Wikileaks releases AKP Email Database
Let's see what the jews are up to, shall we?
Note, emails mostly in mudslime speak.

Other urls found in this thread:ŞİD&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=0#searchresult

Sadly the subversion is so real it doesn't matter what evidence is brought people will call us the tinfoilers.

I can't speak roach or dunecoon.

What's the best way to translate?

There's probably a lot of data scattered around google that should be scraped


I'm ready to die.

ISIS in Turkish is IŞİD or İD.ŞİD&mfrom=&mto=&title=¬itle=&date_from=&date_to=&nofrom=¬o=&count=50&sort=0#searchresult

Page 3 in 10min. wew

Ergogan must have seen this coming.
False flagged himself with the coup in a lame attempt to cover his ass.


Chrome = walls of text

SLIDE SHOW MUST SEE ATTACHED you puke blood centuries of imperialism to the world! But every day in all conscience should act against the organization and its partners jinx and felt deeply in all sensitive areas. Because imperialism, attacking constantly to survive; saldırdık of masks is also falling rapidly. He saldırdık of humanity stands up, such as growing anti-imperialist wave avalanche. Passing the threshold of a historic break the world; Our historical responsibility and calls on everyone to meet in a common front against imperialism. Last 25 years, the world has become a more uninhabitable. Economic and social imbalances are increasing; imperialist (center) world countries çatıştır policies of destabilization and implementing day to day, attacking furiously on the poor people and the state, occupying and exploiting their lands. The main policy divide / break / manage. The imperialists justify themselves, they are creating and destroying potential resistance to keep power for themselves in an appropriate language and discourse collaborators. Indeed, the oppressed, the exploited of all kinds produced throughout human history, those who wish to maintain their dignity in the face of injustice and cruelty susmayıp values ​​and principles they yüzsüzleşiy enough to mask them. Equality, freedom, human rights and democracy for thousands of years as the voice of the oppressed, cry, I hope that all the gains they offer themselves as if they were an integral part. These values ​​pollute, and they are using against instrumentalizing shamelessly oppressed. The imperialists are constantly producing new mechanisms to maintain their relationship to realize their own interests and exploitation. Day coming world of humanity, existence, society classifies, separates the camp. Coming days people ranging hierarchy based on their color, creating slavery and racism of interests. Producing modernization theories coming days, without placing itself as the world's center of denigrating him, making him a slave as serving the propaganda that virtue to others. Coming days, medieval, eliminating the interests of feudalism; it's for absolutism and tyranny brings back to work, the state is playing, it translates to interest; state always keeping a maid position. As the day comes today, social differences under the name of globalization, multiculturalism, reinventing ethnicity, social state is looking for ways to identify and return back to the Middle Ages as an annuity devices. And stigmatize those who refused to serve him as an enemy. Innocent people are being brutally murdered, do not stand back for a moment from each other decreases; in short, it refers imperialists known to all kinds of tricks and constantly produces new ones. The imperialists to hide the exploitation of the network, to increase the profits of multinational companies on the blood and tears, and to convert the whole world according to their interests, shred and take refuge in a freak, they say globalization behalf today to manage. In this process, it is argued, he won all actors; "Win-win" economic and social disparities between the exploiter and the exploited, and he is trying to hide imbalances. civil society organizations, public institutions, professional in organizations, in universities, in short, [………………….snip………….]. Imperialist (Central), country (ies) having a collaborator elites in neighboring countries have exploited the country for centuries to keep them in their orbits, so that the whole society was under control by controlling power. In this context, in every corner of the world they have civilian and military coups; and the dynamics of social groups in order to keep society under control and make it open to exploitation çatıştırarak are left weak. With the break-up of the Soviet Union, the US and EU imperialist Cold War era of the welfare state were forced to implement (the welfare state) have received the application immediately suspended; international capital called pro-neo-liberal policies were introduced in all countries. In parallel, the imperialists have shifted the axis of the economic reality based on the north-south conflict between them and the poor countries in order to maintain the cultu

