Convention program for the rest of the week:
Convention program for the rest of the week:
Other urls found in this thread:
Some sort of post-convention side-event in Cleveland here:
First for donald trump will not cuck to the GOPe praise kek
Libs are working themselves into a frenzy and it's not even August. They're going to be exhausted when it's time to actually vote.
fuck you OP for stealing my post
Can someone give me the verbatim what Carson said about hillary? R/ing webms as well.
lol, now they're accusing donald jr. of plagarism!
Oh shit, it's Geert.
What's up with those MAGA twinks in the background?
Also, who is this guy?
For anyone that missed it.
predictions for tomorrow
Thanks user.
Wait, this is Geert's gay party isn't it.
that's one salty kike
This is what a death spasm looks like, isn't it?
The severe lack of significant protestor news is actually a pleasant surprise. Lefties and the KKK throwing urine at each other is pretty low energy compared to what I was expecting.
It's afraid
We better fucking get a chimpout tomorrow
kek, if they look like after school rapists he looks like a necrophiliac. what a salty kike that trump's kids have done harder work into their 30's than he's done in his entire life.
Just ended, faggot Milo up next. Is he going to stagger on stage with an actual dildo as he's done before? I'll pass for now.
Tell me something I don't know, Jew.
So that explains the MAGA twinks in the background
Libcucks are too retarded to differentiate between a theme and actual plagiarism like Einstein plagiarizing Poincaré's work.
Wait, so was it confirmed that the Lucifer bit wasn't in his write-up? So is he making the effort to pretend to look at the teleprompters while he goes off on Salinsky?
If so, fucking amazing.
If not, still amazing.
It's good.
The Jew hates all that is good and beautiful
Reminder that he went off script for this segment.
This is really happening. We've got one shot.
Benadryl bringing on the new holy war
Holla Forums….
this chick just said
"Donald Trump is really riding the tiger"
WTF? is this a common phrase??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
midf just arrived
What happened? why is he so mad?
Her name is Katy Tur right? Would like to rewatch this interview, I forgot how funny these early interviews were
Some Trump supporter (I think) harassing and shit talking commie protesters.
truly a man above time
This is so true user
it's old and not really that common of a phrase anymore
I liked the feel of tonight. It felt very anti-pc, and really hammering far right idealogy. From 2nd amendment to having tons of Aryan women destroying hillary and marxism. It was a good night. As they say, a fine day to die.
funny how you sandniggers are so fond of assraping young boys.
Real clever insults there. That's the witty mind of a jew that watches after school specials for you.
Yeah that's her, the one with the tranny father.
It's time we stopped picking on retarded gorilla chicks and took on the bigger assholes out there. starting with this pot-addled kike.
Trump secured the nomination. They're going insane with rage.
I don't think Bill Maher of all people is in any place to be talking about people's appearances.
When did Brimelow become such a memer?
The Gorilla that got triggered last night ended up getting Milo permanently suspended from Twitter. He's at the convention right now so I don't think he's had a chance to respond in any way yet.
For a second there I thought they called him out for being a jew.
Nice repeating digits
Loading the tweet canon now
thanks for that, i was looking for something similar, i caught the article before the edit but didn't get it archived fast enough. the last portion wasn't there. (edited 7 mins after first published) I don't twatter
A female Talumdist, going on about "Aw the poor sodomites", more proof that her religious book is the Talmud and not any part of the Law of Moses.
So wait a damn minute, this Jew Alinsky actually speaks favorably about Lucifer, yet Ben Carson quotes this and HE is made fun of for mentioning Lucifer.
Yep, that's the kike playbook alright. Right down to the Satan worship.
What time does streaming start again tomorrow? With timezone please.
Their convention is right around the corner. How stupid.
It's Mike mouthbreather Cernovitch
user, you know the Jew believes the Talmud is a higher authority than the Torah. The Talmud is a long digest on how to Jew God and how to Jew the Talmud itself. Fractal Kikery.
That’s what he said.
that looks like a bot.
I know, I was just agreeing with him and expounding. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
The lefties just censored a gay man. That's a story that could be used to our advantage.
7:00pm EDT
This kike. They "look like"? Typical hypocrisy from the left.
What? I typed fractal. Are the jews editing my posts?
Fucking kikes never cease to amaze me
Thats right Billy boy and I hope on election day it give you a heart attack
Yeah, and the part of the Talmud that's being written now is how to do sex with dead animals and how to convince others that it's crucial part of freedom of religion or free speech.
They've been censoring him for years now. It means nothing.
Le ebin faggot is on and is already promoting racemixing
Did you not see the sheboon's Twitter? It was a bunch of leftists saying that he's just an "Uncle Tom" of the gay people and the ape actually retweeted it.
Why is Breitbart the purveyor of this filth? Mr Trump already has the nom'.
Ah, ok didn't know who it was.
as soon as I saw him I had to shut it off.
Baba Mezia 59b.
A rabbi debates God and defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate.
Image is direct text.
Isn't that a novel idea, centrists and independents are voting Trump? Wow, what a fucking surprise!
More ammo for anyone who hasn't drank all the Kool Aid yet.
It's like you have a problem with Donald winning the fag vote. Are you stupid?
So, in other words, Jews>God>Jews
Even if there are rules and limitations, this is the most Jewish thing I've seen all day, and one of the more Jewish things in my life.
Thank you user.
Make it stop.
Well, they should put some kind of U.S. morality man on after he finishes (or dies of a venereal disease), because this is putting me off the whole convention.
You saved it! I never did, and then the thread disappeared by the time I remembered. Thank you.
What the fuck? This is some next-level jewry. Five-dimensional kikery.
anons, this is huge. Uncle Ben might just be giving us the opening we need to name the Jew. Or at least the Luciferian cult member ones.
I’ll be TRULY worried if I find something like this
Wish we had an archive of that thread.
Jews believe they are their own god. They believe they will bring about their own Messianic Age. They rejected Jesus for this reason. The Jewish Messiah is quite literally the Christian Antichrist as described in Revelation and other sections of the Bible.
Dubs confirm Jews worship Jews.
The Talmudic Jews believe in Hadoney, not God, who is an Arabic daemon that followed them back after they went back to Babylon too many times.
But user, Texas will go blue and Republicans will never win again!
This is LITERALLY what MSNBC has been saying for eight fucking years. Never mind their statements that “once the old white guys die, the Republicans are finished forever”.
You can hear that in the snippet about the guy talking about white supremacy. Find the thread on it here.
Your wish is my command:
Also spelled Hadonye or Adonai.
I suspect some sort of disease outbreak from China in the next few months.
Quick anons, think about how amazing things are right now
And consider the fact 2017 is going to be even better
Nice! Thank you, user.
whats 2017 on the chinese calendar?
just wondering if it complements the firemonkey year ?
I think it's year of the rooster.
Maybe. China is due for another civil war
Can Milo go 5 minutes without lusting for nigger dick?
I want to know where the great white aviators are in 2016.
Hi user, let me tell you about the Jews.
Irrelevant. 2017 will be the year of our lord.
Notice how he gets his most animated, right here, as he speaks off script. Maybe he really does only come off sleepy because it takes so much energy for him to hide his power level.
I'm pretty sure Brimelow doesn't run the twitter account. Seen the guy on twitter refer to himself as the "Twitter administrator".
I think you mean ==the phoenix==.
Roosters crow at the arrival of Don.
