Rust General #1 - Rewrite It In Rust

Past current year delivered and it gave us the most superior programming language mankind conceived.


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curl -sSf | sh
rustup default nightly

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I want to paint you a picture of a utopia in which Rust has expanded to become the fabric of the entire classical computing world, where the possibilities of what we can achieve are not shackled to the decaying dreams of computer science past. In this perfect utopia you have invented the perfect model for managing your computer's sci-fi hardware, perfectly free from the legacy of Unix and Windows. And you need the perfect language to write it in. Everywhere you look is legacy: C, C++, Java; the stacks get bigger and bigger, cruft all the way down.

The only shining light is Rust. Those Rustaceans have been chipping away the cruft, distilling their platform to only the essence of bits and bytes, while also expanding its expressive power toward legendary elegance. Rust doesn't want to tell you how to build your system. Rust wants to serve you, to fulfill your dreams, on your terms. For your ambitions, Rust is the only reasonable choice in a world filled with compromises.


Some cool libs everybody should know

serde ( - If you need a serialization framework, go for this one. Requires nightly, will replace rustc-serialize when certain feature will be stable.
contain-rs libs ( - Extension of rusts std::collections.
futures ( - Zero cost futures.
rayon ( - Data-parallelism based around iterators.
nom ( - Parser combinator framework.

Some cool libs for gamedev

glutin ( - GLFW alternative in pure Rust
glium ( - OpenGL wrapper, very elegant. Aims to wrap the entirety of OpenGL in a way consistent across vendors.
vulkano ( - Vulkan wrapper. The madman did it. Highly WIP.
gfx ( - General purpose graphics API with OpenGL, Directx 11, Metal and Vulkan backends. Not as feature rich as glium, very cool nontheless.
specs ( - Parallel, high performance ECS (Entity Component System).
nphysics ( - 2D & 3D rigid body physics. A bit lacking in places, cool though.

Some cool libs for networking & webdev

mio ( - Metal (TCP/UDP) IO.
pnet ( - Low level networking.
hyper ( - HTTP lib used by servo.
iron ( - Web framework, small core and lots of plugins.
rouille ( - Web framework, new on the market and doesn't do plugin.
maud ( - Compile time HTML templating.
handlebars ( - Handlebars templating, has iron plugin.
diesel ( - ORM and Query Builder.


Keep up the good fight. Go hipsters aren't friends. Don't let yourself get discouraged by C weenies and C++ tards - they're done for, and they know it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Duplicate thread:

Is this a troll thread?

Fuck off, this one is objectively better.




It's just an inferior Ada for hipsters, give your inherently flawed meme language a rest.

What does it do that other languages don't?

Not even trying to hide the Pajeet on your pic.

It's called the borrow checker, and it's the most retarded thing ever.
It achieves memory safety without a garbage collector, but I'd rather use that instead of dealing with this borrow checker.

What's the point of all these cuck languages when the hardware is botnet anyway? It's like they want to pretend they're safe, but also ignore the elephant in the room.

What's the point of posting here anyway? Just destroy your computer.

Why is it all the same five shitposters who wouldn't be able to get anything to compile in these threads?

I made a nice captcha in rust. Shame it'll never be used, it was okay for a first project.

It's tolerable for small projects but quickly falls apart for anything larger when compile times skyrocket far beyond a C++ programmer's worst nightmares. There's a reason why Rust is almost never used for production software and its proponents are always asking other people to rewrite everything in Rust instead of contributing code themselves.

Drown yourself in semen, prrpx.

> curl -sSf | sh

It's a poo in the loo language that shits on C++ to make itself look good?

TLS is non malleable you dumb fuck, I already told you last thread. Where do you think your hashes for integrity verification come from, you dipshit?
Unless you get the pubkeys hand-written from the source itself, you probably used https at some point, or worse.

Which is being fixed.
So your argument is: early stages. That's really the best you've got?
why do you hold shitposts in such high regard? It's like saying "REWRITE IT IN HASKELL"
Who cares? Are you fucking retarded or just mentally ill?

Oh hey, it's that autist from the last Rust thread who talks about how Rust plans to fix their compile times but never went into details, unlike everyone he responded to.

That would be redundant, since all modern PCs are destroyed at the factory, and turned into consumer appliances.

You brought this up in the last thread, and incremental compilation using crates still doesn't change the fact that your first time compiling a program will be ridiculously slow. Just imagine an alternate universe where everything uses Rust and Gentoo takes a week or more to compile everything whenever you do a stage3 install.

Maybe if cargo wasn't a massive fucking piece of shit that kept unique downloads (and therefore, compiliations) of dependiences, this could be minimized further. I maintain, to this day, that cargo is a massive fucking piece of shit designed by NIH webdev cucks and nigh singlehandedly ruins any potential that Rust has by itself. Why is it such a fucking crime to install depends to /usr/lib/ + /usr/include/ or something equivalent? Even if we only consider cargo as a dependency manager, it pales in comparison to something like pip, which doesn't respect the distro, but does keep all depends in a communal spot. The same goes with Lisp's Quicklisp, everything goes to one directory. Having the equivalent of all of the libraries and headers all ready to go in one spot at the time of compiling a project would mean only having to worry about the project, by itself, without having to worry about lopping on the compile time of dependencies as well.

