Make it stop.
Microsoft joins Linux Foundation
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Why don't you stop fearmongering? Microsoft is no longer about Gates or Ballmer.
Yeah, it's about Satya, who's added more botnet than every before.
This word does not mean what you think it means.
Also, I'd rather worry about Oracle.
If it's proprietary it's botnet.
If it's malware it's botnet.
If it collects your data it's botnet.
Why? Java is dying already and VirtualBox is libre, they don't really do much aside from that anymore.
On Holla Forums, botnet means spyware. I know that's not what it means, but Holla Forums faggots know that and call it that anyways. It's an inside meme. Whenever you hear botnet, think of spyware.
Because Oracle's motto is "if you can't beat them, sue them". Not that that is bad in itself, that's how we got LibreOffice (Oracle wanted to charge for OpenOffice). But Oracle's fetish for suing the competition makes it very dangerous.
Welp fortunately the hurd is almost finished (not joking)
The linux foundation has been cucked (pic related) for a certain time now (since linus lost control of it)
Their biggest mistake was when they dropped community representation, that's one of the reasons why the hurd got more support.
unfortunately it isn't, it uses a non free compiler for the VBoxBiosAlternative.asm file.
I still don't see the problem.
After all these years of being told to install gentoo i install gentoo. Less than two weeks later this happens.
They know something and they're hiding it.
Microshit is slowly trying to phase out NT in favor of the Linux kernel. It's why they've been making contributions to it for a few years now as well as partnering with Canonical for the built-in bash environment.
They're silver members. I guess they didn't have enough shekels to spare.
They're trying to grow in areas that aren't dominated by them, not phasing out their own operating system.
They barely touch Linux at the regular consumer side of things (where it isn't popular), their contributions mostly involve things like compatibility with their own hypervisor, and the built-in bash environment is actually a Linux compatibility layer that doesn't even have X because that could make it interesting to non-developers.
"Phase out" isn't quite the right word for it. Microsoft wants a convergance of the NT and Linux kernels. They're not going to completely trash NT and risk compromising compatibility, and they still ant to retain their intellectual property at the same time. Microsoft wants to incorporate GNU/Linux technologies into the NT kernel a la Windows Subsystem for Linux being the default thing. The Microsoft Azure cloud is its own platform similar to WSL that incorporates NT technologies and Linux.
'this is just a business movr because Mcrosoft knows they can easilly steal a lot of Linux IT guys seeking professional support from Red Hat
Your still safer with Linux, then Windows. If anything bad happen Linux will be forked.
Well, it DOES have P2P updates
You're clearly delusional.
But you can run GUI apps on it, just poorly.
The Windows NT kernel is not going to converge with the Linux kernel. The Windows Subsystem for Linux is simply a layer added to Windows NT since it was designed from scratch to be compatible and interoperable like this.
The cap isn't complete and I can't find the dam page anymore normally it's
but it does not exist anymore.
About what ?
virtualbox ?
sorry m8 what I meant is that the linux foundation changed their page and you can't see the member like before see pic related
I've been reading some Hurd papers and I have to say that it will never be finished.
The Hurd is a extremely complex system. It's a microkernel with dynamic server client model, with only message passing as the IPC.
The concept of translator is nice, but see what happens when you are in, for instance, "/home/user/trs1/service/trs2/service" and you want to go "../.." and trs1 is some server(translator) and trs2 is another server. You begin to go back and forth between the servers with retry messages, a simple thing as "../" have huge amounts of overhead.
Want some nice OS free of Unix old shit? Use Plan 9 or Inferno.
So we have officially entered the EMBRACE stage of their plan. Extend and Extinguish soon, Friends!
Please tell me English is not your native language holy shit.
Nice meme.
I would hope that the Hurd server writers would be able to identify recursive server requests.
I would hope they'd be able to complete the Hurd in 33 years. And, yet, here we are.
botnet intensifies
Indeed their are still bugs to be correct and optimization to be done like all software.
Otherwise what do you suggest to correct or optimize this problem ?
Implying the devs are the only ones who have access to the sources codes :p
The hurd's development began a year before Torvalds announced is kernel to be finished.
There wasn't any active development from the start.
Their was "only" two devs (youpi and braun) for almost 10 years from time to time.
A lot of people jumped the hurd wagon after a lot of forced unethical decisions where taken and some jumped the wagon because of the advantages it could give.
By hurd standards that means it'll be ready in about ten years.
So how's GNU/kFreeBSD?
So hopefully linux will be slightly less shit now
GNU has no control over Linux or the Linux Foundation. GNU only has control over GNU Linux-Libre fork of Linux.