The Sleepy Giant has Awoken.
this might trigger you but not everything is about jesus
Ching chong, my slant-eyed friend. Ching chong.
I've been meaning to bring this up.
2016 is, and boy has it been, the year of the Fire Monkey. But we're halfway through it. Next year is the year of the Fire Cock.
What does the Fire Cock bring?
It seems like almost everybody and their mother who had an education hated the kikes back in the day.
Where did we go wrong?
Maximum Schlonging.
did you know jesus was wizard, christianity is just full of occult symbolism too.
isn't that neat?
President Jefferson had lived under a monarchy, user. Have you? I haven't.
Kek is the Dawn Bringer
The Rooster Crows to Signal the Dawn
How far will the memes go?!
That was a reference to Trump.
Egalitarianism. Whites started to believe others were our equals, which invited the kike plague, and like bacteria they divided and conquered.
Well, talk to me in my language then!
He's got a power level to hide, all right. Love it.
Fun fact: There's a sect of Jews called the Karaites who believe only in the Torah and reject the Talmud. Hitler exempted them from the Holocaust, and there were even Karaites in the Waffen SS.
Sounds like herpes tbh. Be careful out there.
Remember the debate Carson said we're a country on the verge of race wars?
you talking to me?
Uhm the Zodiac is based on the Chinese year which ends and begins between January 21 to February 21.
This is how retarded kikes actually are.
then we go by that then
Well, what are you saying now, user.? Are you saying that my comment doesn't make sense or… what?
A long and determined attempt to subvert everything important, exactly as detailed in the Protocols. But we all know that's just an "anti-semitic canard"
Hitler exempted all jews in the "holocaust".
No I haven't. Hopefully I'll live under an authoritarian fascist state in a few decades though we'll probably be murdered like the people who created the right-wing renaissance in the 30's were during WWII and hope that our deaths will work as a proper martyr this time.
This. "Equality" is a very clever lie. And demonizing people who don't accept it has made the common people the biggest plague upon the west as they are pressured and guilt-tripped into becoming marxist scum.
I'm talking about symbolism and I'm not sure what you were saying
Found the Jew, explains your knowledge of esoteric Jewish sects.
oh my. never heard of this man before.
Hey, speaking of that. I want to use this image to blow the fuck out of liberals who do this shit, but I need to make sure of a few things.
1. Internal logical consistency.
2. EXTERNAL logical consistency (lining up with objective truth).
3. Accuracy of statements.
Any suggestions?
A "language" is a means of communication, so then if you know that I'm a Christian, then it would make sense to start talking about secrets in relation to this belief system, not other ones. That's my meaning, user.
yeah, because Lucifer isn't real… it's mythology.
Holy shit. He was one hell of a speaker.
Are you mentally ill?
I kind of hope that the administration passes peacefully into the hands of a benevolent yet authoritative ruler without too much risk for free thinkers.
Sex and drugs and rock and roll. Youth culture. Women's lib., the terrible Vietnam War and all those young men lost forever, ultimately the loss of the family structure. Letting Lyndon Johnson buy the black vote forever.
All these changes were a huge tumultuous volcano which overturned society in the 1960s. What's sad is that if somehow, society had loosed the controls one by one earlier, gradually, in a carefully monitored fashion, the volcano might never have erupted and destroyed everything. For example, during WWII, women were given a lot of freedoms because we had no other choice–we needed them to get out of the house and help the war effort at home because all the men were off fighting. They learned that they could achieve in so many ways. Then the minute men got home, they tried to stuff them back in the box and they weren't nice about it at all. This was foolish. Instead of praising women's efforts (which were genuinely worthy of praise) and letting the few women who still wanted to work do so, they shut it all down so hard that they set the stage for a radical feminist movement to be born ten or fifteen years later.
It is inevitable that human beings change, grow, develop, move in new directions. The trick is to make these movements guided, monitored, carefully nurtured. It's like tough love; some people think it works and sometimes it does, but just as often the teenager you threw out of the house will end up dead, or never speak to you again, or land in the gutter–or return one night with some fellow cult members and butcher you. It is best to recognize the reality of the human condition and work with it, instead of trying to stop life from happening. JMO and all that.
Yea, pre-Vatican II, which was the Jewish subversion of the Catholic Church. You can always tell when an organization gets subverted, they immediately become Jew friendly in law and doctrine.
Nice files. And in case any anons think that jews wouldn't put those "sorry not sorry I assraped a boy LOL" clauses to use in practice:
I regard this religion as heresy.
is that all you can say or do you acknowledge christianity isn't what your local pedophile told you?
christianity is based off of astrology and takes symbolism from pagan religions.
For one satan of the new testaments role as tester or adversary is evolved to full opponent by influence of the Persian Zoroastrianism and their evil entity Ahriman who represents evil,darkness opposing his rival Ormuzd, him representing light,good.
Ausfag here
When you MAGA, do you reckon you could come and help us Make Australia Great Again?
You regard modern catholicism as heresy and the overarching tenants of catholicism for the last millennium or so as heresy.
His statements, however, are not. Just as the statements of Pope Pius XI were not:
Since the Council of Trent, when the Vatican became entirely political and worldly, user.
Of course it's full of occult symbolism - it's a fucking religion. That's like saying that cars are full of auto parts. Well… yeah.
Only if your cuck country doesn't try to fight back
there are people out there that would outright deny that user, what is common knowledge to you and me could be heresy to a few who are over zealous in what they are told.
Yeah fuck off cunt. You come here on our terms not yours.
L.O.L., no user. Christianity is a philosophy. A Chrsitian religion is often man-made and may fall into error, while Christianity cannot. A proper Christian religion is made with God's Will and divine Holy Ghost, but this only happens when things are going right.
The trick is to be able to be able to detect bad Christian religions and either repair or avoid them in the advacement of Chrsitianity.
Seems like an interesting figure. I'll have to look into him.
Embed related for anybody that doesn't know about the Jewish subversion at Vatican II.
Yeah, all those millions of demobilized White men who needed employment after the war are to blame for the ills of the 60's. Got it.
Mate, we've already teamed up with you (and the Canucks) on the world's greatest racing circuit (Stadium Super Trucks, vid related). If you cunts can clean up the green faggots from Melbourne then I think the world could be our oyster.
One thing that gets overlooked the missing link is hubris, our ancestors' belief that we as whites, because of the scientific and technological leaps made, can lift others from their misery. Take on the role of god. You can still see the remnants of this in modern day liberals/marxists, just take a look at the "art" they produce in both film and literature – the uber egalitarian uplifting some random wretch; some third-worlder, gay, a misunderstood, defunct political philosophy, and so on. It is not our job to save another race from their own misery, but this has been the "role" foisted upon us by jews and their marxists, and their other assortments of useful idiots.
As to a more direct answer to your question, I think you've established a good modern timeline for this slippery slope we're been on for a few centuries now. What you've shown is what the bottom of the slippery slope looks like.
wasn't Australia a prison colony?
Maybe I'm wrong.
Oh great, another thread derailed into off-topic bitching about the Jews.
who's talking about jews?
I’ve received complaints on the order of “I don’t have to believe all of it” from leftists. Is there a way I can better articulate that it MUST all be believed?
I'm pretty sure it was, but I'd think every Anglosphere country was founded on "white nationalism". If he means in a stricter sense of just "white" nationalism, I'd think this would pass the test.
Get out, kike.
lol, none of your posts in this thread are on-topic nigger. You trippin?
found one
It was the only thing that all parties fully agreed upon, and did in defiance of the British government.
