Beach City Con
One of the stretch goals better be for a goddamn ballpit.
Filled with kid poop?
People pledged $17,000 for a Steven Universe convention?
I hope whoever is hosting this pulls a Dashcon and runs off with the money. People who are seriously pledging money to this deserve to have a "convention" that has an autistic ballpit and nothing more.
Again, what's wrong with fat Nicolas Cage?
So Virginia really is only for virgins.
FUCK. Just another reason to hate this town.
And yes I am indeed a virgin.
You know what you have to do, user.
Not having a fucking clue, I'm going to assume that's a convention dedicated solely to Rainbow Dash from MLP? Bloody hell…
And not-so-focused MLP conventions are a going concern, too.
It was a Tumblr convention, they had to change the name because they legally couldn't call it Tumblrcon.
It went about as well as you'd expect.
It was a "Tumblrcon".
Their main attraction was a ballpit in the middle of an undecorated concrete room that, allegedly, a Holla Forumslack attending had pissed in about half-way through the event. There were also BDSM booths and other such sex/18+ themed stations that freely let minors in, as well as some musicians and other entertainers that had cancelled their appearances prior to the event for non-payment.
So, in short, it went about as well as a Tumblrcon could have been expected to go.
I know Tumblr has a "reputation", but is, at the end of the day, just a social network. You wouldn't have a "con" for Facebook, would you?
Also I used to lurk half/cgl/ purely for con horror / drama, and I actually remember the ball pit, come to think of it. But, at around the same time, a startup UK anime con was held in a 12-storey hotel with the conference facilities inexplicably spread between the top and bottom floors. And one of the lifts broke down on the first day. A ballpit in an empty room seemed small fry compared to that disaster.
Well VidCon is a thing so I wouldn't say a Facebook convention wouldn't be out of the question at some point.
This was Dashcon.
And what the heck was the "dash" part about?
Man, the biggest thing I've learned in the last few years is how shitty and useless social networking really is.
No idea.
Either you're really out of the loop, or you're a tumblrina in (bad) disguise.
Social media has made fools of everyone involved in it. Interacting with people all over the world and yet still not truly interacting at the same time. It just made everyone just have a big chip on their shoulders and defend that chip at length.
Don't get the fad of emoji's. Seems like something reserved for kids instead of something adults would use. Maybe I'm old fashion but I'd rather type out a long sentence to get my point across than having an image that can be interpreted anyway you want. I guess it might be fun for the first few minutes to an hour but I'd rather just have a normal conversation at the end of the day.
God damn am I sick of seeing emojis everywhere.
Oh man, we are going to have cringe material for DAYS… hopefully somebody chimps out over a triggering.
nowadays a post like yours would be considered a "novel" and people wil just push away thinking you're trying to hard or some shit.
I get using emojis for things like emphasis and tone, but communicating with just them? Wouldn't it be more practical and less time-consuming to just type instead of picking out of a thousand icons and stringing them together into hieroglyphics?
I can't fucking wait
time to fix that user
At the very least, you have to sneak in and take pictures and/or video.
There is a twitchcon and twitch is pretty much going for a social media model now a days.
Good memories
This was dash-con
I forgot that thing existed, is any good?
Also, what happened next? Like, there was any kind of lawsuits? I only knowed about the ball pit but after all that shit I read I hope the fuckers that made that trainwreck are deep in demands
I want the dashcon internet defense force to leave
Even fucking Denny's was making fun of Dashcon.
And they tried to host a second one a year after, despite all the fuck-ups.
That shit was fun as fuck, at least untill it ended up stinking of feet.
Don't tell me that you went to Dashcon, eh user?
That fuckin wojack in the bouncy house…
It's the Predecessor to SU's Fandom Cancer that succeeded in being a "Safe Space" fandom because they have gay non-white people in it.
The podcast in itself used to pretty much /x/ meets Twilight Zone/Twin peaks/Steven King/Lovecraft set in a desert town until tumblr destroyed it and turned it into Alternate Reality Desert San Fransisco.
Nah, just in general. Remember going to some friend's party when I was a kid and them having a bouncy house there.
Fun. As. Fuck.
why don't people rent out bouncy houses for house/frat parties and the like? never been to one, but it makes sense, lots of people close together, lots of chance to see tits, and it's not awkward like twister.