I can't believe I was ever excited for this language. Webdevs ruin everything for the rest of us.

Oh hey, it's that autist who brought up "look up this runtime checks issue" in a conversation about compilation time. I'm not sure how the fuck can you say what you are saying with a straight face when I provided plenty of proof that you were full of shit and you just told everybody to go google your nonsensical buzzwords.

I remember some months ago a single autist loved to shit on Rust on every fucking thread because "changing one line in rustc and recompiling takes years" because of no incremental compilation, and now that incremental compilation is on its way, then it's not what you were looking for since first time will take too long, boo fucking hoo. And, by the way, Rust is already "incremental" on a crate by crate basis; this will make crates incremental by themselves.

Not to mention MIR is also on its way. What kind of excuse will you come up with now, faggot?

Do you also believe in filename user by any chance?

HTTPS doesn't make me trust your script more you dense motherfucker.



Holy shit someone understands me. Thank you user.
A lot of languages look cool to me, until I see their tooling. I had hopes for Rust, but cargo certainly ruins it for me. It is yet another, language-specific shitty package manager, because people can't into proper package management. While I agree deb/rpm are shit, and I understand how convenient it is compared to autotools and such, not being able to install the libraries sepearetly on the system and have the binaries properly link to them so I can keep the libraries up to date separately is a huge deal-breaker for me.

Oh yeah, so you would be happier if you had to run dpkg as root to install a .deb with mysterious installation scripts, right? Or wth a make && sudo make install that does who knows what.

If you are going to larp a paranoid, at least do it right.





L A U G H ?

I'd be happier if you guys got your shitty language package through Debian's package manager.

name a superior language
protip: you can't

Then why are you even fucking giving curl | sh in the OP?

i'm not op.

Interesting article. I've seen they mention dynamic linking, but I tried searching for it a while back and found vague mentions about how it's possible, but they never get into detail on how to do it. Do you have any links to practical examples or docs? Or at least confirm Rust won't be full suckless and let package maintainers do their thing instead of compiling everything statically.

That wasn't even me, faggot.

Yeah, that's why you're posting Holla Forumsirgin mascot images.
Stay retarded, faggot.

You're never going to win, really. Any package/dependency manager to subhuman pond scum is "web-dev tier shit" or "bloat."

These people live to spend time doing the most menial of repetitive tasks (diagnosis: autism) and they want everyone else to do the same.

Then split up your project up in multiple crates if it become big, doofus.
Yeah, that's a poor excuse but you're supposed to do that anyways. As already mentioned, proper incremental compilation is coming.
Are you perhaps triggered?

Except it doesn't.
Except this is being worked on.

Then look at it before you execute it????

Rustup is in experimental state. There's a stable rust toolchain on sid.

Ok but this is a systems PL so fuck off???


You're obviously not from around here. Kill yourself.

Back the fuck up??!!
*teleports behind you*
*sneaks a null dereference into your project*

You have to use cargo. Go on, show me a Rust project that uses rustc and GNU Make instead of cargo made since Rust hit 1.0, and I'll show you an exception to the rule. The Rust community almost unilaterally dropped anything else in favor of cargo the moment it came out, because it was hip and fashionable and rebellious to do so. C++ uses Makefiles and Autotools, and those things are so 1970s.
>Cargo isn't NIH shit when it's another fucking build system in a world with eleventy-million, all because they hate Autotools
Because in a world with shit like cmake, waf, GNU Make and friends, mk, and a million other variations on the same fucking thing, we need another special snowflake build system just to stick it to Autotools. So every project you compile from source in Rust now requires rustc and cargo, on top of the million other build systems you have on your computer. But I guess I'm just pondscum for not wanting a fucktillion different build system programs on my computer all because every autist in the world got their no-no spot touched by Autotools, am I right?

It did at various points in the beta while I was using it, but according to what I could find in the docs, it doesn't anymore. So fine, I'll yield you that one, but one step in the right direction only brings you one step closer to the rest of the retarded package managers out there, not surpassing them. Cargo is still a massive abomination.

It's not about unique features, it's about proper execution & combination of things.

No GC, no runtime, no bytecode. Ownership system doesn't impede performance. No costly paradigms/patterns plaguing stdlib or being common amongst users. No reason for it not to achieve C/C++ levels of performance

Further, the language itself btfoes C++ in just about every aspect. Modules. Traits & a functional touch instead of OOP. Then there's tagged unions & pattern matching. Stronger type system.
Powerful macro system (kinda in a fucked state right now, but macros v2 is gonna be glorious, believe me). No decades of cruft and different implementor/standardization bodies fucking things up. Everyone can write a RFC & if it's reasonable, there's a good chance it'll land.