Wasn't Mr Breitbart a man of decent morals? What's happening to his name??
Pic related wrote a jewy article trying to disprove the importance of Western Civilization. Self described as "I write a lot — usually about the criminal justice system, drug policy, and LGBT issues."
Someone throw him out of a fucking helicopter.
My local pedophile? I don’t have any kikes around me, shlomo. Sorry.
Nice dubs.
I don't believe that any of it does come from pagan religions, after all syncretism is heresy that is often condemned.
The majority of the media they consume already supports the most important bits, like pedophilia, and are trying to normalize all manner of degeneracy. There was this one movie some years back, Hounddog I think, where these kikes had a little girl wear a rubber suite so they could "simulate" a rape scene.
Then you have Stephen King writing about little boys masturbating. Magazines like Salon with openly pedophile writers defending their lifestyles.
These complaining liberals are their market, and they lap it up.
You'd have to show them their hypocrisy. It's usually a waste of time, though. I'm prety good and redpilling outside Holla Forums, but liberals, for the most part, need to wake up on their own.
Weird cult of personality surrounding a jew Greek?
To understand jewish men, just comprehend the fact they are notoriously effeminate, therefore they act more like women. It comes out in their writings and opinions. Thats why they hate Trump so much, in the face of an Alpha male, Jewish beta males hop around like angry distressed apes, not knowing what to do so they run their mouths.
Did Cruz tried to derail the convention or will he do it tomorrow?
Did he really speak there? Why? What would compel him to speak at something like that of all places?
Wilders is trolling muslims, knowing they're all closet homos but told from youth to hate homos.
It really freaks muslims out when they have to face their long-buried homosexuality.
If there are any similarities, user., it is because pagan religions had premonitions of God, in the time Before Christ. But Christianity doesn't take from them since Christianity is the only 100% truth and the source of all good knowledge, learning and wisdom.
Astrology and alchemy are alright, and they're useful in times when there is a lot of outright blasphemy and heresy, and darkness at the pulpit these days.
I just want to tear it all down. Watch it burn.
i.e Americans
Cruz and Rubio are going to give the standard cuckservative stump speech because that's all they can do.
It's not weird or queer, it's a transgression that is not anything new under the sun.
Why, user.? Why?
I think both Cruz and Rubio may benefit from a rebound, as long as they drop the Trump hate and accept they got their asses whupped by a true Alpha male.
Americans are forgiving, as long as you accept defeat and move on.
It's old medical term:
IQ 00-25: idiot
IQ 26-50: imbecile
IQ 51-70: moron
If you've ever done genealogical research, some older censuses have a column for "number of idiots in the household".
What the fuck?
Could happen, since yesterday Cruz delegate tried to fool other delegates into walking out of the convention which utterly failed. And it was done via email, the very same strategy that Cruz has done to Carson.
Oh I dunno
I don't see what they could possibly do other than try to embarrass Trump (and themselves) by pulling some kind of stunt. I don't know all the rules but he's been nominated and that is final as far as I know. Someone correct me if that's wrong.
Animated potato.
A fairly reasonable summary of tonight from the Chicago Tribune. They hated writing every word of it too. Bonus assmad cuck from the comments section.
Trump triumphs as GOP nominee, completing stunning climb
Keep your pecker up, lad. It's 2016.
IQ 00-25 people exist, but are very rare. You know how retards need help to live, but can walk and still talk and such? They tend to be in the range of 50-75IQ. People below 25IQ will never be able to walk, talk, or learn even the simplest of tasks. They usually live very short lives.
IQ 00-25: nigger
IQ 26-50: cuck
IQ 51-70: leftist
you don't actually have an argument do you?
Of course Christianity has adopted pagan symbols and holidays
Such as Christmas or yule.
the pagan holiday dedicated to mithra, where you would have gift giving and feasts
the occasional orgy as well
it was celebrated in rome before and during early Christianity
The Vatican has a zodiac in it for gods sake,pardon the expression
Make Pizza Shapes Great Again.
That's heresy, user.
what part of my post is heresy
Make ALL Shapes Great Again tbh. I can't fucking believe they fucked them up so hard.
He look like a blobfish, fucking kike! He's too ugly to even look like a rat like most of his tribe.
Are you mad!
Christianity is not 100% truth and source of all good knowledge.
This is being overzealous.
Jesus was a wizard who achieved a form of oneness with the universal akasha and was absorbed into it, he taught his disciples the way to the upper world and how to heal through magic and Christianity itself is created to open up the upper worlds to those who can achieve oneness like the pre corrupt pagan religions and mystery cults of old did.
I picked this clip because it's one of the first I found regarding syncretism; it's from a Sabbatarian minister so he ends up using Hebrew names… But still gets the point across.
I approve of this new scientific nomenclature.
L.O.L., you really are a heretic, aren't you?
Don't read my recent post if you can't help blaspheming. This is your last chance, user.
last chance for what, are you and your friends gonna dress up like crusader and come to my house to behead me for wizardry or "witchcraft"
That doesn't bother me… But blasphemy really does.
Who are you looking forward to, goyim?
* Laura Ingraham
* Phil Ruffin
* Pam Bondi
* Eileen Collins
* Michelle Van Etten
* Ralph Alvarado Jr
* Darrell Scott
* Harold Hamm
* Scott Walker
* Lynne Patton
* Marco Rubio
* Ted Cruz
* Eric Trump
* Newt & Callista Gingrich
* Mike Pence
I believe in god, not in the same way you do
I believe was jesus was real too.
just it doesn't match your view doesn't mean it wrong, thinking like that stunts you as an individual.
Holy shit what a sperg. Why do you hate wizards anyways?
No, user. Monkey's aren't invited.
My view isn't my view. It's one shared by many.
No, user. Following rules that have been successful, in other words, tradition, is a vehicle for growth. But, I am not here to convert anyone. I gave you a chance because you seemed interested in expressing some truths about God. Now you know a little more, or at least, now I know you know.
nice action figure, I'm no black magician though.
if you know of a Hermes trimegistus figure I'd appreciate it
Laura Ingraham (didn't see her on my list)
Phil Ruffin (was at that fundraiser in February)
Scott Walker (curious to see how Reince got his WI boys to chill out & back Trump)
Rubio (foam boy is funny)
Cruz (am I a glutton for punishment?)
Eric Trump (because)
Newt & Callie (Because)
Pence (VP)
this guys voice with the wobbliness sounds like it's from an audio of a speech in the 20's.
i dig it.
>yes, monkeys are invited
Is Laura Ingraham any good? I've only heard her radio show once, and she was criticizing American interference in the Ukraine (which I wasn't expecting from someone with a show on Fox).
I've my own views, noting wrong with that.
Tradition is a vehicle of stability, without questioning,observing and absorbing parallax views man will not get anywhere outside of his traditional place.
I choose the path of the hermeticist to evolve.
Y'know guys, after two days of listening to all the sabre-rattling at Iran, Syria, and Russia from GOPs, I've realized something: over the past last 4 years in addition to our shitposting, we should've been infiltrating the RNC. I mean if fucking Rob Morrow could get elected into it, we could hide our power levels enough to get to be delegates and sneak onto rules and platform writing committees, especially after Trump wins in November and the old party leadership is BTFO and running scared.
The RNC 2020 needs to have a Holla Forums presence within it.
This goy isn't already a delegate, point at him and laugh.