ral-based East-West conflict and the exploitation istikrarsızlaştırarak world domination. To neutralize the conflicts arising from economic and social inequality in this direction and developed the clash of civilizations thesis in order to keep out of sight, to support this thesis and have implemented the September 11 scenario to ensure acceptance throughout the world. In a sense, the 2nd millennium entered how that with the bloody settling of scores within Christianity in the name of what they call reform and ultimately capitalism and they did the Protestant victory accompanying, 3rd taking the still Protestantism spare entered the millennium chose as enemies of Islam. inter-imperialist conflicts were also evident in this scenario. Because the US imperialists are now fallen by EU countries in 1990 with a flurry of alleged NATO protection it is unnecessary. September 11 everything other imperialist countries before the United States will continue its community imperialist hegemony over both the EU and the countries under exploitation, it has seen a very basic function. After September 11, it should not go unheeded established new bases in the United States around the globe. September 11 also passed well clear of the imperialist countries that act as subcontractors of organizations such as the UN. Turkey's own history has also been the history of the center-periphery conflict. Environmental or inserted into a satellite country in Turkey's own center-periphery conflict, right-left, secular Muslims, Alevi-Sunni, took place in Turkish-Kurdish axis is realized. Especially recently, Turkish-Kurdish and secular Muslims as false distinctions and conflicts are fueled; so the one hand, the scenarios outlined above in accordance with the principles of economic conflict which basically means exploited depending on the capitalist mode of production (elite) and exploited (people) that are hidden between. so the center is divided into two in a false manner in Turkey, they have begun to cooperate very easily with the imperialists to stay in power or to come to power. the real conflict is over with false conflicts in Central closed, creating conflict between different segments of the population are prevented people to come together. Divide and rule policy is being implemented in Turkey with all clarity. All against this false conflict, we know that both the central and the environment in which both the Kurds in Turkey, as the center of both Sunnis and Alawites in that environment; as well as those who have been around Muslims are at the center of both secular. So what is the problem not the person's origin, to whom the service is that it stands for and where. Therefore, this kind of separation and conflict arises spontaneously was a fake. In this case, the real distinction must be made between center and periphery or the elite and the people. Because of the capital red, blue, as there can be green, exploitation of the Turks, Kurds, Muslims, secular, Alevi, Sunni does not recognize. After all, the US and EU imperialist politicians breeding origin determines the agenda of the people and pollute their minds. Today, the center will serve the impe

rialist powers continue to be produced. The same game is being staged again at different times, with different actors and fictional small changes[……………………………snip………………………]]e exploitation of nature by ensuring humanized mode of production and environmental pollution is prevented in any way are not allowed to be turned into a world trash. Imperialism makes apostolate of human rights; printing mechanisms of domination, but people do not give anything other than torture and murder. Imperialism speaks of the rights of women; but the exploitation of women, violence and sexism own political hides is an integral part of social and economic structures. With all the mechanisms of women into a commodity to be exploited and used. Political, social and women to a secondary role in the recognition of economic life, the beatings, the torture or sexism, with women marginalized and humiliated to be an integral part of imperialism macro exploitation regulations stipulated by the whole world and the slave-master relationship. Therefore, any kind of imperialist domination and the program beyond the protection of fundamental human rights by taking part in the raid despite all kinds of social and economic rights improves. All kinds of slave-master relationship allows eliminating the liberation of all people. Everyone can live freely and to live its own identity and creates an environment. Converts imperialism and democracy in a game between the elite and formalize it in this way reduces the elections. Public water-soap the issue of parliamentary immunity, such as continuous work to determine the agenda; so that both the amount of power in the so-called opposition and its paradigm orbit. under the name of democracy establishes oligarchic and aristocratic buildings. However, the anti-imperialist program understand democracy as a way of life and is defined as a part of the development and participation of all citizens to perpetuate foresees mechanisms. It provides for the citizens' participation in all decision making and implementation. Mandatory via proxy provides all the decisions and practices of citizens to oversee the creation and implementation of the common good. In line with this demand of the citizens and not based on any political approval, economic, social, educational and so on. regulations and practices can not be considered valid and legitimate. In addition, mandatory proxy representatives by calling back people who do not act according to the demands of the people as an integral part of (dismissed and) the people's will unconditionally ruling is rendered. Imperialism IMF mentions the economic and social development and welfare will be provided through organizations such as the World Bank; Only in this way will only destabilize neighboring countries economically and socially, these c

Yahudi = jew

İsrail = israel

Google translate is sketchy

any other?

A long time continued negotiations towards the normalization of Turkey and Israel's July 26th in Europe are expected to come together in a final handshake agreement.

