Robbie Reyes the Ghostrider coming to save Agents of Shield.
Robbie Reyes the Ghostrider coming to save Agents of Shield
Feel like they could've done more to make the actor look like Robbie but at least there's the jacket. Just hope the CGI skull doesn't look too bad.
On one hand, they skipped over the more recognizable and familiar Ghost Rider, and it looks like they did so for the sake of diversity.
On the other hand, at least THIS guy was actually in the comics, and his was a pretty good run from what I've gathered.
Now if only it wasn't drug down by being on THIS show.
Or wanting to differentiate from those movies
Nah, they did it so that they can put the more recognizable and familiar Ghost Rider in the movies, without needing to force filmmakers to acknowledge that Agents of Shield exists.
Or in other words, the Marvel tv show is getting left out in the cold again.
Ideally they're only using Reyes as a way to gauge interest for something with the actual Ghost Rider[s], or magic stuff in general. It helps that his comic origin has nothing to do with either Blaze or Ketch, so there's nothing immediately ruling out their use in anything else.
Not happening
You know, with the movie and TV groups now totally separate, I wonder when they're going stop pretending the movies and shows are canon with each other and just do things like DC.
The movies and shows are canon and will always be canon with each other. Don't be retarded.
Indeed they are, but there some contracts stating that the tv show characters can never appear in the movies or something like that. I don't know the exact details, but I do know for a fact Spider-Man characters are forbidden from appearing in any of the shows. The best they can do is reference events from the movies.
That could be mostly a Sony thing
I hope so. It's a shame if they waste such a good ip on Agents of S.H.I.T.
Just a reminder that we must separate Agents of SHIELD and Agent Carter from the Netflix tv series. They care completely different beasts and I'm not sure if the same rules for one applies to eachother.
Last I heard the Netflix tv show actors had some different contracts that allowed them to show up on movies. Not saying they will, but they can if needed.
Haven't they showed up as different characters?
The effects will cost them too much money. Flash/Legends of tomorrow has Firestorm with his head on fire but that rarely happens. This they have to make whatever fire vehicle as well
I wonder if it'll be one of those things where we enjoy the show whenever Ghost Rider is on the screen, and hate it when it goes back to the Shield agents. It helps that they seem to be going back to a more "Shield isn't just Coulson and like 8 other people" because that was pretty lame. It's one of the few shows where I just WANTED monster of the week type shit.
No dude.
Did this show EVER do anything with graviton?
I don't think anything from the first 2 seasons matters at all now.
Cage's Ghost Rider sucked, just like most of what Cage does.
I know you're just memeing but Nick Cage sucks ass and so did those Ghost Rider movies.
The movies did have a demonic bagger 288, tho.
It does not save them from suckage, but is just enough to make them worth existing.
Nicholas Cage was basically playing Elvis as the Ghost Rider. It was great.
You have never experienced true euphoria then.
Waste of dubs tbh fam.
Yeah now that I think about it we could redo agents of shield with Coulson on his own doing weird missions across the world in a James Bond type of thing and some Marvel locations like Madripoor or the Savage Land. The monser of the week format would've worked well with the show and the films and not fuck up their continuity.
Honestly it's inevitable especially with a tv show budget. What's confusing is why not just give him a helmet and add in the flames like Robbie actually has.
Go full Kamen Rider? That'd be cool and fun. But I doubt they could or would do something like that.
CW's version wasn't so bad. I feel like they can just use some stock skull model. Must be cheaper than modeling an actor's face.
The Fire's okay but they shouldn't use a stock skull. He's not Blaze. His "skull" is more of a helmet. They need to keep it that way. Otherwise he's not being done right.
Agreed. Robbie's skull is basically all helmet-like, with exception of the mouth/teeth. It is going to be horrible if the promo skull will be used.
Yeah, just using a helmet would probably be both easier and cheaper to do. There's even plenty of reference material already on hand for making it look right.
Yeah but I dunno if they'll put in the actual effort to make it.
Absolutely. It's the simplest answer so of course they won't do it.
In my ideal Ghost Rider tv show he at one point would say "Now, count up you sins" and do a henshin pose at some point
has Star Wars taught you nothing?
I mean the rest of the outfit is fairly accurate. Setting the wheels of car on fire is simple enough, done practically or in CG.
Wow, I never thought about it, but it's crazy how much overlap there is between Kamen Rider and Ghost Rider. According to my research, the iconic Ghost Rider debuted a year and some change after Kamen Rider. Though the name was from a western comic series started four years prior, the conceptual shift is such that ruling out influence from Kamen Rider is not possible. The centrality of the motorcycle, Henshin-esque aspect of the alter-ego, obsession with justice and innocence, and the later development of the Penance Stare as a named signature move all hint at cross pollination.
They never said the original EU was 100% canon with the movies
fun fact, the kamen riders were originally inspired by spiderman
Isn't he meant to be a teenager? So why the fuck did they cast a 30 year old to play him?
Hollywood casting
funny thing about the helmets, the helmets of the watchdog group from agents of shield could work as well.
I completely forgot about these guys. Yes yes yes, there helmets/masks are the perfect base for the Ghost Rider look on Robbie. They better fucking use em to make it. It's too good of an opportunity.
I can't hate those movies no matter what anyone says
The second seemed better than the first
perfect, tie it into the story. Robbie was one of them or some shit
Where can I find more of this?
Google. Or in almost any comic volume.
They might as well be… Agents of SHIELD retconned HYDRA's origin, making them a thousand-years long organization that worshiped some ancient Inhuman stranded in a ancient planet and their whole purpose was to bring that creature back to Earth so it can rule it as an deity. You see, Red Skull didn't create this organization and its ideals of facism that transcended Nazi ideology had nothing to do with its original goals.
Sonuvabitch… it is the exact some bullshit, isn't it?
Yes…But you see, it all comes full circle.
Heil Cobra!
Except without the humor or great intro song. It's doubly embarrassing for a show with ambitions of a cohesive narrative as opposed to just shilling toys.
cobra, kobra, and hydra are the Jewish ideal of the nazis just copy/pasted a few times.
still like jack kirby? look at his body of work again.
(((Jack Kirby))) aka ✡Jacob Kurtzberg✡ was a talented artist, but like all of his race, was driven by a natural instinct to destroy and enslave gentile cattle.
Shame what's become of the new gods.