She's one of the semi-uncucked pundits out there who early on realized they could not, should not berate Trump supporters or Trump himself. The only thing I don't like about her is that she has to pander a lot to her rock-ribbed, "true conservative" arguments in order to slip them the redpill or just get them to vote for Trump
you a delegate?
user., did you read the part describing syncretism, or not?
Once you start saying that Christianity is not the origin, then you open yourself up to non-exclusivity. That's in the practical scope of things. The Church will simply say "No syncretism", and if you put it the wrong way, then you're out.
If you start saying "The ancient Greeks were right about this", instead of saying "The ancient Greeks were lucky enough to stumble across some truth", or put ancient Norse, or even Chinese into the same place, then why even be a Christian in the first place? It's all relative. That's extremely weak and is, perhaps, the reason why the Church has weakened.
There are a lot of people who have been into strange things, forgotten things, while maintaining their integrity as Christians. I could give examples, but maybe shouldn't.
Of course not. Why on earth would a delegate be posting on this evil evil website.
Did I not make it clear enough that I use the term derisively?
Are Nige
Truth doesn't need a single view point, If being a christian means to obscure everything that threatens the all mighty church then I guess I'm out of the flock either way.
really wtf
Cruz tbh fam. I need more epic #BendTheKnee moments.
He's not going to speak. He said he's not going to get involved in other people's politics.
I got it user.
She seems to have had a big problem with Romney back in 2012 so she can't be all that bad.
I know that, but he might do a bit of after party stuff like Trump did in Scotland.
are you really filtering me for that?
Just because I question your beliefs.
This is Holla Forums not fucking tumblr.
Governor Walker. he is a good bell-weather for what used to be Cuckservatism Inc.
I don't know….if I take any more….of his over-dramatic pauses….and absurd emphases….as if literally everything he says…. is the most profound….and most quotable….aphorism ever spoken.
Walker vs. Duke in 1992
Politics is a joke, T.B.H.
Who cares. Walker's the dopey guy who does whatever the alphas around him are doing
Oh look! A filthy kike protecting his sexual deviancy onto other people. I'm 'SHOCKED'!
L.O.L., well it is interesting how Dr Duke hasn't changed but Mr Walker apparently has, user. It is that…
what does anyone pay attention to him? Like, literally who the fuck is he besides a kike with opinions?
Hi Common Cuck. Took time out of your busy schedule (watching gay porn and browsing furfag blogs) to shitpost with us?
Can Don lemon be a worse fucking journalist?
Anyone else just watch his interview of the muslim american and just put words in his mouth and make him out to be an uncle tom? Get fucked don lemon
Year of the Earth Rooster.
Ching chong, T.B.H.
Michelle Van Etten could be trouble.
should be interesting
pretty sure its still fire for next year. Fire Rooster, not Earth.
Oh great.
who gives a shit? he's talking about a scumbag who hold the satan character with high regard, real or not.
I thought the elements shifted with the years. The fuck is the diagram that explains that shit?
If it's year of fried chicken, I wouldn't mind.
nah man, the elements rotate as well. 5 elements * 12 animals = 60 possible combinations.
True. I already watched that video months ago so I guess in my fatigue I missed the significance
Says increasingly agitated man for the 88th time in the current year
whelp, looks like I'm a dumbass who can't even interpret his own diagram.
Yes, you are correct, next year is year of fire rooster.
? it says it right there. 2017 year of the fire rooster next to 2016 fire monkey?
Hope you can clear this up? Thanks for the diagram tho, fam.
Chinese have some interesting stuff, a shame some anons just can't get into do to be overzealous
Why Van Etten? The only obvious connection I see is Stone who's been shilling Jones' products.
thanks for the diagram mate.
feng shui is some serious shit.
All of that salt, and the DNC hasn't even arrived yet.
You're missing the point I suspect it may be on purpose The MSM will find any little thing to get you all worked up over, when the fact is, Christie & the other speakers tonight drew blood on the Clintons & their enablers. The war began tonight.
Yeah, so basically it rotates first by yin and yang, and each element persists for each yin and yang for two cycles which rotates by 1/12 animal per one cycle.
yin → element 1 → animal 1
yang → element 1 → animal 2
yin → element 2 → animal 3
yang → element 2 → animal 4
yin → element 3 → animal 5
yang → element 3 → animal 6
yin → element 4 → animal 7
yang → element 4 → animal 8
yin → element 5 → animal 9
yang → element 5 → animal 10
etc etc etc
I can't take any politics that seriously, when it's possible to chart the impact of memes, then the election itself is less consequential. Things are changing with or without Mr Trump.
Don Lemmon's practically a kike, there's no doubt. Especially after that interview he did with Sheriff Clarke
So how many delegates will Pence get? The delegates are allowed to nominate and vote for anyone, it doesn't have to be him.
So, do we have any specific information on what exactly year of the fire rooster entails?
so they can vote trump a different vp?
I believe so. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
Many of us did. The only reason I voted for Romney is because I didn't want the Onigger in the WH anymore.
I meant that I'm tired from a long day. And your "with or without Trump" meme rings hollow. You won't get another chance, it's Trump or nothing. Knock off that Richard Spencer shit.
L.O.L. or what, user. More bellyaching?
don't worry about him, hes a hardcore christcuck
Sounds like Trump.
He's a diversity hire. Gay niggers are very high up on the oppression scale.
TRUMP already has plans for Washington, D.C.
I'll believe it when I see it. The trouble is that nothing ever sticks to them, partly due to protection by the media and partly due to sheer shamelessness on their part. Just think of all the times Trump or his people have made direct references to Peter Schweizer's Clinton Cash. For any other book, the press would explain the book to the illiterate public. But there hasn't been a peep. Heck, the film adaptation comes out Sunday! Where's the hype?
Ah yes, Feng Shui, it dates back to the Ding Dong dynasty.
Ah, yes, insclutable Chinee very wise! You rike to buy tiger dick powda? Rub on wang, it gawantee you male child!
They've got a lot of superstitious hokum.
The e-mail scandal is good old American political theatre.
Apperently the Democrats are gonna open up their Convention with a prayer from a Muslim Imam
They are also showcasing speeches from the mothers of
Following a speech by Bill "the walking corpse" Clinton
Holy fuck, please, let this happen
Feng Shui and acupuncture interest me, whats your deal?
Reason being, the political administration has become far too anti-white.
L.O.L. that's fantastic.
I hope they go fucking tumblr and alienate the white working class voters even more.
Anima' posters please leave.
Dubs and everything.
Christcucks make a number of major errors in their thinking about politics, in my experience. Not all, but many.
It starts w/ "the rapture" & the whole interpretation of the book of Revolution. They take it literally (which maybe they can be forgiven for, since it's the shittiest book in the NT). They actually think they'll be spared the end of days. They can't see it's an allegory for how a decadent elite behaves & what consequences follow. Second, they actually believe they are righteous.
You aren't looking in the right places
The Saul Alinsky thesis isn't. Neither is the Luciferian connection. Those were trade secrets no one was supposed to publicly reveal.
They are gonna Bill as the "First Gentleman".
Christ cucks will filter you if you disagree and question them a few times
getting as bad a tumblrites
I forgot to save the image, but I hope what happens right after is libs who were allegedly packing balls and feces up go flinging it at eachother. It was in one of the RNC threads with a tweet announcing how libs were planning to pack balls and shit to take to the DNC.
I'm so glad I've filtered out the beginning of your rantings. Secularists repeat themselves as they've seen the priests of Political Correctness do, so the filtration is an easy and obvious step; an important one when there's blasphemy a-foot.
user., you're filtered.
