Choose ONE

Choose ONE

Remove mold, the others are just annoying but mold causes serious damage.

Destroy california and

Destroy the Love Thread.

Here's a better one

You can only remove 1.

keep in mind if you choose 4chan, Holla Forums will become their new home.

Another option should have been to permaban attention whores.

I rarely see them as a bigger problem that anything else on the list.

Attention whores spread across the board, while the Love Thread and Horsefucker thread serve their purpose quick well. That purpose being containment, so it's easy enough to just hide it.

Maybe their attention whoring threads are just slipping by me without recognizing it for what it is.

Anyways, I'd choose Holla Forums, runner up would be 4chan.

Point out all of them.

That really doesn't do anything.

I'm not saying it's going to solve the problem I just have no idea what you're talking about.

I'd like to remove this thread 😘

remove yourself

Not to say this is what he's talking about, but there are these two threads dedicated to someone >>6791044

Just head on back

I think you forgot the digit of the last one.


But yeah I guess the first one is about them.

No, you just can't quote two posts, one right after another.

Can't we just all be friends?

If anyone wants to be your friend, they'd go to your containment thread.

Maybe if you remove your tripcode.

Oh I see. That one is also clearly about Z1. But that's like 3 threads in a catalog of 100.

That's three too many.
Two entire communities are being contained in one thread each. Where as there are three threads about one fucking guy.

1 is too many.

That's such a small percentage of the trash in the catalog though.

Go back to your gay hole with all your disgusting little friends.

You're not trying to defend this guy right now, are you?

here's a better one

Just questioning priorities. If I was hypothetically defending him I'd probably start by saying that I doubt he started either of those threads because they're not flattering.

idk theres a lot of black mold in my house im probably gonna die

No. Fuck off.

No. gays like you are normalfag cancer and should be purged.

your multiple choice is shit. it's not cali it's the cities that grow the cancer. cali SF included.

If it's shit then there must be an obvious answer?

Learn to swim, Cali. This flooding is only the beginning of the meme magick…

no, i just want a certain type of people destroyed not the lands.

we need the mold and their problems. they weed out the weak. the week should fear the strong.

ok it's basically the tripfag circle jerk rainbow feces edition.

you're OK, just dont go with a tripcode next time. I still love you.

There is NO such thing a "Bad Shitposting"