Even Microsoft realized that its server products are complete garbage. With shit like Azure and general le cloud computing Linux is the best option.
I really don't see a problem with them investing in Linux even if it is just for their own benefit.
This doesn't mean anything other than Microsoft donating $500,000.
You're wishful thinking. Microsoft wanting to profit from Linux has nothing to do with its own products.
Yeah, that's why they remade the fucking thing from the architecture up with project OneCore.
Microsoft Linux kernel coming soon.
Literally downloads ads and displays them on the lockscreen out-of-the-box. Even in the "Enterprise" version. You have to roll out a GPO to make it appear like it's been disabled (since it's closed-source, you have no idea what it's really doing).
Isn't that like Hitler joining Zionism?
Yes, just donating to a competitor, nothing wrong here pajeet.
Not illegal and it's still optional.
Why don't they use OpenBSD?
Linux is a security hole generator.
lol u mad
What do you have to worry about? Linux is GPLv2. Oh that's right Tivoization.
Microsoft does use OpenBSD.
They donate to OpenBSD and work with them for their new native SSH implementation.
Apparently their TCP/IP stack is based off BSD.
Is Microsoft trying to make windows great again?
A Brief History of Linux:
1991-2009: Pictured left
2010: Ubuntu announces Unity
2011: Pulseaudio is widespread, systemd released
2012: Gnome 3 released
2013 Debian adopts systemd
2014 Gnome Foundation out of money, woman's outreach
2015 Github updates its "Code of Conduct"
2015: Exodus to Linux Mint complete, adopts biyearly release schedule
2016: Microsoft announces bash on Ubuntu on Windows
2016: Microsoft joins Linux Foundation
False. This never happened.
Yeah, it is disappointing that the dumbfucks keep repeating this.
What actually happened is that GNOME was hosting the outreach organization, with many other organizations paying dues.
It expanded too quickly, and they covered costs with GNOME foundation funds, and asked organizations who were supposed to pay dues to front them because of the growth.
of all the distributions you choose the worst possible.
Mint install per default even more non-free/libre packages than ubuntu if you want a non corrupted simple distro install gnu Trisquel
It's maintained by one of the FSF main members
I thought you needed to install an X server separately.
muh hardware compatability tho
only AMD gpu (blobs/laptops) and intel wifi (blobs and drm white-list laptops) are a big problem
The technical name for the problem that Gnome encountered is called a "cash flow shortfall". Gnome was using their own cash to cover the payments of outreach and they ran out of their cash. Most people who are financially illiterate understand this situation as "Gnome was nearly bankrupt because of the outreach". This narrative is false. Gnome had enough money in their accounts but they didn't have enough cash to do the business that they needed with the outreach. This problem was fixed simply by changing how they administered the account: moving the outreach program into its own books and asking sponsors for the cash that was due to the outreach at an earlier time rather than later.
It will happen again
The difference here is that Linux is GPL. The GPL is designed so that it is impossible for any one entity to EEE any GPL software.
First of all it's GPLv2
Second: if the reputation of the said software comes to shit no ones want's to use it.
See non-systemd systems.
Or linux libre or the people who jumped to work on the hurd
Which resulted in a spending freeze, the outreach program was so successful that it turned into problem financially;
All the money spent on the outreach program was already raised specifically for that purpose, asides for bringing up Gamergate in a negative manner for no reason this is the best account I've seen of a charitable organization explaining themselves to the public. And trying to 'correct the record' on blog comment sections as well, it would be commendable if it weren't so pathetic.
Those that are in charge of the FSF or GNOME might be idiots on some issues who parrot utter bullshit but as it relates to honor and trustworthiness they're unmatched. Matthew 'fart' Garrett I saluteyou in this drunken [post.
That's where you're wrong:
No, here is the big picture: The threat lies with the .NET foundation. They want to make sure their .NET userland runs, and Linux will is the key platform they are targeting because of its server and virtual machine market share. The real power play is not EEE against Linux, but the biggest Platform-as-a-Service scheme in history against Oracle.
They want "Java applets" on steroids and to crush Oracle (with Java and SQL) for good. Seriously, this is a move to take Oracle's market. This is why they are trying to get Buddy Buddy with as much as the industry as possible, including the Linux Foundation. So instead of the old strategy of fighting the FLOSS userland and Linux, Microsoft is just using them as a stepping stone to take their second biggest competitor's revenue.
So don't worry about Linux and the libre userland, for now.
Thanks for the giggles.
Did you know that the Gnome desktop project was born in order to write a free software replacement for the GPL KDE and proprietary Qt software stack? Anything that Microsoft writes in your hypothetical scenario will easily be reimplemented by the same attitude that started the Gnome project.