JULY 26th


Dirty plans Ergun Diler. BRIEF so comfortable you will see when you take a look. structure known as the Ottoman BANK name, was a British capital. Ottoman name that did not mean it was us. Family Bank was founded and manages ROTHSCHILD. After 1856 he came to life. already a few years ago in the Ottoman Empire was taking its first foreign debt. borrowed by the company through the door that the money was giriveriy the chimney. This does not change rules. In fact, I'll write something completely different at a time when the Ottoman Bank branch came to my mind. Paris, London, Beirut, Larnaca, Alexandria, Port Said, Ruse, Plovdiv, Varna, ponies, Manchester, Shkodra, Tunisia, Ramallah, Kirkuk, Tehran and many other places … OTTOMAN BANK behalf of the state giving money, distributing, debt the press had a field organization even. But we did not have to. Many people also do not know. Who do not know this, what else does not know more. And standing "by British Why are you dealing with?" he asks! However, they were dealing with us. There was not anything we do! That bank to establish an effective family just before the name of the ONE GREAT WAR sent to Istanbul.

Walter Rothschild't of charge from the Ottoman Empire … the family, does not hide his anger at the visit. The reason for the visit was that precious Ottoman money. The family did not want it. 1 week left Walter Rothschild in Istanbul, he returned to London. It was not up to snuff. an Ottoman lira at the date of the visit and it was almost worth more than £ DOLLARS. And many countries were using the Ottoman MONEY. I wrote this reason, some of the bank's branches. Situation was obvious. But the family's plan was different. Powerful state money would be valuable. Then it should weaken this state. Rothschild, then got up and went to America. US President Thomas Woodrow Wilson made 2 calls. Vice President Thomas R. Marshall, followed by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, plans for the destruction of the value of money and activity were prepared. So there were clenched hands … How strange … like now … Then the battle began when the war ended in 50 countries who had been Ottoman lira stamp value … had lost power and influence. Treasury gold hand çıkarınca because of the war, both the soil would lose your money … now that some of these events that happened in the past and think whether all! But never do such a thing and floor! On the contrary, the fight is now sharper and going in a dark way! This forces close family, was transferred in the reduced RUSSIAN AIRCRAFT event. It is in the family, both the CIA and MI6. London is strong. But you can go so far as to say the last word next to Clintonlar. On one side of the balance it is absolutely and definitely have them. and who knew the family, she says that Turkey take every step to invade Syria. Continuous shells came. civilians perished within our borders. Plane shot down. There have always been driven. However, a smart building in ankara, did not come to this game. Syria will be given to dozens of responses showed that while Ankara size.

Behind the discomfort was obvious that the power of over-Assad. Required made. Ankara cold-blooded acts of families struck with power at its disposal at this time. The events of the Russian aircraft had dropped behind them as INDIRECT. MONEY There was a chain map of KAOS and they want to see in the area before taking Nevada. Putin will reduce aircraft learned the day before. Intelligence firm. He did not want to believe it. "Oh no!" said. It was! But he could see the rear forces. "The plane shot down!" When the game came the news who have had accounts Putin would respond harshly. world-renowned experts and knew next to the Rothschilds know Putin. Such an attack would certainly account they replied. But Putin did not fall into this trap. Answer the Middle East, according to the Kremlin was FAMILY PLAN would return to the circle of fire. Both Muslim countries as well as Iran would act with Moscow would be in this mess. Big chaos will begin with a much larger wave of immigration in Europe would melt. Russia will be shaken, they will fall hard to Ankara, the Middle East would take a chaotic state. This family would then set up their own systems to go on stage for another 100 years, as always. "Russia would never want to test the power!" They acted with the thesis. They were wrong. If he had done Putin necessary moves, that had come against the two countries, NATO would leave us definitely and absolutely alone.