I already told you, my deal tiger dick powda! Make offah, we make deal! High quality!
I'm just sharing my opinion, mang, don't take it personal. And acupuncture makes sense to me, actually. But Chinese Zodiac and Feng Shui….ehh, no different than western New Age nonsense, IMO.
Looks like things are going smoothly.
Good, I can mock you without having to engage you.
Your rigid, literalist version of Christianity won't save you. In fact, your whole belief system turns your religiosity into a joke. Weaponized theology is a great political weapon, but you're so cucked from decades of infiltration by merchant into your churches, that you believe shit that the evil ones in power just laugh at you for. Because it does not post even a minor threat to their power. No, it is the best mechanism they have for controlling you.
told you, christ cucks can't into arguments
Calm your autism user.
Pic attached for reference.
okay let's just agree on these two pics alright?
that pictures not right, everyone hates Canada
meant for
Christcucks bug me. I went threw the edgy phase after realizing how impotent Christianity has become & how they couldn't fight back. Later came to realize what a powerful source of symbols and images Christianity is. Christcucks don't take their beliefs seriously enough to submit them to a test, which is lame
4 days long.
T.B.H., Republicucks can't meet for four days, only three, because they're psychopaths whilst Democrats are callous traitors.
Don't you say that about the 51st :^)
Oh, that's very interesting, user. I must have to take it into very, very serious consideration.
10 to 1 bet you just filtered him
my bad mate. I meant that for the other user.
So who's ready for a '68 reenactment on the DNC floor this monday.
Enjoying yourself, user.?
If I was a subversive plant that was in charge of planning their convention, I would've planned it the same way.
I still don't get this meme. Why would you make the whole of Canada just 1 state? Why not just take the pre-existing provinces and rename them into states.
I'm enjoying myself
did you unfiltered me to see my post?
bet you didn't
Yeah, she sure looks like an Astrid, doesn't she?
oh well i would say a several state option should be on the table
Me too. It's great over here in the beach. Some great tits too.
This is what the immoral don't get. If morality is not important, then who gets kicked for being at the bottom of the morality ladder? The decent folks are getting kicked!
Classic post, user.
Senators, probably.
The DNC will a nice diversion while we rest up for phase 2
Mah nigga. Be fluent in several esoteric languages so you pick up shit others don't
How about no.
The streets will run like a sewer!
Morality is subjective you retard, it's not a latter it's a individual based parallax.
I really hope your just shitposting and don't believe this stuff
To guy in the last thread: yes, it was a fantasy: 19th & early 20th followed American-school mercantilist economic policies, not your globalist free market capitalism garbage.
That's an interesting philosophical question. If a person has become infected with external programming - a virus - because they weren't careful enough in their spiritual or mental opsec, what's the practical difference between that individual & the creators of the virus?
How dare you mention that whore to me!
yeah but what kind of art do you create. I get paid quite well - i hope you can see the finer points of my work
SAVAGE! The absolute madman!!
More boring speeches from cucks, 5 Cruz delegates walk out, lots of nigger and leftist hullaballoo but no real chimping, Alex Jones gets assaulted by commies again and his inner Aryan warlord spills out, (((media))) accuses Eric Trump of plagiarism.
Looks like Matlock is back.
He's temping me to start RPing as Magnum on twatter.
holy shit you know… my only reaction to that can be… fuck I don't know all I can say is…
yeah but pic related
The Feds and LEA have been proactively cutting it off. If they hadn't been acting covertly, then it would've been a shitstorm. It's still not over yet, but it's looking good so far.
Tbqh I hope President Trump signs a special Executive Order regarding this evil shitbag.
dude, yeah he's a degenerate as fuck faggot nigger lover, but he is a tool to use, his banning is a sword to stir up his fanbase to launch attacks on twitter and their sponsors so they're overwhelmed with shit and bad publicity. It's like you don't even want to attack our enemies, you just want to preen about what an ideologically pure boy you are.
I can't agree on the pic. to the right, user., because it combines cartoon with photograph. I have dismal thinking, and some of the user.s in this thread said I was cursed!
Twitter is better for organizing boycotts. They do it now without much prodding at all.
That and apparently as Sean Hannity was saying, there's already enough independent journalists and shit following the protestors that practically any chimpouts and urine balloon flinging were caught on camera and being spread around outside of news network control. They can try their damndest to stifle it on social media, but that only goes so far.
DNC will be a good wake up call to the masses.
This is some afterparty thing that has nothing to do with the convention.
Well I suppose it would depend on a few things ,like if the infected is aware of it being virus.
The creator know their ideology and wishing it to spread while the victim coming to embrace it would feel the same.
But if the victim now also a spreader, Has come to the conclusion the ideology is an idea parasite in the sense of replication with host
the spreader may exhibit a range of emotions depending on their mental condition and environmental influence at the time of their revelation.
Their bigger advertisers like Amazon are good targets but so are the smaller businesses, too, the gay ass leftist media outlets that are promoted might as well ignore.
Memes, Anen. I meme until they scream.
"Forced meme", they scream.
"Forced meme!"
But that's when the fun really begins.
Notice how only a couple of those mothers share the same last name as their dindu spawn.
Wait, so if Kek is the darkness before dawn and next year is the year of the rooster, what will happen to Kek?
Kek is always with you, user.
you aren't cursed bro. just think positively. it'll be okay, just project your positive energies
pic related
It was a bunch of debauchery that the Euro-politicians could come to and speak at without offending those who would think it too heavy handed for them showing up to the convention to get behind a podium at. I figured that out when Mr Wilders was shown to be saying some words.
It's a vile science that combines pro-sodomite and pro-Jew kissing concessions which keeps the Politically Correct inquisition away. Somewhere, Satan is laughing.
I'm feeling fine, user. T.B.H. Lots and lots going on over here, interesting stuff, too.
Thank you for filtering this time.
wrong pic
here the right one
Spoilering is what I meant.
I meant actual serious violence and murder user. This is Soros' agenda.
It were the British who started the whole crusade to end slavery and the French Enlightenment fags who thought up egalitarianism. But hey, let's blame Americans for it all!
hi so wen u git herr bb?
the leak of the plan for getting martial law by BLM blew that lid off.
Soros I'm sure is reeling that two of his creations are failing miserably (SJW and BLM) and the recent Sharif interview with what's his name completely blew the agenda apart. Why do you think kiketube took it down?
I'm kinda worried about all the ziocucks speaking at the RNC who think that Assad should be killed.
How do we make sure that Trump won't be influenced by them?
fairly sure that was the beginning of the poz.
She's pretty ok for a mainstream media personality, but she's no Lou Dobbs.
nevermind. I thought they took down the David Clarke interview.
"You don't believe that for one minute do you?"
I was first intrigued with Holla Forums when I found out that it was one place where Roman Catholic ideology was not taken as a paramount goodness. This was perhaps in 2013, if that's interesting to you.
Then I started using 8/pol/ in 2014, going back to For Cucks only until I saw the Cuckening there and now when I go back the board is way too fast and there's too many trolls. So… I'm going to 8/pol/ from now on, God willing, unless I get banned for a month for riding on an anti-Taig Paddy Wagon like what happened to me before.
But by men they only meant white people, because Injuns and niggers were explicitly mentioned separately in the laws they wrote.
Well they didn't exactly make it explicit
And 'equality' even among whites is still pozzed.