People may bitch about the borrow checker - and it does suck in places - but there's no doubt Rusts ownership system as a whole achieves what it promises. Everyone who says otherwise is a jealous detractor.

No, you don't. You don't even have to use stdlib.
If a project uses cargo, you don't have to use it.
If you want to do dependency resolution manually, go right on ahead. No one's stopping you, autist. You can take the easy way, or you can take the hard way.

Shit language for hipsters, featuring:
- tragic compile times that unavoidably prevent scaling of codebase
- perpetual nagging and false positives from a "borrow checker" monstrosity
- loss of performance from unneeded array bounds checking (you have to pray that the compiler will optimize it away)
- a community (including the language's creators) entirely filled with special snowflake crybabies and ideologues
- a webshit-tier package manager

Avoid at all costs.

are you butthurt because a machine told you that you aren't as smart as you think you are?

To be honest, you sound like one of those autists who wants it done in a highly specific contrived way and throw a tantrum when something doesn't meet your criteria.

If it weren't cargo, it'd be something else that sets you off, because you're an autist and that's what autists do.

Rust is a meme

Use C++.

Use go if you want to use a newer/modern language.

What does Golang have that could ever make it considered a "modern" language? It doesn't even have generic's for fucks sake, I'd have to write a million buggy linked-lists instead of one good one.

I didn't know that the desire for my language's tooling to not reinvent the wheel at every possible turn was autism. There's already a vast ecosystem of tools out there that can go the same job, but instead, the Rustfags said "Fuck that, we'll do it ourselves." All of it. From top to bottom. But I guess not wanting to do that is autism, serves me right, huh?

Great, glad we cleared that one up.

I'm certainly smarter than the incompetent streetshitters who need to be nannied by their "borrow checker" to not fuck everything up.

Actually, cargo's configuration files and features are pretty sane and have a reason to be like they are. You can link against manually downloaded libraries like you would in autotools as well. The only real problem is it seems dynamic compilation forces you to go through several loops, but I am pretty sure that's going to be fixed.

I'm certainly smarter than the incompetent streetshitters who need to be nannied by their "assembler" to not fuck everything up.

I'm certainly smarter than the incompetent streetshitters who need to be nannied by their "keyboard with backspace and a VDU" to not fuck everything up.

Fine examples of things that help the programmer by empowering him, rather than shackling him like Rust does.

Such as?

According to and pics related, Rust is slightly faster than Java but also much slower than C, C++, and Ada. Ada has all the memory safety of Rust and useful shit like generics but without the hideously slow compiler and awful community. Why anyone puts up with Mozilla's unstable meme language when Ada has been around since the 80s and does everything better is beyond me. is a good read as well

How does the borrow checker shackle you? After the initial learning period, I've found that it helps me write better, less buggy software.

The learning period was about the same as Vim's too, so I don't consider it a hassle.

And where is this better, less buggy software of yours?

Go nuts
I probably wouldn't have even tried to write async/concurrent software before I began using Rust, let alone make it free of data-races.

Quality post, thanks

C Master Rice

Spoken like a true wannabe-academic faggot that never ships software that accomplishes something useful.

The creator of Rust is a antifa faggot. Why should I give a shit about the language when everything it "solves" is already checked by good static analyzers.


Someone posted a link to a cargo article earlier on in this thread explaining what and why, but basically, they are aiming for reproducibility. You specify which libraries you want to pull, and depending on their semver versioning, they are updated or not if they are still backwards compatible. The package manager resolves dependencies of dependecies by itself like any package manager would do, and that's it.

Now, I don't understand what's so bad about this other than the fact that it's yet another tool that's not autotools, and this triggers autotool fagboys. The only bad thing I can see about this is that these libraries get pulled into the user directory, but it would be trivial to make some changes that could improve on this.

For example, we could dedicate a directory on /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, owned by the cargo user or group. cargo would then be changed to a cargo-owned executable with SUID (or a regular executable that only works if the user executing it is in the cargo group, which would be more secure and prevent disk flooding) that could manage said directory on its own. Inside that directory, you would have a hierarchy of repo/library/version/ and folders with source and builds. Whenever you attempt to add a dep to a project, cargo would first check if said library already exists in your /usr/local/lib/cargo or /usr/lib/cargo, and if it does, it uses that instead, and if it doesn't it pulls it for you.

That's it, you fixed the only problem cargo had, and on top of that, you made dynamic linking even easier for packagers. It's a trivial fix, and it would make cargo robust and easy to use, and also easily manageable by other package managers that aren't cargo.

If anyone bothered to elaborate on why cargo is a meme or why cargo is bad, I would gladly try to understand, but I'm just hearing "it's le webdev shit and thus it's no good for such an assembly/C embedded programmer like me" from LARPers.