Turkey would not find the support he wanted. BIG GAME and dirty! Ankara in Moscow did not fall into this trap. He could not head a PLANE leave Europe facing immigration. At the end of the war would get rid of Erdogan. Can they take the consequences of the war that Putin would put the enemy belle … Mıntıka way with the cleanliness of everything. All plans are thin area, while Nevada … They were taking the money and what money away while pressing the button while moving to establish a new system of continuous Russian missiles raining on us wisdom Katyusha! continuous harassment by the other of the border was driving! They were now moving to Nevada money plane threaten Saudi Arabia. ALTERNATIVE could not stand the lack of funds. Hillary Clinton supporters sounded the beginning. Just as he was walking with his wife power MONEY. It is not it actually looks like 1914 scenario? Before the war, and then distribute captured! In the last game they wanted to bring us face to face with the Russians. The weaknesses of Russians that were turks in the soft underbelly of the limits! Both were strong and they hit the crowd … Think of a few birds PLANE! Now they're getting ready for another game. never get tired come from. They would attack until it occurs in head shape. According to the United States also would ever get to break them. Maybe they lowered the tempo until the arrival of Hillary. I do not know. But they do not want certain players in the oil and gas region! Both of money they want to control from a single source and energy. So, states, nations, salaries, social rights, institutions … At first, of course … Turkey who still miss them opponents of Ankara … Or they actually know or they are responsible for! I do not know … What do you think !

Here's something talking about trading in gas with Israel, Russia, Iran

* So Netanyahu, June 7, the Russian President V. During his meeting with Putin, the resumption of peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, Syria, the UN issues and Eastern Mediterranean energy resources is being discussed. Talks in Syria and the Middle East also claimed to have a greater say in olantürkiye; and Israel, as well as to be deposited on the table the issue of shortage ongoing with Russia …

* Turkey on one side to ask the Israeli apology and compensation for the Mavi Marmara, on the other hand, due to aircraft to reduce its claim to be the leading country in the Middle East with Russia's similar request since there faced an Israeli and full in the eastern Mediterranean between Russia and Leviathan stands regarding the sale of natural gas to Europe in the region.

* European project to sell gas to Israel through Turkey to Greece while seeing support from the United States; Cyprus and offers a suite of solutions in the field of Egypt. Although demand from Europe seeking to diversify energy sources, capacity against Israel, which will give out the problems and interests of Russia. Indeed, signed an agreement with Israel for exactly Russia, has enabled for resources Leviathan since the agreed upon will meet the needs of the Israeli internal market of natural gas will be here …

* Israel with eyes on Turkey's agreement to normalize long-standing, now focused on the June 26 meeting. What the frayed bilateral relations, long-term and strategic cooperation, such as natural gas, with the confidence to enter the issue of Israel's Ankara may delay suggests that even after normalization agreement.

* But at the beginning, as well as cooperation in the field of natural gas to Israel and enter the military with a strong Russia is a significant benefit in terms of security. Because Russia will be able to keep both to ensure the safety of both Hezbollah and the Iranian gas pipeline away from Israel. normalization with Turkey, Israel's biggest enemy is qualified, while minimizing support given to Hamas, Israel has understandably wants to hit another blow to Hezbollah through Russia.

* Issues in the Israeli-Palestinian Problem Solution in this case; It leads to the exclusion of Turkey from the Middle East. In Russia, Syria 1 issue of the political solution comes in the foreground, 2- consolidated its position in the Eastern Mediterranean energy equation. Business; Israel remains to find a formula that would upset relations with the United States.

I wonder which state actor released this to wikileaks?

Anti-Putin shills BTFO. As with the other e-mails. Putin is a major pain in the ass for the globalist kikes.
1 Mega-flatter Soros and his followers were the bankers, stock / bond begins to take. sure he knows something that others also monitors Soros. Meanwhile, foreign-owned passes every half hour television market news, reviews of the missing do not.

2. Income pass on buying small investors has shrunk. Media "market has moved government that the IMF agreement will result in this" raises the propaganda. Prices and used for further rises.

3. "Hit and Run" bankers, they will gain by buying the second and fold.

4. "hit and run" operator, it translates to collect the money in dollars and the bank tool goes beyond the borders of the country. Money, a new market will collapse, will lead to a national market to be upset.

5. income countries, the IMF, just as Soros's command, "minimize the state," he says. National production is drowned. External debt financing for the collection of the money market, the banks have received heavy wounds insecurity in order, so as to maintain the state order total is expected green light for new borrowing facilities.

6. Green light, just as it is linked to political demands Soros commanded. If it resists to governments, democratic and liberal (!) Collapsed prepared environment.

7. return the country to destruction inflicted. The collapsed economic environment, suddenly devalued the company's shares, raw materials, export products to buy dollars at a two-fold valued. for the conduct of security affairs, two conditions must be satisfied.

