How's everyone doing tonight, any drunk anons on this board? Whats everyone drinking tonight
How's everyone doing tonight, any drunk anons on this board? Whats everyone drinking tonight
Shameless self bump. I don't want to drink alone tonight
it's my birthday. i drank 2 beers.
Cabernet Sauvignon
Happy birthday user, I hope you're doing well. You should drink some more. Play some music, play some vidya, have a good time.
Sounds fancy
happy birthday user.
sadly i couldn't convince my mummie to go get me some, so I'd sitting out sober tonight. At least I got my cigarettes.
Just started my second one
Damn son, you trying to get a heart attack? Never actually tried 4loko, nofun state I think. I haven't seen any.
I got beyond drunk on box wine about six months ago and haven't drank since. I threw up homemade ramen all over my floor by my bed, and the next day I felt like I was going to die.
The time before that I wrote a grill's name all over my body in sharpie.
It's just flavored malt liquor. The energy ones got b& quite some time ago.
I see them at a lot of places.
I'll have to try some, heard it's pretty high alcohol% for its kind. I live in Arizona. I've seen them before, but I don't think I've seen any lately.
You wrote a grills name on your body in sharpie? That's pretty weird bro, even for me. What drove you to do that? besides the alcohol
Let it out op, tell us about the girl
I am sampling Absinthe with the usual evening scotch.
Combination of being very drunk, being weird, and crushing heartbreak over falling in love with a girl I could never be with.
I pray to Saint Elliot every day that I might be blessed with supreme gentilemanliness.
I made this infograph thing on how to be ubermensch, although, the image is too large so I'll have to crop it into pieces. I haven't shown it to anyone yet but it's helped me, I'll go into paint dot net and crop some of it, hold on.
does absinthe really make you hallucinate
I don't think I have enough of it to do anything too major. I've been downing scotch quite frequently for the last 3 years so I have a bit of a tolerance to booze. Interesting science experiment though. I might consider getting a bottle of the stuff and record the process.
God dammit, getting the flood detected bullshit. I can't have nice things. Give me a sec.
Tell me how it goes, I want to see if that van gogh shit is real
time for vidya and vodka
I quit soon after new years
water and tea tonight
No one likes a quitter
I quit about a month ago now. Water and hot chocolate for me.
Rum masterrace