Patreon Welfare. I'm not saying everyone has to have the drive of Bill Finger or Jack Kirby, but for fucks sake because of how detached they are from their own product they can't form a cohesive or even genuinely entertaining universe anymore because adventure and sensible character interaction is below them and they need to rip apart everything those who came before crafted.
Wyatt Campbell
I want Gender Politics to stop.
Isaiah Evans
Gender politics won't stop until lazy bitches are given the same respect as women who achieve.
Joseph Torres
Alternatively, it will die off in ~20 years. Now that high strung gender politics is the accepted norm, the loving housewife type will be the rebellion identity that goes against what children's parents stand for.
Mason Fisher
No thanks.
Brayden Jackson
a vagina
anyway so sg is going to be a hot teen blonde girl instead of a weird looking redhead right?
shit I could write this, it would be progressive and everything
Mason Sullivan
First, checked. These dubs were granted to you for your dillligent service in wading through the muck and scum to bring us this warning.
Is there a chance that this could be unintentionally enjoyed in a patriarchal manner? Or is that too much to ask?
Easton Kelly
Levi Campbell
Why don't you just hide the thread and move on? This thread is literally about a planned comic book. The only thing more topical would be a story time. Also, he didn't just drop a link and say "Isn't this hoooooorrible?" He did some research and made a decent post.
I don't understand people who think this anonymous board should be curated to exacting standards. Isn't that kind of controlling influence and its likelihood to deprive people of other points of view why these boards are so popular in the first place?
Christian Howard
What's this about a readhead?
What is this and why does it sound like something out of the silver age? Also, a reminder that SG could be a little shit during that age.
Julian Ward
Daniel Kelly
Even a sock crusty with old man cum has better reading comprehension than the average Holla Forumsirgin.
Kayden Robinson
Bumping this because the cancerous dyke is, unsurprisingly, coming to Marvel as well by writing a new She-Hulk book where Shulkie will be an emotionally tormented and angry woman with no fun in site (but will probably wind up face first in Titania's snatch).
What a smart woman of color who advocates for representation!
I guess the Jew half is stronger
Bentley Wood
how can she be a woman of color when she's so pale?
Anthony Morgan
How did it come to be that something so sexy fills me with dread? How did they manage to ruin lesbians?
Angel Allen
Does anyone have any caps of those articles written a few years ago where they said "Don't worry, we aren't taking your toys away, you neckbear losers"
David Bailey
Because they hate the fun part of lesbians, modern-day puritans that they are.