Central European University, George Soros's "open society" to train personnel in accordance with its mission, was established in 1989 under the leadership of the Inter-University Centre in Dubrovnik organization created in the former Yugoslavia's Adriatic coast. In 1991, training began with 100 students in Prague, now being carried out with 829 students from 40 countries with offices in Budapest and Warsaw. Students are belletiliy the eternal liberal economic organization and the end of national states.

Well some dumb Turkroach released all of Soros's JUICY plans do destroy nation states.
The HaberPOSTA+Rothschild ones are really really interesting.

How much would it cost to pay someone to accurately translate them?


Little roaches want another caliphate kek

Put out a request online somewhere plebbit would probably guarantee you a good response rate offering 10 cents per word for translations up to 200 words, 5c per word for any extra words over that limit.

Or come up with your own pricing scheme, but you gotta make a deal user and I mean a

anything about the rapefugees?

The broken translations make for difficult reading. What's going on here? Direct accusation of US attacking the airport on June 29th?

July 1st 2016

US bombs can not prevent cooperation with Russia .., Ali Serdar Bolat July 1, 2016 EAST Perincek Dogu Perincek, assessed Russia typed letter and a press conference with Ataturk Airport attack. June 29th 2016. Turkey is a country in war. Before us, the United States and Israel over the period of our terrorist organizations. The separatist terrorist organization in the interior was buried in ditches. Intensifying fighting in the north of the exterior Syria and Iraq.

US is trying to open a corridor extending from Barzanistan our southern border the Mediterranean Sea. Corridor on behalf of the Kurds, they say. We, the United States - we call Israel Corridor. In these circumstances it has already spread beyond the borders of our homeland war.

Interior and exterior is actually a single wall. Erdogan had proposed joint action against terrorism in a letter he wrote to Putin. This is a strategic step to end the divisive and bigoted terrorist. Because Russia cooperation against terrorism, Syria - Iraq - means that cooperation with Iran. Faced with this initiative we saw yesterday frenzy in the US side. The same day they exploded bombs at Ataturk Airport. Turkey's strategic response to the US attack came with the attack.

Henri Barkey, representing the US authorities, "Turkey should focus on the fight against Isidor," he says. So "The PKK - PYD stop the fighting," he says. In the fight against terrorism, we have to locate the correct order to get the exact results threat. the primary threat to Turkey, Syria, the PKK statelet in the north of our southern border created by the US and Israel. US - Russia To break the Corridor Israel, Syria, Iraq and Iran, and we have to act together. US bombs, will not block Turkey's take joint action with West Asian countries. At first West Asian countries, including Russia (Iran, Iraq, Syria) it is prepared to cooperate with Turkey against separatist and terrorist fanatics. burning tasks at present are to be opened immediately hdp'n case for closure. impunity of perpetrators of crimes against the state and integrity of the country HDPE MPs should be removed immediately.

Mayors who support the PKK should be taken of their duties. Treason Act twin used to carve the turkey should be removed immediately. State of Emergency in the Southeast (State of Emergency) or martial law should be declared the Local Government Act should be changed immediately, Special Provincial Administration strengthened and should be re-established. AKP and CHP "Autonomy" should leave the word, they should put an end to attempts to remove from the Constitution of the Turkish nation. The media propaganda of separatist terrorism must be prevented. These activities constitute the separatist terror organization that supports the so-called crime of non-governmental organizations and professional organizations should be avoided.

are you crazy?

people are too cucked.
It will only happen when the jews need the final push to purge the last bad goyim.

If you're only translating the emails you think are worth reading, no

If you're thinking of translating all of them, good luck. Nobody is going to do that

1000 words = $100
Farange was a good goy after all.

It looks like someone is redpilling someone else.


This is a large one regarding the Arab Spring. >6000 words

15th May 2013

This is one of the nation concerning this announcement in the very important issue of our way Erbakan shows that the obvious way to handle. These people, in the name of the Arab Spring interpret the US Greater Middle East Project (BOP for short) they already had gum in their mouths. Zionist lackeys in the Arab countries, and cruel dictators who rebels against the infidel Muslims, are accused bop services.