>diesel ( - ORM and Query Builder.

Wow. Are you serious?

So when will software written in C (even by the most clever people) stop being vulnerable?

check your privilege shitlord

I get it, you want a systems language that doesn't have pointer issues. But rust doesn't work as a systems language and no matter how much you want it to it's not going to change. The design of the language doesn't scale. At best you can optimize the compiler until it's fast enough for your project but god help you if it's a success and grows rapidly. No one should ever write code in a dead-end language like that, you're throwing it away.
If you're really hot on this idea, use ada. It sucks in its own way but actually works for large projects. There are absolutely zero reasons to use rust that do not involve being paid by mozilla to do so.

why not?
any examples?

Recompile times grow with the size of the project and not the size of the change you make.
Build rust. Change 1 line in librustc (about 100k LoC of rust). Time a recompile. It should be done in milliseconds, right? Be ready for a surprise.
Now imagine how this would scale to larger projects. It's a trap. If you write software with technologies that don't scale you will be killed by success.

i asked why rust doesn't work as a systems language and why the design of the language doesn't scale.

The one problem with this is that libraries can also be compiled with various features turned on. So you would have to keep track of what features, if any, version x of a library has and store a compiled version for each feature set that you use.

Incremental recomplication isn't even implemented yet, you fucking retard.
This isn't even getting to the multitude of improvements that have been done recently, and things that haven't even been optimized yet:

I answered your question. It's not my fault you're too ignorant of software development to see that it was an answer. Stick to webdev, faggot.

In other words, it's currently a toy language unusable for systems work. Thanks for backing me up. The rest of your post is
which if you weren't new you'd already recognize as a sign something has no potential. It's merge tracking in subversion all over again.

You're autistic m8
Yeah, software is developed. It's not vomited out in several minutes. It takes longer than the time it takes for you to copy+paste your fizzbuzz from memory without understanding what's going on, for example.

This is how I know you're new to this. You've not been burned before and don't see the red flags.

It works right now. Your problem is that it doesn't have a convenience feature to speed up recompiles, and compiles in general. Something that is the subject of a great amount of attention recently, being planned out and implemented.
I do wonder what shitposting you'll fall back on once your autistic obsession is finally resolved. Probably some other retarded nitpick, where no answer is ever good enough for the autist, because that's what autists do.

Ideally, you shouldn't design your library around options that could make your library work for some programs but not others, that's just bad design. If the user later on wants to use some options to remove features or the likes, they should be able to do so, but there should be at least one "one size fits all" option (more or less like it's done in most GNU/Linux distros). In fact, compiling libraries with flags that could break other programs should change your major or even minor semver version.

But yeah, I guess you could try to fit options somewhere inside that. Maybe appended to the version?

That's not a 'convenience' you fucking jquery faggot, it's a necessity. I do probably a hundred build-run-test cycles a day on software in the 1M+ LoC range as most things are in systems work. If I had to do full recompiles every time I'd be so unproductive that the project I'm working on could not justify the cost and would stop development. And that's with C - Rust's compile time is far worse as it doesn't scale and you'd know that if you worthless LARPers ever timed a build of librustc like I keep telling you to, or better yet, made a code base simulator and graphed the compile time as LoC increases.
Who the fuck do you think writes these large projects you numale shitstain? Hint: NOT YOU

calm down autist

Nah I have plenty of spare cycles to bully you.
Have you realized yet that you're a normie in a profession full of autists and will soon be forced to compete with us for the few high paying jobs not destroyed by H1Bs?

Don't be a cocksucker and make assumptions. My focus on autotools isn't because of some fanatacism, it's because of a fanatacism on the part of many of the Rust diehards I encountered during my research into it during the beta. Rustfags loathe autotools, with some amount of justification, I'm sure. My primary frustration with cargo is merely its existence as a God-entity in the production of Rust code and projects. You start a project with cargo (and when you do, there's a single way to do it, because that's the way cargo likes it, and if you don't like it, get fucked.) You add dependencies with cargo (and when you do, cargo goes and grabs them all for you in a very automagic fashion, not based on the library, but based on the project.) You build your shit with cargo. Everything, top to bottom, is touched by cargo. Some other fag earlier mentioned that it's possible to avoid using cargo, but in the manner that it's been engineered, cargo is so vertically integrated that it's nigh impossible to do so. My frustration is that, rather than using the MILLION build tools available, leaving project structure up to the programmer or team (as opposed to now, how it's dictated by cargo because fuck you,) and either leaving libraries up to the individual distro, or having cargo just be a dependency and/or package manager, they decided to give a big, fat middle finger to all of the pre-existing work that's been done in these things and just make their own tool. I hate XKCD, but I can't help but think of the "X-teen competing standards" comic when I think of cargo. Rather than addressing the problems with autotools and GNU Make (and, might I add, autotools and GNU Make alone), or picking another tool, the ire and fury of the Rust community aimed at autotools caused them to make another fucking build tool. I find the whole thing disappointing and frustrating, but for some unknown reason, anyone using Rust is so welded to the teat of cargo that any insult thrown its way is like heresy, and heretics need to be burned at the cross. And when your tooling is questionable at best, as cargo is, any potential programmer is going to be turned off to your language, no matter the skill level. Throwing around insults like "LARPer" and "pondscum" and "fagboy" isn't going to change this fact, and your energy would be better spent improving your tooling to the point that it starts being appealing to potential programmers that want to pick it up.