Oh no not the MSM, they've been so effective in stumping the Trump so far!
even reddit is better than that
Very interesting lexicon. Thanks & saved.
whoops forgot to sage
One illegal beaner isn't enough, I hope they parade four or five of them onstage to tell their stories.
No, but will
The worst sliding, especially when the vols. will edit the fun-post.
Trump can have parades of his own.
Whoa, whoa, "Big Ben" getting in on the dukedom. Is this normal for the extremist cartoonist, user.?
All men are created equal was about saying 'fuck the monarchy' not whatever shit they teach kids in 8th grade (((social studies))) about how our slave owning forefathers actually meant to say [pet current year issue]. The issue is whites didn't maintain the founding principals and laws, it says very clearly in the nationalization act of 1790 "white free persons". Nothing pozzed about that, just what came after.
I couldn't vote for a Mormon vulture capitalist, so I voted Johnson and with what a faggot he's been this year, if I could do it again I'd just write in my own name. Last time the ballot sucked.
That's just sad.
It was also a 'fuck you' to the idea of aristocracy. Saying 'fuck the monarchy and aristocracy' is still pozzed in my book. There are the beginning of the road towards liberalism.
Or were you talking about the Jew. Because yeah, I mean the thing looked more swastika-y than the WS cross. That was a real stretch. Jews, man.
Why are kikes so obsessed with money?
King Henry, with his numerous wives, was not only looking for an heir. No, in fact he, and his clerical advisors, were determined to give a firm and rude-enough message to the Vatican, the former seat of the head of the ecclesiastical power over the British Isles, that the Church of England was to be self-administrating, for better or for worse.
Fast forward, a half-millenium later, and Anglo-Saxon people are known for impeccable manners, knowing which fork to eat with, and politeness brought along to almost obsessive fault. Clearly, something has changed.
In a similar way, the Founding Fathers were sending a message of independence, sovereignty, and assured disrespect. In contrast to the stately dignity and inflexible order of the British monarchy, the colonies in rebellion veered towards excitement, opportunity, and fluidity which engendered in my opinion, most notably, the Clause against Peerages, the oxymoronically named “Title of Nobility Clause”; Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution. “No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States”
The message was clear, an experiment was undertaken, and excitement, therefore interest, was in the air. Revolutionary France was keen to help the experimenters, and so were the British liberals keen to drag their feet against the baying of the dogs of war in their own country, a confused regret which led to a second effort to assert governorship over those colonies, which had at one time been the first, official, kingly, efforts of English colonisation, with the War of 1812, another unfruitful attempt since the idea of American independence had its roots planted far too strongly for such a muddled and yet still half-hearted attempt at conquest. As such, the experiment rolled on, throwing off sparks, and making a huge, industrial rattling as it stretched thousands of miles across the continent in the span of a single century. But in times of keen adversity, would scientists be able to rally and motivate staunch resistance?
The answer is no, that pencil-necked scientists and intellectual eggheads prone to languishing over-analysis are not capable of such an effort, which can only and must be done by men acting on instinct amounting to a father’s care for his own in a time of dire need. The head of which family will lead?
Money is their god (well, aside from Moloch, anyway)
They have slightly modified their behavior though. We're no longer subjected to sneering predictions calling him a clown who has no chance of being elected.
Their obsession only extents to the most luxurious of precious minerals, no Bronzeberg for these kikes.
The kinda chink shit that should interest Holla Forums is stuff like this.
y no Titaniumberg?
It's a pretty expensive metal.
lol what a faggot! I defend Christians and Christianity a lot from other Pagans and from atheists and secularists, but you people can be so damned insufferable most of the time, if it were for my dedication to Truth, I wouldn't even bother.
lost it
when will these burgers learn they are just meat to be butchered?
or Platinumberg
Can I just take a minute and check those dubs and say what a great ass series I, Claudius is. I mean sure it isn't historically accurate, but it's really fucking good. We should watch it sometime as a group.
Actually, surnames like Goldberg predate the discovery of titanium and platinum.
They do have Diamond, so they're covered on that front.
Because that's too complicated from a flag design standpoint, with one Canadian state we can just add a subjugated maple leaf somewhere and call it a day.
Prove it.
I did this kinda shit a year ago to help lock down the Trump vote & meme machine on Holla Forums, but dis nigga wastes his energy filtering people & pushing fake religiosity instead of weaponized theology
Oh no the spastic who probably follows a heretical and cucked form of Zio-Christianity anyway just filtered me, how shall I continue?
L.O.L., no.
I think Trump turns into a vampire bat at night and feeds on those who cross him.
Do it son! Every new shitlord on Twitter is more work for their increasingly overburdened and maligned moderation staff.
Holy diver?
I agree with your entire post, lad. We should all watch it one day. One of the best things I've ever watched on the talmubvision.
You're an amateur in every sense of the word. I almost wanna take your soul as a public service
He'll unfilter you again, he can't resist. This obsessiveness indicates some perversity of mind that he hides behind a shallow faith
Heil Dio
He's just a foul mouthed, unfunny kike. Not much of a troll, only verbal scatology was offered.
We're fighting a guerilla insurgency here, and we gotta do what we need to do and use what we have available. Our souls be damned, it's the future white children we do it for.
Oy vey rabbi, that brown golem you made is strangling you! Who could've seen that coming?
I mean, it wasn't a hereditary old world aristocracy, but I think that would count technically as aristocratic.
I'm actually kinda surprised he got triggered so hard by Trump. Bill Maher usually keeps his cool. He's a cynic - so, aware but not very deep. He usually knows better, but shills anyway. This time I think he's worried
Might use the image you posted for the account.
Will probably make a TC one for general nig trolling once my current one gets the axe probably soon.
And what book would that be?
LARP harder
What is your opninion on the concept of a Meritocratic society?
Meritocracy appeals to people who are power hungry (in an unhealthy way) with a false belief that either a) they already meet some optimal standard, or b) they would be the ones setting the standard…my 2 cents
It was Cromwellian parliamentarian whigs who allowed kikes back into England. The very same people who would inspire the American revolution.
This ones on the house, don't spend it all in one place Chaim.
Does it hurt to know that you don't come from good genetic stock, as evidenced by the fact your ancestors either could not perceive the threat they were facing, or were too timid to either fight or flee?
Wouldn't the fact that their beliefs are false meaning that they don't actually meet the standarts make them irrelevant in said society?
Who exactly are you referring to?
What are the happenings?
And what book might that be?
Depends on how the merit was earned. If it's by today's standard, academic apartheid and general nepotism, then my answer is no.
Mathematicians and physicists with 160+ IQs running the world is a bad idea. If there was to be a true meritocracy, its leadership roles should be reserved for those with leadership qualities business and military leaders etc.
It wouldn't be my ideal society, but it's better than what we have now.
Trump and the whole primary/convention circus has gotten some of the Yuropoors so assmad they have to vent. It's all so loud and vulgar but they're actually jealous.
Yes, it would. Because in a truly merit based scenario these are the people who would expect to be rewarded for simply being smart or having credentials. They think that meritocracy somehow = revenge of the nerds.
Maybe I do favor meritocracy, I just don't think in those terms. You tell me how I'd fare in a "meritocracy". Every job I've had, I spent the first 2 months immersing myself & learning as much as I could about every aspect of the job/employer. Basically, I take my shit seriously b/c that's what comes naturally to me. I'm not really a people person, but I have a little charisma & I'm a good observer, so I can manage people as if I really liked them. I even come up with ways to improve efficiency. All of this can actually work against you, in my experience. Co-workers aren't sure if you're a threat or not, they just know you're on another level. Superiors begin to fear you're gunning for their job. This is all pretty lame, but it's reality
Are these the useful idiots Yuri talk about?