* BOP and the Arab Spring relevance ?: Is there a decade ago, the United States is known to prepare a project called the BOP, but it is not known the details. Now people like Asiltürk: "According to some of the region in preparing America ten years ago, plans, developments emerged today must necessarily be a part of this plan," carry out a plain logic. Based on this suspicion just scribble that Muslims are persecuted rebel.


In short stacked against Zionism's Arab Spring movement. Zionism wants and it is not possible to achieve with their own hands. However, against the unthinkable to remain a spectator to these developments. * That our deceased mentor at this point, "We do not have a Jewish Zionism under each stone but leaves no stone blank gold" * is manifested promise. So everything that is not Zionism. Zionism, we can not see God as an absolute magnitude. Everything that is happening on Earth, even better events such as the overthrow of the pharaohs is wrong to attribute even Zionism. But in this case, Zionism is trying to snooping does not change the fact. Zionism is an auspicious event like seeing that did not prevent the Arab spring, and now to destroy it, to stir, to do everything possible to take control, for it will develop new projects.

this was probably mistranslated

otherwise why would it say that the rothschilds are Pro-EU and Britain would be in trouble for leaving, and that it would be hard to continue the NWO after that

someone search for the Merkel ones, should be interesting

Sigh. Ameriturkfag here, willing to translate and make sense of things. Just as a disclaimer, even though I will inevitably be called mudslime etc, I really hate the Erdogan mudslimes in Turkey, freaking Kurd mixed shizskin, and am not a "muslim", whatever that is. Also I am white as snow, unlike most of those mongrels from the coup videos you saw.

Just let me know what you want me to sift through. My Turkish is a bit rough around the edges, but I am fluent and can make more sense of it.

Some potentially useful keywords:
Irak = Iraq, Oil = petrol…

Typing from phone so special characters are a bit hard.

I think these guys are basically shitposting about Turk Breitbart.

the whole mud mindset revolves around trying to repeat their past glories, that's why they're such failures.
you could probably troll them into attacking US forces with camel cavalry on the basis that Allah favors it.
it's almost like they're a cargo-cult parody of their own dimly remembered history.

Painful. Can you get a keyboard

it seems the ones with "Haberposta" are just news sources

so its irrelevant

Those are public emails, filled with the normalest faggest shit ever, ranging from "pls help me with my girlfriend", "I won't vote you again unless you raise the wages" and "Please read this important blog post no one will read" to "cronyism pl0x cuz I voted for you", "Here is how I would do what you do (literally Holla Forums in email form)" and "Penis enlargement advertisements".

It is filled with disappointment.

TDS goys had an interesting take on the coup affair, that the military was the whites and the cops and roach rabble that put them down were the mongrels.

Do you have any idea what's going on with Turkey? Was the coup definitely a fake of some kind?

I would take some of these "haberPOSTA" things with a handful of salt. This is the source news site for that one:

It seems they are accusing US of being behind the airport attack. And that US wants a Israel corridor that passes through Turkey. Also seems US doesn't want them to fight the Kurds.
But, it seems Erdogan is swaying to Russia and Syria,Iran, probably because they will be able to stop Israel demands.

This seems big. If Turkey really joins Russia Putin gains a position in the Mediterranean. And the kikes will probably lose another defense. Beside Saudis, who will probably betray them to keep the wealth, they are nearly encircled, the US being their only defense

I think this one looks worthwhile

Chatham house rules for those who don't know

Sorry went dark for a bit, monitoring the thread from my phone but when translating I plan to go back and forth.

It's honestly a huge cluster. So many theories abound, but my take is that this was definitely staged/flase flag.

To start, the military has been a secular force in Turkey, as per Ataturk. The history of coups and martial law in Turkey has been overwhelmingly positive, and the SHEER imcompetence of the coup immediately brings about many doubts in my mind. In no particular order (cuz I'm lazy):

1) The military is pozzed. (((Erdogan))) has been relacing people in the military with his (((people))) left and right.

2) The coup was pathetic and disorganized. Who takes over a bridge, an airport, but not the media and parliament buildings? Doesn't immediately apprehend high profile targets?

To add insult to injury, you first hear the airport is taken over, then Erdofag lands there almost immediately after and delivers a speech? Yeah, right.

3) This allows him and his (((overlords))) to essentially seize power at a massive scale and to give the already pozzed military every other STD in the book, solidifying his rule.