As for the rest of your post. I wouldn't mind having a /usr/lib/rust/ or something along the same lines. Most all you described is what I've been advocating for in Rust threads for a while, and I have nothing but good things to say about it.

Also, cargo is objectively webdev-tier shit, since it was started by Ruby refugees early on in the project, and it really shows in a lot of the conventions and choices that they picked initially. It seems, however, that some sanity is slowly being introduced by non-webdevs, and that sanity is direly, direly needed if Rust is going to taken seriously by anyone who actually intends to use it in production. Which is good, I hope cargo is wrestled into a less-retarded state. It bears repeating again, though, that your language is only as good as your tooling.

It's not a competing standard, it's language tooling.
And if you don't like it, and don't want to fix it, I agree: get fucked.
You just keep spitting out "retarded" "retarded" "retarded" even though the only solid critique with it you've mentioned is easily solved, and will probably be solved, judging by the suggestions in various places.
Your only "concern" with it is that it allows you to use language-specific tooling with ease. This is why no one takes you seriously, between your autistic ranting about lack of incremental recompilation (in which you're very late to the party, now that there's actual movement to fix such things) and bitching about compile times in general (on which improvement is an incremental process which will be improved in time, some small some big leaps.)

I might not have explained it right. Right now, there are two serialization libraries, rustc_serialize and serde. A lot of libraries, e.g. handlebars-rust will support both, but as a user you pick which one you would like.

So if I want to use serde with handlebars, I would put this in my Cargo.toml:

version = "0.21.1"
default-features = false
features = ["serde_type"]

If I wanted to use handlebars with rustc_serialize (the default), I can just add `handlebars = "0.21.1"` as a dependency.

This is a pretty common thing, especially with `no_std` libraries.

Do you have any actual criticisms of cargo other than "everything uses it"? I don't care much about cargo either way, but I haven't run into any problems with it so far.
One actual complaint I have is the dependence on Being able to use other package repositories would be really nice.

Would this make diesel non-free software?

Does the library actually "change" the code if it's running one or the other, or do they happen to have similar API and thus it is more or less transparent to the library? If it's the latter, this could be solved at link time, but if it's the earlier, I dunno, maybe you could serialize that info somewhere into the path or keep an info file detailing the exact compilation options of a binary crate.


Link? I'd like to see how a captcha works.

These faggots couldn't be any less stereotypical if they tried. This is like Ruby all over again.

You do know that C++ is very relevant in web development as well right, beyond the toys like PHP and Ruby.
Hence, people being excited for it. A high performance, safe language. Something as an alternative to GC'd shit golang.

It's also hilarious that you're posting Uriel, when his favorite dogshit language created by his idol Rob Pike was born out of the need to not expose to much to retarded pajeets working at Google.

We've had a high performance, safe language (Ada) since the 80s, literally as long as we've had C++. People being excited over Rust is pure hipsterism.

Ada was mentioned once in some thread some weeks ago and now everybody is an Ada pro who always knew Ada and are therefore qualified to put it over Rust.

Ada is nice, nobody is denying that, but it doesn't have something Rust has, something you hate very much, and that something is the community. Rust has a shitload of libraries, Ada not so much, and you are probably more likely to find people who know how to write Rust than people who know how to write Ada, therefore, more people that could contribute to your projects.

When are Rust programs going to get significantly faster than GC'd languages?

Buttplug - Cross Platform Framework for Sex Toy Control

I can't think of a pun. Someone help me out?

When you figure out the difference betwen decades of work on profile-based optimizations with a JIT and a few years of work on an actual compiler.

What about it is? We never hear specifics.

I doubt , & have even mediocre knowledge of it, I'm probably safe to assume they never even wrote & compiled a single line of Ada themselves.

We know Ada is nice as a secure language because it's been formally proved, the standards are strict as fuck and even the military uses a subset of it for high security stuff. Language-wise, it's kinda verbose, doesn't have many modern features (it's miles ahead of muh C in that regard, at least), but it has a nice type system that lets you define arbitrary ranges (ie. a 1 to 10 integer).

That's all 99% of this board knows about Ada. We know it's nice in some regards from second hand experience, like pretty much any language we discuss here because we only know muh C because that's what they teach in college and because we are all embedded/low level programmers in here, which is the only non-le-Pajeet programming job out there.