Why? There's probably going to be enough autists there to record and film this fuckfest. And these people probably have no shame so we'll get to see every cringeworthy scene and moment online.
I shall defend my purity with glorious nippon steel.
what kind of knight are you, sir
I'm imagining something like this scene, but to the tune of soft half-hearted ukeleles
Are you for real, Holla Forumsmrade?
Tumblr Hate Guy is no Holla Forumsmrade, he's just another Holla Forumsack.
Some of my favorite artists seem to exclusively use tumblr, so I'm alright with it. You can filter out a lot of the shit as long as the artist is level-headed and immune to SJW kool-aid.
However, being on tumblr does invite certain undesirable elements that can ruin otherwise good people. I can't recall any at the moment, but I seem to recall several notable figures going full SJW because of their constant interaction with screeching little shits telling them they are problematic.
Use it for porn all you want, but don't drag your safe space triggers, nigger loving, and tranny mental illness shit back here
You have to go back.
Honestly this is a great scam OP. The people that came up with this one are going to fleece the SU retards.
fuck off it's a shit site, terrible interface and 98% of it's users are oven worthy
It's awful, user. Like any big website, it has some bright spots out of sheer probability, but that doesn't help with the other 98% is hot, steaming garbage.
The media player is also shit.
I never noticed that and now you just made me choke you motherfucker.
Drawfags who go on tumblr are fucking shit user, even if they start out good they lose all sense of color and their art degrades into blobs
I started out drawing here, and started out a blog on tumblr because that's the only place where people are stupid enough to pay me to draw shitty tits
I'm constantly terrified of that place getting to my head.
You're being ironic right now, but I'll take the time to remind you that this kind of pretend defend is a huge part of what lead to tumblards taking up permanent residence in cuck/co/.
Other factors were Avatar shipping and MLP bullshit.
This is like defending Youtube only because there are some good videos in it
get the fuck out of my board
No. Presents itself as "urban legends/conspiracy theories are all real and presented to you in day-to-day news format" but in practice ends up a dry, plodding mess of a podcast that simultaneously tries to be wacky. When Tumblr learned about it and popularized it the show degenerated to cater to their new audience by flanderizing and it got even worse.
You seek the rat?
Oh, I really hope it's as hilarious as Dashcon.
Oh god what a wonderful time. It deflated when a hole got punched in it, but not before someone pissed in it apparently.
Pretty sure CWC had sex though.
And is trying to sell himself.
Salami Ratio
Tell me about it.
DC fags are like Californians, complete with utter lack of driving skills and smug self-righteousness.
i dun get id.
This is fucking great.
This will result in a lot of amazing footage for Holla Forums propaganda.
SJW's just can't help themselves.
I wholeheartedly know how you feel. Texas is the same with Californians at the moment.
Surely they won't get scammed twice
They can't be that dumb
There are a lot of people defending this on tumblr unfortunately. They just never learn.
kill yourself nigger.
Tumblr is shit for archiving art though. I have no idea why artists use it.
Because they cant into pixiv.
What sites have these artists you're talking about abandoned?
every site that it actually makes sense to upload art to.
They don't get them because no one feels too comfortable going in alone.
My apartment actually went all out one year for independence day, got a mechanical bull, bounce house, catered BBQ, DJ, free wine (bit shoddy quality but could have as many glasses as you wanted), and couple other things. Almost no one used the bounce house though except after a good bit of drinking there were a couple that tried it.
It's not that they're not fun, but it feels odd getting in when it's not looking like others are. When you're a kid you don't give a shit about that kind of thing so it's easier to get groups going for it.
So, just normalfags being boring.
More like "I'm too fat and old to use a bounce house"
Or is that just me?
I fucking hate California
I hope it falls into the ocean
That recent earthquake movie with the rock was great. Cali sinking in the ocean in nice 3D
Artists post their shit on Tumblr for the same reason they also post it on Facebook or fucking Twitter: For better or worse, it's where the people are. Posting it on an art hub is pointless if nobody goes there anymore.
It will make for bountiful kek harvest, I fail to see what's unfortunate about it.
AND it will drain these worthless morons of their disposable income, forgot to say.
The only way out is >>>/suicide/