The people already venerate him as some sort of prophet, and as you saw almost every single mongrel on the streets killing people was some sort of brainwashed mudslime. These people have said in the past they would literally eat Erdo's crap if he asked them to.

It screams false flag all around, and if people will sift through these emails there may be more answers.

Also, I think you might have been right about the whites in the military. It mighta also been a purge in that sense.

It breaks my heart that these mongrels are in control; just watch how they lynched soldiers who surrendered and refused to fire on them. People have said here that they were weak and shoulda defended themselves. They should have, but I think it was a purposeful setup, and the soldiers ended up being useful idiots to fuel the mudslime fire. They were basically sacrifical sheep and had no idea what was actually going on.

What a mess, I dunno what else to say.

Some news from this morning. He has so far rounded up 50,000 people and is preventing more from leaving.

I have no doubt that this entire scenario was deliberate for the sake of a huge purge.

This is only the beginning :o

This gonna be good. : D


ITT: Free Data mining for the CIA who are too lazy to search their own leaks.

for those who were not paying attention for the past 6 years.

Oh boy.

Turk reich confirmed.

I am pretty damn sure the CIA would be paying attention to Wikileaks by default

Nah m8, let the Greeks take Constantinople back.

CIA deliberately leaks controlled information? Well I never…

who doesn't know this?

Just finished watching it. Although what he says seems likely, the part on Wikileaks being used to slander Assad seems a bit strange when you consider the fact that they have posted shit like pic related. I think it is more likely that the US simply uses the information it has collected by spying and leaks them to Wikileaks through a proxy with a believable story so they eat it up. Since they can't phone up the Syrian government and ask for the name, age, occupation and address, the US wouldn't really need that much effort to fool Wikileaks with a fake identity and fake information.



Bad tinfoilheads cannot go into psychology.

Bump for greater good


Assad will have his vengeance, in this life or the next.

Why is this thread so dead?



For fuck's sake BUMP


No slide here


Anyone able to translate this?

Any Jew out there that can, please do.
It will change my perception of you.

unless you lie of course

pick one.

So is this thread getting slid?

I thought this release was important.

Might be because none of us can read it.

Wew. What the fuck is going on here?

Ok what the fuck is going on in this email.

We've got connections with Rothschilds, Abraham Lincoln, the Vatican and Mussolini.

That's fucking ridiculous. How deep does this rabbit hole go? Or is it bullshit?

slide thread.

source? source or you're a shill.

source. state it now.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs, commonly known as Chatham House, is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation based in London whose mission is to analyse and promote the understanding of major international issues and current affairs.


The Royal Institute of International Affairs finds its origins in a meeting, convened by Lionel Curtis, of the American and British delegates to the Paris Peace Conference on 30 May 1919. Curtis had long been an advocate for the scientific study of international affairs and, following the beneficial exchange of information after the peace conference, argued that the method of expert analysis and debate should be continued when the delegates returned home in the form of international institute.[36]

Ultimately, the British and American delegates formed separate institutes, with the Americans developing the Council on Foreign Relations in New York.
Lionel George Curtis CH (1872–1955) was a British official and author. He advocated British Empire Federalism[1] and, late in life, a world state.

Following Milner's death in 1925, he became the second leader of Milner's Kindergarten until his own death in 1955. His experience led him to conceptualize his version of a Federal World Government, which became his life work. In pursuit of this goal, he founded (1910) the quarterly Round Table. He was appointed (1912) Beit lecturer in colonial history at the University of Oxford, and a Fellow of All Souls College.

In 1919 Curtis led a delegation of British and American experts to organize the Royal Institute of International Affairs during the Peace Conference of Paris.[3]

In 1947, Curtis was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize; in 1949, he was appointed a Companion of Honour, on the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of Chatham House.[4]

tl;dr: It's the Britbong version of the Council on Foreign Relations. Rothschild stooges get together and plan how to extract maximum shekels from the goyim.

Reported for bumping slide thread

Was in the leak fucktard.

I guess I'll bump some more with Turkroaches collaborating with ISIS.
Islamic State militants are frequently transported across the Syrian border to Turkish hospitals for treatment, according to eyewitness accounts collected by RT on the ground. Their crossing was allegedly ensured by Turkish officials.