Thing is, we needed Rust, even if only because "muh hipsterism". Nobody knows Ada anymore, much like nobody knows COBOL or FORTRAN anymore. I remember people were surprised Ada existed the day some user commented on it and why was it better than C, but ever since then, everybody around here acts like it's the most normal thing ever and everybody knows it and it's better than every language (except C, that is, because C is absolutely perfect in every regard and all its quirks are actually features). It's a good thing Rust is gaining popularity in the wild and not just in academia, and we needed it if only to remind us security is not optional and having it built in the language is a nice thing to do, since it doesn't matter how secure C is if written properly if nobody writes it properly.

But they're all terrible. What gets lost on people coming to Rust from Javascript is that there is a much higher standard of quality required for systems libraries. Even Rust's own library is so bad that it will need almost completely rewritten.

No, we needed a language that is actually usable. Rust should have been 100% usable but lacking features out of the gate, instead 1.0 has a massive pile of bad ideas and featuritis combined with a completely unusable (for real work) base.

Opinion discarded

emerge rakudo


this tbh. c++ gets you the job ftw.

really user?? you're gonna try and sell rust based on its community? it's community full of special snowflakes? no thanks, ada wins, not even a contest. if ada needs a library fuck it we'll write a new library.
lmao user the butthurt is making you post nonsense.

Bunch of interesting stuff surfaced today.

Reminder to join our most superior channel #rust on

*Autistic snowflakes. Solely due to the languages complexity you find more people who're getting shit done rather than attention whoring FreeBSDgirl's.
I doubt you're able to write anything of value.

middle image is written in broken english

*Autistic snowflakes. Just due to the languages complexity, you'll be more likely to find people who get shit done rather than attention whoring FreeBSDgirl's.
I doubt you're able to write anything of value.


In other words, a community full of Chris-Chan-type manchildren? That sure explains a lot. I'll stick to C++, thank you very much.

Rustfags, you do realize that you'd have an easier time convincing people to actually use your meme language if you weren't such insufferable faggots about it, right? Treating everyone who writes programs in older, faster languages as subhuman filth, completely ignoring or handwaving valid criticism instead of addressing people's concerns, and so on. It reeks of the insecurity found mostly in webdev circles, backed by all the Rustfags posting their projects on Holla Forums being stereotypical webdevs.
Many people say that you shouldn't worry about a community when writing software, and I've considered writing small programs in Rust before, but every single experience I've had with Rustfags (excluding a single friend who's interested in the language but not fanatical about it) has turned me off and I couldn't stand having to deal with these horrible faggots on a regular basis. There's other memory safe languages and memory safe subsets of languages without Rust's downsides, so now there's even less reason to put up with Rust's bullshit than Rustfags would like you to think.

tldr faggot. keep writing hello world and fizzbuzz in c.

This is now a Java General.

Basically this. Rustfags got nothing extraordinary to be smug about... meanwhile Lispfags and Cfags and Haskellfags etc etc just do it (tm) and keep their mouths shut.

This isn't an anti-racism conference, repeating mantras doesn't make them true.

Yeehaw, that's all clearly webdev bullshit, you can tell because it's written in Rust. Maybe if you wrote some software that wasn't webdev bullshit you'd convince people to use that language you like, huh user?

What fucking internet hellhole do you have to come out of to talk like that?

I find the sintax ugly just to solve a problem that doesn't seem that big.

I'm sure someone will come with a solution to make things easier sooner or later, but it's clear to anyone with two bits of experience that this is a half assed effort pushed by corporate sponsored cult thinking.

If you understand memory management you can deal with GC just fine. Most of the things you would do on high level languages to evade GC are things that you would already do on low level languages to manage things yourself anyway. The whole fear for GC comes from people that actually wouldn't know what the fuck to do if they didn't have GC

But it's okay, it's just that I think people that need these kinds of aids should be low tier code monkeys doing menial stuff for people like me.

I would let you automate your tasks and stuff with rust, but that thing wouldn't enter the project repository in your dreams.

I also wouldn't let you be promoted since I suspect you would use any gained authority to impose rust everywhere, promote zealously codes of conduct and shit like that. You would have to prove yourself much more than the rest just because the implication that segfaults make you uneasy enough to go for a language like this.

One of the values of a software engineer is being corageous. And to fall for rust hype you have to be fearful enough to buy snake oil.

what are you even trying to say?
also reddit spacing. kill yourself

Im saying that werther your language is good or not, the fact that you like it to the point of becoming an obnoxious proze is a relatively good indicator how valuable youre as an asset.

If you want to make an statement in your cv about how do you like to fiddle and contribute to hip, fresh, new technologies, dont include rust on it because for some jobs its a red mark.

If I were performing interviews I would simply ignore your cv to skip problems.

Good thing you're never going to perform interviews or work anywhere except a dead end job, at best a shitty outsourcing firm, based on your retarded implications (what I don't like is a red mark) and mispellings throughout your posts.

