Apple's new book

Apple have created a book of 450 photos of their products, over the last 20 years.

And I think Holla Forums is going to love it.

Are you guys going to pre-order online, or lineup outside your nearest store on launch day?

Oh you think I'm joking?

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I haven't decided if I want the large or the small. I like the small because of the convenience, and it'll be easier to fit in my back pack, but I want the large one on my coffee table for when I have friends around. Perhaps I'll buy a couple small sizes for casual use in case they get damaged being in my bag, and one large for the living room.

Do they really want to remind Apple fanboys of the time Apple products were actually interesting?

Of course they have a fucking behind the scenes John Ivy video narrating the creation of the book:

Pic related is a still from the video. Exactly how hipsters would like to imagine how Apple meetings take place.

~~ Sent from my Retina Macbook Pro

Yeah, but I always just keep my Bible by my bedside and a small pocket Bible in the glove compartment of my car. Thats what you're talking about right?

Nah, I'm paraphrasing Apple users I've heard talking about iPad sizes.

You see, the ingenious decision to release every product in two sizes allows apple to gain control of the purchase decision.

It's no longer, do I want this product or not? But, which size of the product will I buy?

The early campers that set up camp in front of apple stores days before launch date are always paid by apple as a way to generate news coverage and good goy cheerleader points. Apple has always had very ingenious marketing campaigns and spends a lot of money on this sort of cult marketing.



The clamshell is the ultimate girl computer. I'm surprised they got rid of them, because teen age girls would still buy that in current year.

That's probably the original scam that apple used as a template for their $299 firestarter scam.

Here's your new 'hip' home: >>>/g/

But TAOCP is worth it.

At least you don't remember the 1984 ad.

It's the greatest.

I miss when they'd change up the designs a lot more. The iMac got two complete redesigns in its first 6 years, and then only very minor changes for 12 years. After the clamshell, iBooks/MacBooks stopped really changing. The Mac Pro finally got a redesign after 10 years of the same look (but the G4 Power Mac had multiple designs in the few years it was around).

I guess there's not much they can do without making the computers thicker again.

Now that's a TAOCP I could go for!

O(n^2) sort algorithms are for losers. Our coders are mess, and we don't win any more. By reading this book, you will learn how to win like me. Together, we'll write sorting algorithms ahead of schedule and under budgeted space requirements. If you find an error in my book, I will cut you a cheque for ONE MILLION dollars. What do you have to lose folks?

iThought it was going to be an eReader that looks like a book. How different do you need to think to want to buy this?


I seriously thought this was a joke when I saw this thread. Looks like Tim Cock needs more ivory buttplugs.



This is how riches to rags happens m8. Enjoy funding a kike.

Cool idea tbh. Apple's strong suit has always been this borderline pretentious, minimal design, not the technology itself or its functionality. That's what people have been paying $800 for an iPhone for. Might as well give them the straight dope. In fact, the book is about exactly the price of an "Apple tax".

Apple hasn't had a good idea in ages, and I doubt a coffee book will save their shitty stock, but at least it's something that won't be a worthless failure like the apple watch and the jackless phone.

This isn't made for your typical consumer

It's made for people who earn more than 300 dollars an hour every day and display it on their coffee table to show to other upper class friends. It's not for you, calm down.

So what? It's still fucking moronic

It is, I can get 2 asian hookers overnight for that money.

in my country only hookers use iphone because sugar daddy love to give apple products to mistress/work lady

This is what poorfags imagine how rich people live their lifestyle, what "upper class friends" would think putting a tasteless catalog in your living room is a good idea? It makes your room look like ikea showroom.

t. poorfag who thinks 300 dollars is a lot of money

Nigga that's too 8-balls of cocaine which would be a better use of your money than this book especially if you're a richfag.

He's right. It's the reason niggers wear gold chains and ugly overpriced sneakers. To show off as upper class you'll need way more than $300. Their target market is apple drones. And unless it's a picture book none of the buyers will read it.

Lol you just proved me right, you're not going to change your financial and social status because you've spent 300 dollars, regardless of what you purchased.

I try not to project but you sound like a wagecuck.




I'm convinced at this point that Jony Ive is some sort of middle/high functioning autistic and that Jobs kept in check or heavily steered his creativity. Just look at how socially awkward he is in any of the very rare media interviews he does. This guy's moved onto an unhealthy obsession with making every product as thin and light as possible and nobody at Apple has the balls anymore to tell him no.

Who the fuck would buy this shit? Seriously, who?
Why would someone just buy a book that has pictures of overpriced aluminum unibodey devices? To drool on it?

Don't try to fool yourself, user. It will be out of stock in hours and we all know it. This shit will go on for at least another decade.

Kill me now, please

I could see some design students buying it if it actually went into the design (i.e. why and how, not the what) of Apple products, but even then not at a 300$ price tag. For that price the books should better come with a hooker included. but with Apple the hooker would be Tim Cook who's come to poz your shit up, so maybe this is for the better

Yeah, I got some money by selling my car, and found no better way than spending it on a few holy bible books. I am going to white heaven

it should have been an internal exclusive thank you book for its old employees. Not a fucking $300 product.


I wouldn't be surprised if that was actually what it originally was before some Jew saw it and figured they would sell it to the public.

It's really like admiring the tenacity of your arch-nemesis while still hating him.

Not a chance in hell will I buy the book or any Apple product, ever, for the rest of my life, but I really do like Industrial design. I would be very curious to see clean pictures of the internals of their old hardware.

G4 is still nicest looking machine ever. I saw a video of someone going through this book and they wasted like 12 pages or so on the Watch, because it's the only new "designer"-y thing they've done in the last 4 years. Even the iPhone 6-onwards was heavily "inspired" by HTC.

It's meant for people like you. They also have pictures of some of the tools and processes they've used for certain products.


I have a PowerMac G5 tower, I think that is the sexiest thing they did.

They did this back in the 90s. Interestingly enough, a few years after Jobs left. Company went to shit after. One thing that Jobs was really against was nostalgia. Company is probably headed for another 90s-era slump.

Would've definitely been a very touching gift.

Fuck, if they released it online for free on the release date of the book as a "gift to the fans who've supported us" it'd be a hell of a lot of free advertising.

I think it's more meant for the mindless plebians who feel a portion of their "unique" identity is represented by a mass-produced product. The kinds of people who put Apple logo bumper stickers on their cars. I just have a hard on for objectively "good"/QUALITY things - no matter what they are.

Why do sexy and stupid always have to be so directly proportionate?

Looks like either a cheese shredder or a noodle strainer.

It's not april.


You sound like a person desperately reaching to sound intellectual. Loosen up the Fedora.

Well if that's what poorfags think rich looks like, wouldn't it be perfect for impressing poorfags?

Yeah, Apple is shit but I'm really impressed by their facility in the video. Seems like they have a facility where people can easily machine metal (and probably 3D print too) just to play with new ideas. The attitude they have seems like a good way to get ideas out of staff too.

If I had a big consumer electronics company I'd probably model the design department a lot on Apple, even if my products or customers were very different.

Please read the bible and repent.