Can anyone help me in hiring an escort in las Vegas I need a good agency at a decent price

Can anyone help me in hiring an escort in las Vegas I need a good agency at a decent price
Also I need info about how paying works like
How do I pay the agency how do I pay the girl and that kind of stuff

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you take out your purse, you open it you, then you take out the money, give it to the girl, then you close your purse and stick it back in your pocket
you can thank me later


pick one

waaay too complicated

When I said decent i mean one around 200 the ave price from what I have read but I also read that of the $200 only like 5 percent or less goes to the girl and I will have to pay more when she's in my room these are the questions that I have

I don't want to pay $200 then have her come to let me pay her another $200

Brothels are not legal in the city of Las Vegas I have to drive like 50 miles out of town for a legal one

ok, pussy. just go to a club and talk to someone

Yeah what if the agency has me give them some money before she comes as a deposit
what if the agency wants me to pay them in full over the phone and then pay the girl the tip once she arrives
also how much would a Tip be I'm not play 200 more after pay $200 to the agency

Are you fucking dense are you retarded
I said I want to do it Las Vegas where I know it is illegal

ok jeez chill