Someone should tell that to all the shitposting LARPers in the thread like you.

Is that the new insult to call people who disagree with you these days? Sometimes I have trouble keeping up.

Herp derp, this is not about me liking it or not. I deal with lot of shit I dont like at work. But that shit doesn't include codes of conduct, insane cults, and people that fetishize their pet language instead of actually working.(actually we have one of those, and he keeps delivering late while talking about how great his favourite "next big thing of the week" is.)

In the rare case your language manages to surpass the horrid attitude failures of your community and actually become relevant, Ill just switch to it and become your boss.

If all of rust features are actually so good its almost natural to assume that people that understood things well enough in the older "unforgiving" environmets will be far better than people that didnt.

Not being relevant, youll just move into the "next big thing" assuming that being an early adopter will give you an edge. Again.

Trust me, it will not be enough. Lazy, easily distracted devs without backbone have barely any worth and are easily replaceable.

Use new technologies because they are good and confy. Not just because you want a new flavor of the same old shit. And if you definetely have to, at least dont become an obnoxious piece of shit that goes around like some sort of evangelist asking everyone to accept "the good news".

If your language its good it will be shown without the need of your moans of frustration.>>686683


No one fucking cares, faggot. And, for the records, if you weren't a retarded faggot who doesn't know what you're talking about, you'd know that plenty of projects tons of corporate suits deal with have codes of conduct, copyright assignment, and more.
Where are you even getting this? Are you describing Holla Forums?
Yeah, and obviously you don't work, based on your illiteracy and grandiose delusions of how you're going to move up the latter to throw a CV in the trash because it had a programming language you didn't like on it.
Yeah, you're a fucking retard. Nice implications, faggot, but it's not going to fix the fact that your a deadbeat.

These threads are consistently filled with shitposters who pretend to know what they're talking about. It's a reason we can't have any actual language discussions.
If there's one reason why Holla Forums (and maybe the few boards that are actually alive on this god forsaken site) failed, it's because people didn't tell the retarded horde to fuck off, or troll the shit out of them until you got it through your thick fucking skull that you're not wanted, when they started displacing the first wave, thus preserving some sembalence of competence.
Just look at the state of the index. It's sickening, really. Mods should permaban retards who make retarded threads.
You have no idea what niche Rust is intended to fill. In closing, you are a fucking retard that needs to go back to

Comparing corporate codes with bullshit sjw CoC that literally ruins the spirit of open source software. (which already has enough people with unbearable attitude problems)

OP reads like an unironical love letter to their new lover that cringely includes an insult to his exes.

And, the cult behaviour comes from your SJW side. That goes without question. When people oppose to your ideological advances you'll resort to lies, difamation, and force to impose yourself. But it will fail. Because what people want is your work, not your whinning. Eventually at some point work will have to actually be done, and companies that accept your bullshit simply will go down. If they're misguided they will misinterpret the signals and think what they need to fix the problems is "more diversity" as in "more bullshit lazy fuckers" and keep going down and down.

I'm a non native english speaker writing shit on a tiny tablet. I'll keep caring very little about the fact some pajeet on steroids has some dificulty understanding me. Feel free to continue talking about literacy, I'll not try to take the pleasure of repeating this thrice.

But hey, you seem to have problem understanding your memory management too, so perhaps it's not my speaking either.

I care very little about how much I like or dislike the language. I have proponents of languages, workflows and libraries that I don't like at all at my work and have not put any kind of obstacles to those people because they wanted to fucking do their work.

There are myriad of languages for different tasks and different tastes. However if you choose rust is because you're most likely an obnoxious bastard.

Just look at this thread. The hard on you have for this shit is more embarrasing than node devs. And it seems to show up everywhere.

Any article that tries to paint rust in a positive light will struggle to not go all "Why are we not accepted? we're so fucking good, everything else sucks", "Everyone else is on the wrong side of history, we're the future"

No, I'm a strong believer in freedom of speech, and I think your retarded thread is a good thing. Even if I disagree with your views quite deeply.

Fucking retard.

And this is how Rust shows its true colors. This is why I wouldn't make you part of the team or let you advance. Because I already know what your ilk would do with new responsabilities.

Again, no one cares, because they're not going to be "violating" anything. You're a fucking retard that has shit up threads since time immemorial, you digest buzzwords and shitposting and throw it back up in a form that's greatly enhanced.
No, that's what you're reading into it. Because you are a fucking faggot, who talks about languages with words like "comfiness", which primarily implies familiarity. Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about, or do you just vomit sentences that reinforce your autistic sensibilities?
So, a third worlder who's going to work at some shitty outsourcing firm at best, daydreaming about how it's going to move up the ladder of his shitty outsourcing firm to reject a blurb on a CV that they've used a particular technology that lends itself to systems programming, solely because of non-technical justifications.
No, user, you are the pajeet.
Case in point, don't understand how the borrow checker (heavily influenced from Cyclone) works, implying that you don't have to understand how memory management works to use it.
Keep going, pajeet: keep digging your hole deeper.
There's no obstacle. There's only imaginary obstacles, in your wormy, barely high functioning, asperger pajeet brain.
There we go, dumbfuck whose first language isn't english (yuropoor or third worlder, lel) doesn't know how anonymous posting works and implies that anyone who calls him out for his retardation posted the OP.
Yeah, and I have the freedom to call you out as the third worlder that you are in these threads. Don't like it? Go back to /g/.
No one wants to work at your third world shithole, pajeet.

