The more I think about it, the more I am turned on by the thought of having a lot of children. I honestly got an erection by looking at these pics, imagining it. I have befriended a shy 19 year old girl at my university, while I am 26. I want to have a lot of children with her and seeing her pregnant in a wedding dress. Funny thing is, I am a virgin. Anyone else here getting that parental drive kicked into high-gear?
Getting married and establishing a family
you've fetishized it because you aren't getting any sex, don't ruin your life actually getting a girl pregnant, then paying for it the rest of your life
I only get that when thinking about monster girls
white bitches only want black dick. go back to masturbating to anime girls, white boy.
Btw, I am pretty much guaranteed a job and house in a small rural town. I intend to take over my grandmothers old three story house.
and you're willing to risk that just for a fetish
OP here, that 19 year old girl I was talking about is a prime example of a shy introverted girl. I am by far the person who has talked to her the most, however both of us are shy autisimos.
keep making excuses, crackah
Do it OP. Missionary for the purpose of having kids is fucking hardcore edgy.
your virginness and dick size doesn't matter, don't fuck it up
So you want to willingly share your money, life and possessions with a woman and then spend nearly all your money on raising a litter of tiny pricks who may become decent, productive members of society? Hah, good for you
If you're white and this is genuinely what you believe, kill yourself
bitter mgtow detected
give it time, it'll pass. You are fantasizing about a fantasy. You think family life is some happy-happy Brady Bunch shit. I'm sure some married fags on here will tell you otherwise
Do not have children. I REPEAT, do not having children. All women are fucking crazy and they will fuck your life up so much it isn't worth it. If she decides she doesn't like you, she could leave and take the kids with her and you would have to pay half your pay check to her for 18 straight years. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS TRAP
Op, as others have said, do not have a lot of children, do not find a wife. Live a solitary life.
Let's say hypothetically I got a bunch of girls to agree to being kidnapped and kept as sex slaves. I'd like to reproduce with them and have a ton of kids, but that's where the idea falls apart. How can they raise my kids with me if they're brainwashed slaves? How could I raise my kids without society asking too many questions about where they were coming from? Would this environment even be healthy for my kids?
The only reason I kind of want society to collapse is so I could get away with publicly doing this.
it is the worst reality call ever, your idealization of family will never be the full reality, and if you're ready to pop your cherry with a 19 yo AND have kids with her you are in for a very rude awakening, bang some sluts first so you'll fully know what women are.
get money first then have kids, if you're gonna be psychotic about it at least do it correctly.
it's like poetry
or better yet - adopt 5 african babies, gotta help the minorities, goyim!
By your logic, black gay porn proves that black guys are gay.
The truth is, women like masculine men who aren't retarded. Now, black guys do tend to be more masculine, but that's entirely a social construct. It's entirely because society encourages it in them, and discourages it in white males. Unfortunately (for you), white guys are less likely to be retarded. So right now, at best, it's a tie.
I don't understand how cracker is an insult. It's literally short for whip cracker and only an utter coward would be shamed by that.
Why must life be so unfair?