Gonna watch this, no lie.
And then there are European anons on Holla Forums who have been so kind that it makes me support their causes even more
This mammoth would do better smothering the system with her massive tonnage instead of trying to overthrow it.
Do you even into greentext, nigger? I was quoting 66587b who was advocating for monarchy and aristocracy thus implying that HE was a kike. Lifting my 'what book' joke doesn't make sense because I never said 'in my book'. Jesus Christ is it summer in here or what.
Oh yes I know. Just some get assblasted - I'm all for U.S. / Ethnic European unity.
Islam is the state religion of the DNC.
Or haven't you noticed?
The real world equivalent of a hashtag.
did farage ever speak? the bongs in an earlier thread said he would
He's not going to speak at the convention. There may be some other events he will appear at, I think.
Why the hell can't these worthless piece of shit academics take this as a learning experience. Why the fuck is everyone so terrified of being wrong? In a real job in the real world (not journalism) you'll be told you're wrong by more and more people as you move up the ladder, and whether it's true or not you're expected to take it without having a shitfit. Liberals are like literal children.
quadratic formula on his leg? why?
How come leftards can't handle the right's opinions so they protest, yet the people on the right can handle the opinions of the left and don't protest?
Re: (((mutant commie Lefty burrito supreme)))
They wear the same pantsuits.
What is it with these… uh, women… that they share the same sense of beauty-destroying aesthetic?
user, 97% of journalists are just paid anti-white shills.
yeesh, it looks like they're in a cult
probably a nod to their hero
Lubio actually shilled for and defended Melania and Trump on CNN the other night.
Lad, why?
praying to kek
bright boy here is that one nigger in 10 thousand
If we make them one state, we can limit the amount of influence they have over the country, otherwise every liberal bill would be passed without opposition.
If we were to make the provinces states, the united states would be come canada.
As it is, easy travel to and from canada state would increase the overall amount of liberals in the united states, which would be the end of us.
Who is Saul Alkinsky?
he's a google result
That is not how shitposting works.
I hope so too. It might be more likely to happen next week at the DNC though. Angry niggers clashing with bernouts should be interesting.
You just reserved a spot in the oven.
Rules for Radicals
if you don't know what that is, you need to read up on it before posting on Holla Forums. It's the literal blueprint for everything modern liberals do, so you kind of need to understand it.
I do love Dr. Anthony Napoleon but it's worth noting that he believes he's being gangstalked by The Shadow Men
his twitter looks like a markov chain bot wrote it
still, i don't exclude crazies
I could see Jews fucking with him tbh fampai
I love it!
I am always at work when the RNC is on.
What did Carson say?
He said Hillary wrote her thesis on Saul Alinsky and that Alinsky dedicated Rules for Radicals to Satan.
He said that the left always uses Alinsky tactics and that Clinton is a devil worshiper.
He was one of the U.S. populists in the 1930's along side Huey "The Kingfish" Long. If you're interested you should look up some of his stuff too.
His energy level is constantly going up and down.
Starts to get in his negro mode, then quickly gathers himself, almost falls asleep and continues slowly until his next high.
Hilarious to watch.
It's those benzos man
They already voted for Pence by acclamation.
Good. I hope he flees to Canada along with the rest before New Years.
Why Holla Forums?
Special Relationship!!!
Rule Brittania!!
U.S.A.!! U.S.A.!! U.S.A.!!
Can't wait for our special relationship after Obongo fucks off. He is the most anti-British presidents in history. Boris was right
inb4 cuckservatives embarrass everyone in front of are nige
Reported for intl.
New Zealand elves or something
Because they’re fucking retards. We’ll take the four western provinces and turn them into states. Ontario might split into two (save the west from the east), Quebec would be one, and then the maritimes would be combined into one.
It’s a lot of senators for those cocksucking faggots, but we wouldn’t let them become states until Americans had moved up into the land anyway.
That's what I figured.
Third image contains hoax quotes.
Yes, you are. Reported for intl.
Twitter says 17:45 GMT
Benny G. commenting on a David Duke video? Is this real life, anons?
53 minutes.
what stream?
50 minutes from now:
he's just below the camera
he keeps gophering so im catching minute glimpses
must be waiting for presenter or some shit to get ready and all that
Why is it "" when supposedly he's at the RNC?
That looks nothing like the RNC.
It's at the RNC, it's just not on the main stage in the arena
RNC has a bunch of rooms and stages at the arena for all the news outlets and people who've paid for "booths" and spaces for interview international news and celebrities and such.
Pretty common.
leftards don't know how to coup with reality.
That's why when there's a problem, they sweep it under a rug. The problem is still there, but it's hidden with their lies.
Oh shit it started early
Trump really played the media with the Melania shitstorm
The guy interviewing him looks like a less cucked Trudeau.
Tucker Carlson is pretty decent
Confirmed for jews.
Hahaha, Wilders is Jewish.
You were warned.
Most of your beloved "alt-right" is playing the same game of Trojan horse but they know that if they attack Muslims, you will pretend along that they care about Whites.
who gives a shit
wew lad
Please for the love of god let this happen.
Gross tbh
So many britfags here because they don't have a job and they are on welfare and don't have to get up for work.
I know your elections are some of the most mundane shit on earth with some of the most boring, pathetic people but you don't have to involve yourself in ours.
It's half six bongs in the evening m8.
Go somewhere else.
It's 18:30pm here you dummy. Unemployment rate:
•United States of America
•United Kingdom
you British and your inferior time zone, can't you guys get anything right?
nah fam it's comfy here
They're both above 30%.
Congrats on believing those numbers.
America's includes blacks.
Considering , can we please have a DNC Sticky, shit will be the fucking funniest.
I can't speak to UK unemployment rates, but the US unemployment rate is far higher than that mate.
Shameful tbqh
it'll be pretty boring m8
United Kingdom Population : 64.1 million
United States Population: 318.9 million
Lazy fuckin brits.
ayyy lmao
Nigel confirmed cucked;
Fuck an anglo-sphere, Britfags are not cut from the same breed as southern americans.
We don't want anything to do with you.
why am i not surprised
#notallmuslims tbh
t. mohammed farage
learn strategy nigger
Nigel is a cuck.
which is better than everyone else in UK
You know what they say. A broke cuck is right twice a day.
Feels good man
you did a good job user
you posted that yesterdays
what the fuck are you fucking faggots watching and why the fuck are you talking about it in the RNC thread you fucking faggot brits
wew kill yourself lad
it's happening at the RNC m8
Fucking hell you are dense.
Why would I?
What stream
The RNC.
Pic related is the main stage RNC.
Horribly long-winded and garbled chants.
Also, they're gonna get fucking co-oped by niggers SO HARD.
what's this fag talking about?
False alarm, I guess this bong is at the RNC.
He don't mean the leetle children.
He means the illegal aliens. They are only known to be able to vote in California.
There are other venues at the RNV other than the Main Stage, you slack jawed faggots.
The man is simply a operative genius. This will be a fun 8 years.
I'm not there and I especially don't give a fuck about the bongs. I just need the important stuff fam.
Ted Cruz shilling right now for 2020.
>honored to work for this Family
Oy vey Donald you gotta work on yer divoisity!
