Please roast me I need to know what other people think of me
Roast me
Other urls found in this thread:
I also post cool stuff on Twitter
you look like a fucking fgt mate
And I Vloged before it was cool
what the fuck is your twitter
gave me cancer before i even openend it
Sorry our autistic qouter is done for the year
Hey Im not a fgt. Being gay is not a bad thing.
yes it is you gay pig
Im not autistic mate Im just different and youre jealous
Post a larger picture of you and I will turn you into a character.
yes you are autistic.
look at your fucking mustache dude
My look is just for all the ladies I got
are you squinting?
No I just didnt look straight
dont lie you fucking bitch
Your eyes are not straight, you normal and relaxed face looks like you are confused constantly
scrawny arms, diformed jaw and your neck is too big on one side
Oh man youre so childish right now
nice roast my nigga
You really don't…
take the stairs faggot, cardio is good for you.
this is my instagram pls follow me all
but why i want followers pls follow me and comment on my pictures
You dont have to no problem my friend :)
rate my friends too
I also got a cat meoowwww
did you stole this kids pictures and now you came here to post them in this shithole?
prove you are that kid time stamp and dedicate it to Holla Forums Holla Forums if not GTFO cumskin.
i hope that pussy scrathes the shit out of you
OP, post pic with timestamp. How do we know this isn't your clever way of making Holla Forums fuck with an innocent man?
OP is the guy in who isn't glasses guy. OP got cucked by glasses guy with his gf in the pika suit, so he's trying to get back at him by pretending to be him.
fuck you got me
Me too
me three
me fourth
me fifth
me sisthxvcyv
Rolled 1, 3, 4, 4 + 3 = 15 (4d4)addilf
You are not cool on the internet
I really approve this thread
He looks like he got a small form of trisomy 21
Are you warmwheels?
Can a girl give me a blowjob?
I'm Frozenwheels
probably not.
Ask your mom.
I will try :(
Okay good. I'll be cartwheels.
4/10 would rape him
I dub thee fatwheels
I accept my name with dignity, and will imediately start living up to said name.
I got more wheels
found his brother
make tripcode and only post wheel farts please. ill greet you in every thread like a royal guard
That's some fine wheels you got there.
You are racist
Tripcodes are for faggots
Im highwheels
Dont say fgt because you are a fgt too
if you don't know that your attitude is what matters with chicks you're probably not gonna be successful
back in college i knew a fucking brown manlet barly 5'7, with curly hair and jew nose.
i swear to god that faggot fucked more chicks than the rest of us combined.
he had a new bimbo every week, it was a fucking mystery for us
he wasn't.
he just was completely shameless and was sociable.
Tbh you seem like someone I'd hang out with
Whites are just as ugly and IMHO they are uglier.
not if you fatwheels
I am metalwheels
Names taken, fuckwheels.
More like betawheels
fgt cuck
Oh okay maybe I try being more direct then :/
you know it's true
Didn't they make an animated movie about you?
Its the future for every women
I bet fatwheels enjoys nigger cock as much as any ponyfag.
Im rapewheels vroooooom
I think every women should be trated with respect and every women should decide what their sexual partner is. Black guys are just better than whites we should burn the whites.
You cant even spell right fucking niggercuck
cumskins seriously deserve to burn they are the most autistic.
But Im not an autist I am a real alpha male
we all think you are special you also have the Tsim.
Approved fag
Yeah they are just there to be killed till no one is left over
I bet they drinking this
Wite wimin only
And they thought they were save because they defeated germany
Blacks are just superior to whites
All white women should just be fucked by black dudes
Double dubs Holla Forums BTFO
White women with black dudes or beta males?
Nigger cant even get his greentext right
don't be sad.
I think I can compete with their dicks
White boy detected
boi u look like a teenage mutant ninja turtle
boi u look like a peter pettigrew
boi u look like yo breff stank
mane sheeit
Worst wanna be troll since 4chan.
compete with them by shoving them up your gay ass, faggot.
show you peepee to us white boy
You can't even put a picture of yourself so you got to put pictures of someone you hate, in hope that we roast him.
Fucking loser