Twitter just upped their censorship game.
Twitter just upped their censorship game
Where exactly? All I'm seeing is:
Basically Twitter got tired of the wails of triggered Feminists and SJW, so they gave them the tools to create their own little "equality bubble" where they won't risk getting PTSD from their tweet notifications field.
This is no worse than Holla Forums's filter system.
About time they committed suicide for good.
Why do they keep calling it 'abuse'?
In the worst case of whatever they're complaining about, it's trolling.
Otherwise it's just people that have opinions they don't like.
And yeah, most of this post describes a filter system. it tickles me that 8/pol/ here is filled with autists who constantly cry 'FILTERED!', yet they'd lose the irony in all of this.
It's not filtering it's banning, Twitter is now like an entire site run by imkampfy.
because it's vague, Left wingers mysteriously never get banned.
It seems right now the Twitter staff are just pissed off about Trump winning.
This is really just an automated equivalent to not visiting Holla Forums and Holla Forums. It doesn't remove them for those who like them. It does mention a "hateful conduct policy", but that nothing new or worthy of discussion and if it is worthy of discussion, why are other major corporations like Facebook, YouTube and Reddit being left out.
The sole purpose of codes of conduct is to suppress dialogue. While Twitter isn't the first to implement it, it's a topic worthy discussing while we still can.
And yet it still provides more free speech than 8ch
lol no.
no it isn't.
you get a site wide ban on Twitter if you tweet an opinion the Twitter staff don't like.
they also demand a phone number at random times and if you get banned a few times they block the phone number and you can't make an account again.
Facebook now has more free speech than Twitter and the only thing Twitter is good for is rapid fire trolling, without that it's just another Tumblr.
what this basically means is the option for "directs hate against a race, religion, gender" won't get people that post anti white, anti male content banned.
wew fam
a board on Holla Forums is only equivalent to a twitter account.
Poor frustrated trolls can't shitpost on Twitter now. Awwwwww...
Jesus fuck guys just stop replying to him
Holla Forums =/= "this entire website" if you get banned from Holla Forums there are plenty of alternative political boards plus you can use Tor to post anyways Holla Forums has no global rules except no illegal content. Twitter moderation is global and arbitrary
But I bet you already knew that
>Holla Forums isn't this entire website until they want to take credit for something or they want to shitpost crossboard like on Holla Forums
Okay, don't talk to me. It doesn't make you any less self-aware.
That's bullshit, Jim globally bans anything he does not like. (Pic related evidence)
Were they not mistakes and unbanned?
And filtering your posts is just an automated equivalent of not visiting /lgbt/, now fuck off.
Shit posting on every board with spam gets you banned, who saw that coming?
It looks like Paul Joseph Watson is switching to VK and Mindz as social media platforms. Any thoughts?
He has been globally banned once (which was not by Jim), but after complaining about it it was reverted.
There are no measures against brownpill in the automated anti-spam, unlike the link/CP spam.
Twitter is still more freedom respecting than Holla Forums.
which confirm that stormfag are garbage
lol butthurt nigger
Twitter has its uses, 'tech' actually being one of them, as hobbyists find each-other with it.
Political Twitter is for absolute fucking tools who think reposting propaganda has any fucking value.
What exactly is wrong here? This sounds just like the filter options that 4chan and Holla Forums have.
Based VK tbh.
Holy shit, I think we're supposed to repost all our IT'S HAPPENING macros.
I think.
It's the tone they put off from it that's irritating. Their reason for the filter system comes off as "protecing our special snowflakes from perceived harassment and discrimination produced by those not enlightened by a liberal arts college degree" whereas 8ch's reason is more in the lines of "To filter that one tripfaggot who keeps derailing threads into arguments over anime reaction images and retarded infograph dumps"
False. Immediately after the election, they dialed the thought policing up to 11 on Facebook as well. This is clearly politically motivated and taking place across the full spectrum of social media. They're panicking.
NOW IS THE TIME TO STRIKE, while the iron is hot! People are angry because they can see the censorship as clear as day. They're more receptive now than ever to new options. Let's make sure they see them.
leftypol is defending this because it helps their political agenda. (subverting the us way of life)
Holla Forums is just a bunch of LARPing faggots m8, I wouldn't pay them much mind Their complete disregard for principles (mostly because they think principles are spooks) especially in the wake of shit like this is why true leftism is dead in the west
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?