Now I want that
Who else here /Stumping4Tiff/?
Embed related.
Also, leave those extra question marks at the door, newfriend.
Stiff for Tiff
Longer skirt would be more attractive.
The Trump's will be a political dynasty.
Please include all the streams in the OP.
kys my friend
i like her weird face tbh.
this pic is fucking genius
Ben Carson is a sleeping giant
but what about muh first female president
Trump making entrance in Cleveland atm.
Lol no. Women have no place in politics lad.
What a cutie patootie.
It's like Ivanka was scaled down to 90% size, face included.
He's 9 now I think. Twenty-four years would put him at 2 years shy of being able to be elected.
Started watching the CNN stream about 10 minutes ago, are they always so complimentary about the emperor?
The one actively sabotaging her fathers campaign for muh feelz?
No thanks.
Trump and Pence are addressing the adoring crowd waiting for them at the airport.
Tiffany has the adorable gril next door face. It's not sculpted. It has it's flaws, but that's attractive.
Nah, they hate him but they love that he gives them something entertaining compared to the Shillary boredom
I want to believe
Convince me that Trump isnt a kike RIGHT NOW
the shills have gotten to me
his best friends were killed as a result of kikes 9/11 is an example
Hmm. Good point. We'll need to amend the Constitution to 33 by that point tbh.
We can't know, user. He can hope that he's smart enough to know what's going on and is planning past it, but to say he is for sure is just projection. That being said, we still vote for him because even if he isn't redpilled, he's pushing world politics towards nationalism. If he's controlled opposition and doesn't try to fulfill any promises, we can start organizing against him.
There is no more clear signal that someone in an office doesn't call the shots, than if a woman is allowed to hold it.
You could take lots of redpills, but this really just needs one consideration.
If he's a kike shill, why are the kikes hell-bent on not letting him get into office? Why do you see Jewish newspapers everywhere announcing that Trump is a horrible choice for Jewish interests? Why is the media hell-bent on defaming him much more than with any cuckservative? Why are there (((conservative politicians))) actually betraying their own party just so that they can help prevent Donald Trump from getting to his throne? If he really was a kike shill, his candidacy would be much, much easier.
I… what? What do you mean by that? Did she do something?
she threatened not to support the campaign if Trump chose Christie as VP
To be fair I was with you at one point. Pic related. Then yesterday and Monday happened. It's pretty clear he was forced to take (((Pence))) by the RNC for their full support of the Rules Committee.
She was the main driver to take Lewandowski off of the campaign director spot, and reportedly she was one of the main drivers to keep Krispy from the Veep spot since Krispy, when he was an attorney, prosecuted Jared's dad.
spoiler that shit m8
I love Chris Christie for the bantz but he touched the devil wall. Pence, as far as I can tell, actually hasn't.
So if that story's true then Ivanka did good.
The new RSB stream for day 3.
Krispy at the least will get AG. Imagine having Krispy as AG. Hillary is going to burn.
i miss trump shitting on jeb! and cruz
haha saved
Repent for this horrid crime against the emperor user, you can't just do this and come back to the flock.
Who is this semen demon?
Kek is the rat speaking now?
I can't watch,I'm stuck in some damn office building.
seriously nigger?
Are you honestly asking why /pol doesn't like a convert to Judaism, who has thrown parties for and donated to Democratic politicians, and pals around with Chelsea Clinton?
LOL at Kasich's "list of concerns"
Holy shit how is this guy even in fucking politics
kek, get out
Its Trump's wife's daughter
Praise the prodigal son, user
"But it was appropriate to celebrate and be glad, for this, your brother, was dead, and is alive again. He was lost, and is found."
No, I asked what she did to damage the campaign you mong.
Fair point user.
Fuck the bongs.
Aaaah fuck, I lost the game.
We need a webm of this
come on now. dont let your memes stay dreams
Come on friend, give the lads a break. They have a big hole to climb out of yeah?
They've managed to give the finger to the EU, they'll come around.
really depends how your new head of state is with the emperor, if things don't go smoothly expect annexation
The finger isn't given to the EU until Article 49 is invoked. And considering your current PM and that "anti misogyny" law they just passed to outlaw yelling at women , Britain is rapidly moving back up the ranks of "most cucked country in the world".
I'll be voting for The Don come November bro.
Rude, I highly doubt the US will have fun dealing with the entire commonwealth.
Do you really want to get your shit kicked in that hard?
The mudshit mayor of Londonistan needs to go tbh.
Calm down Cancuck. We're all friends here in the Anglosphere.
Trumps starts eating at the wrong end and you start thinking why is he doing that.
You don't eat pizza that way.
And here he goes, he forces you to think about pizza longer that you would if he ate it the right way.
This fucking guy.
He would probably be giving a speech on why woman should be getting pozzed while tanks erase the border.
Tbh fam this has been coming since 1777 with the articles of confederation.
He's eating it backwards because it's an ad for stuffed crust
It's a commercial you retard. He was following the director and script.
I can't understand how some of you are so autistic you think that's just him eating pizza and isn't a commercial.
He's going to roll over and let big daddy US have his way with your country.
He's in it for the free food
I know it's a fucking commercial.
Why do you think I was saying you think about that pizza for a longer time? To fucking sell it.
I thought he was going to ride it to the end for the free food.
He actually said at a rally that what concerned him in the country was:
almost weekly attacks, escalating all the time, and this fucking chump is tone policing his own candidate
Luckily, Trump doesn't give a shit about Kasich or his "concerns"
Is today the day? The day when El Rato will try todownplay Trump?
it was being said on a CNN panel in the context of him supposedly being offered the VP job and how he said that Trump "won't win Ohio without my support" or some such shit
never mind :)
New thread needed sometime soon.
Nice catch.
Brilliant. Thanks user ahaahah.
Its pretty shit quality, but I can't into webm
I believe.
Why is Rato even holding speeches anymore? Doesn't he realize he actually lost for good now and if he does anything but endorse HIS OWN PARTY'S CANDIDATE he is committing political sudoku?
No worries user, we appreciate it. The Cruzcuckery comes through crystal clear.
He's trying to D+C the party so Trump loses and he can run in 2020
>Louis C.ucK.
The size limit isn't 3MB here you fucking cuck chan.
Heh. He'll find that pretty difficult with Donald Trump being the incumbent and one of the most popular Presidents in US history by that stage.
Do it better yourself or just STFU >(1).
Cuckchan confirmed
Hiroshima pls. You'll never get us back.
Hey goys. Do you think that maybe calling him a cuck so often hurts him? What if he kills himself because of us?
Wouldn't that be horrible if he did it on stage at a show?
Louis will probably die in a freak sybian accident in his hotel room after a show.
What did you do? I need specifics.
Whoever bakes, could you please put all the stream links back on?
Full Nigel Farage interview.
Nigel Farage spoke in Cleveland today???
He's STILL believing in Britain!
No. His daughter will kill him finally.
He's probably going to die of autoerotic asphyxiation after Trump wins.
Notice how he was shut down and taken off air in 1939
Fucking kikes
this is a different interview than the one that got streamed earlier
Hmm, welp it's the first one I've seen posted on jewtube but we'll get them all eventually.
Anything happening?
New thread?
I actually prefer the one you posted. The streamed one had spotty audio
Hopefully somebody's making a new thread right now.
get fucked cuck, but in this case you tried to bantz the chef.
what does it mean???
Thanks tbqh.
final post