Both Islamic State (IS, previously ISIS/ISIL) and Free Syrian Army fighters were able to cross the border from Syria into Turkey en masse and receive medical help – only to then be allowed to go back to resume fighting in Syria, the head of a local doctors’ association told RT’s Lizzie Phelan.
Read more
© Mohamad Bayoush ‘Turkey the only one supporting us’: Syrian rebel siding with Islamists on Ankara’s role

Phelan visited Gaziantep, a city in south-central Turkey some 60 kilometers from the Syrian border. Eyewitnesses and doctors told the RT correspondent that most of the IS fighters were treated in the border city of Kilis south of Gaziantep.

“Many wounded ISIS militants or FSA [Free Syrian Army] fighters were brought to the border in pick-up trucks, not ambulances,” Medical Association Chair in Gaziantep and Kilis Hamza Agca said. “Many were unconscious and bleeding when they were brought to us.”

The injured men were apparently driven right from a “war zone” and doctors often had to deal with things like “grenades falling out of their pockets,” Agca added.

One doctor from Kilis also confirmed to RT that they were receiving fighters from across the Turkish-Syrian border, including IS militants. The doctor said on condition of anonymity that he was just one of the doctors who treated terrorists in Kilis.

The medic described discovering suicide vests on some of the IS patients and feeling terrified as he was forced to take them off.

The doctor added that the flow of IS militants being admitted to Turkish hospitals has decreased, but they still see militants admitted every couple of weeks.

Is this a new type of troll?

It's too stupidly obvious.





The fuck are these images?

Mods just removed all his shit from the John Hinckley thread and now he's here. Report his ass. I did.

Here's one of them. They actually thought Guacman was going to be the Republican candidate.

Is there anything on Hitlery having shit to do with Sanders demise?

Oh it's you again.

You still coming by tomorrow? We'll go to the range and I'll put you to good use as a moving target. Should be fun.

Holy shit.

Holla Forums really did fuck up their plans.

And I doubt they wanted Trump in.


Also here's some documents from a link posted here:
It proves Hillary most definitely had secret documents on her PC.
She's a lying bitch.

Then you aren't a 'Turk,' you're some kind of Anatolian, maybe a Hittite mix or an Armenian mix or a Greek mix.

How do you feel about the country of Turkey, what do you think its future should be, balkanisation and return to the appropriate owners of the land?

try global report.

Yes we did, and no, they don't want Trump in. The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds. Go read what they have to say about him. Jews hate trump because he's TALKING ABOUT BORDERS AND GETTING RID OF THEIR "FREE TRADE" BULLSHIT.

ALL THE CRAP ON Holla Forums ABOUT "(name someone who goes against jewish interests) IS A JEW" IS KIKE PSYOPS 101. How else would you discredit someone in the eyes of those who are jew wise?


Brexit was good goy from the start, soros made out quite well :^)

The EU was setup to be taken down, it is part of (((their))) plan.

If these are legit, then it's no wonder why they were quick to run constant hitpieces about Trump and his supporters. Even to the point of namedropping "alt-right" and obscure imageboards in the political battleground and MSM in under a year.

Everything is falling out of (((their))) fingertips and they're becoming fucking nervous.

Don't think so. Their optimal scenario would have been an integration of European and North American Union into one "Atlantic Bloc", perhaps with the addition of some parts of the African Union.


Then again it seems like maybe they were just on some disinfo mailing list

Why is the first text written in very bad English? It's not/shouldn't be a machine translation, so what gives?

Forget it. Didn't look carefully.


It's nice having a God who speaks through anons, even when they don't realize it.

How much has Brexit delayed (((their))) plans though, realistically speaking?


I noticed this myself. Sometimes a poster posts a truth or piece of information which, strictly speaking, didn't come from himself, but originated in an "intuition", or hunch.

Personally I think the Brexit is only a minor setback for them, because the Muslim invasion and the consolidation of the rest of the EU continue. It sure was a wake-up call, though.



Social proof is a hell of a drug.

People follow the herd, or more accurately, people follow what they BELIEVE and PERCEIVE is the herds opinions.

That is why television is so important a propaganda tool, it leverages social proof by convincing 100 million people that the views of 30 people represent the majority.

And most people believe that shit.

anti slide

So anyone willing to give a breakdown about these leaks?

Clearly Assange seems disturbed by Jews now. He knows something that seals the deal way more than what Holla Forums's dug up.