Swedish far left


any swedefags willing to give some info on this one? are they legit or just a reaction to the fascists? can they actually do anything? are you willing to join them and cuck some nazis?
and why arent they more focused on being more anti-capitalist?

also we could flood the comment section with lefties, gaiz. way too many Holla Forumsfags on the top.

Other urls found in this thread:


also there's a qt leftist somewhere in the middle of the vid :3

They seem pretty based.

They're going to make Sweden great again.

Do go on. I'm always interested in hearing how Holla Forums justifies their belief in Marxist domination of all major political, economic, and academic institutions existing alongside the uncontested victory of global capitalism.

give me one reason why sweden isnt a capitalist welfare state of recessive leftism?

dont you fags have anything else to do?
get back to your containment board

>inb4 gultural bolschevismus marxism






fuck off.


I am reminded of a folk saying from days of 4chan yore: Don't feed the trolls

reported and moved on. it's only the salty newfags who bothered anyway


alright fags, lets try again.

any swedefags willing to give some answers?

There is actual left in Sweden?
Are they not banned by the SocDems already?

Do the neonazis in Sweden count them as enemies?

watch the video and see for yourself

im looking for answers, not more questions. im as clueless as you are


There was a militant socialist group called "Revolutionary Front" but they have disbanded.

They are the petulant children of the petite bourgeois social democrats( swedish blairite equivalent).

Cultural Capitalism comrade Satan.

That image is retarded.

I shall.


that's real cute

thanks ily

bovine excrement

rand plz

I despise Rand and every other self-proclaimed Objectivist.

The organisation in the video focuses mostly on anti-fascism, but the anti-capitalist movement is pretty large.

I think sweden is already communist enough.

"Leftists" these days, by God.






Dionysian cultural values are not inherently capitalist.

What's your thesis here?
I don't give a fuck about some assorted bibliography.

This is why they say cultural Marxism.
Some could say IDpol.

The articles aren't exactly long

That first article…makes me want to vomit on all of your ideological faculties.

This is so untrue, I can't even begin to decostruct it. Adorno, the giant of the Frankfurt School explicitly states the priority of the object, as per Marx—he was a materialist, as were most of the 1st and 2nd Gen FS.

Do you even read books?

So you can't even deign to put an argument in your own words?

These people (vid) are from the Revolutionary Front, which has since disbanded and (as far as I'm aware) practised more or less entryism into AfA to turn them into actual socialists and not just liberal "anti-fascists". From what I can see they've been somewhat successful, as any talk of "manspreading" or "muh pronouns" had been purged from associated social media last time I checked.

Otherwise we're in the same shit as any western EU country, a socdem, idpol "Left Party" a few sectarian MLs and Trots that none gives a shit about. We do have a pretty active AnSyn movement, but there are no real demands or platform, just "activism".

Seriously, I'm not going to look at any more of this fascist pulp.

Not can't, won't unless you make it worth the effort

I'm not your prole, fascist scum.


Try living in european country filled with millions muslims and say its a great honor and equality for you. Just try it. You all are white homosexual 18 years old twinks anyway. You can't judge anything.



I think that's wishful thinking on your part lad



Communism isn't considered radical in Sweden.
It is considered the norm.

You're fucking retarded.


My IQ is 120.
While I'm not exactly a genius, we both know.. well at least I know, that I am a bit over average.
Which is more than can be said for the likes of you.


Nobody cares, you're still a retard

Then why is Sweden still a capitalist society?

Does anyone on the swedish left actually organise workers? I mean anti-fascism is great and such but beating up fascists will not politically organise workers as a class.

Where is that .gif from?

Bloody hell, you couldn't be a bigger faggot if you tried.

Not but it's from a film named "Cruel Intentions", which aroused me quite a lot as a teenager… Bourgiedrama.

No it's not

what happened to them?

I fucking wish.

Says a lot about the accuracy of IQ doesn't it?

Swedish Worker's Central-organization (SAC) are the local AnSyn union, they are pretty fucking based but tiny, has grown enormously recently because of a series of scandals in the mainstream unions.

Otherwise no, as in the US most of the left actively despises the working class bc "white trash", as for those with migrant background - the left doesn't try to even reach out to them because they believe they're going to get stabbed and robbed (meaning their constant search for "racists" are a closet reaction to their own prejudice).