Begun, the flamewars has.

Funny, I expected you lying and saying it's just generalization and that we shouldn't blame rust for the failure of a loud minority to act like human beings. You actually just admited you're are part of the loud minority with this.

And yes, no one will be "violating" anything, because sjw codes of conducts are not designed to eject harassers and actually problematic people, but just people that oppose their creed.

You probably have been trying to sell on a chan board your snake oil for a long time by now. I think you probably should know the answer by now.

Yes. You have to be very good to be excused to act like a douche, and since you're a rust programmer you don't represent any kind of technological advantage big enough to excuse shitty attitude.

I have barely touched the subject of your language issues for you to know what I'm implying. I just said it's ugly, and it is. However there are several languages that are uglier and worse in many levels, and for the tasks rust claims to be designed it's ugliness would be comprehensible to some extent.

However very few languages have cultists as obnoxious and imposible to work with as Rust. You're your language obstacle, and in the end of the day even if rust is adopted people like you will have to move on to other subjects because at some point your bosses will want results, and you'll be unable to provide them.

You did it thrice! gotta love that SJW hypocrecy.

Oh, but I like it :^)
Seeing you this frustrated as your shit simply doesn't stick fills me with pleasure. And I'll rejoice even more when "the next big thing" comes out and your hopes of relevancy dry out as some new kid tells you how great their bullshit is.

No, because I don't particularly care.
You don't see people shitting up Python threads this badly despite the fact that some stupid kikes from California basically introduced "doxing" as a way to enforce their shitty CoC.
People shit it up probably because they can't get anything to compile. It's perfect.
First thing, pajeet, it's called an imageboard. Second of all, you're mentally ill.
There's no "hypocrecy" here, pajeet.
No one's frustrated here. You have to go back.
You keep using those words and it's quite obvious that you don't understand what niche this fills. Not that I'd expect anything more from Pajeet McStreetshitter.

Oh boy, you repeated pajeet so many times now!
And I thought repeating a mantra didn't make it true, but you showed me so hard. I guess I'll start coding on rust, so I can pretend to be an enlightened mind too.

Rust community is worse than python and ruby users. And that is something. I never thought anyone could get more unbearable but you managed to do so.

No, I'm correctly identifying you.
Not spouting some mantra.
Run along and keep your hopes high, pajeet.

It sure is getting toasty in here.

Man, you just keep digging yourself deeper, dontcha?

Why not when half this thread is retards playing identity politics and not discussing technology?
Did I touch a nerve, calling out the third world shit (probably you)?

Why the fuck are there anti-Rust people here?

Is it the best thing ever? Time will tell. For a new language though, it's pretty high up there. C/C++ etc has been around for decades; if it's so great, why does anyone need to defend it? It's had its time to shine.

Why can't we just discuss Rust and the cool implementations available?

Sure, outsource pajeet surely is missing out on rust because he doesn't like the language because it must be so difficult for him. And not because he finds impossible to work with an imbecilic twat that is only interested in moral crusades, ideological landmines and drama.

The worst part of this is that I actually don't even find the language failings remarkable. Most languages fail here and there. It is simply unbeliable the lack of perception as to how dull and uninteresting you people are. I simply don't understand what exactly (aside sjw pandering) could have attracted so many unbearable people.

I'm not defending C++. Attacking rust is not equal to defending it. I for one detest several notions and philosophy that comes bundled with C++ shit, even if I mainly work on C++.

You seem to be reasonable, so I'll be straight. Because you can. However you'll be unable to do so without people criticizing your shit when OP seems to agree with the quite common Rust supremacy talking points that can be seen in most Rust articles online.

Nothing impedes you from actually talking while we take a dump on your language. Just as no one impeded OP from including bait on his thread for everyone to see.

Basically, because OP didn't post a message like yours, he is not even given the benefit of the doubt.

Again, you're so fucking stupid that you think I'm the OP, let alone that you think OP is on some crusade.
Just kill yourself, retard.

Btw, my posts are

you're not arguing with me. But keep going.

There's only one.
Alternative impls are not of high priority, albeit it's a topic of discussion right now (recent rust-centric article about the Trusting Attack/Ken Thompson Hack Only interesting if you aren't familiar with it or wanna screw around with the compiler).

Are these just jokes and memes? How about we go to your rust chat and confirm how fucking ideologically inclined you fucking pieces of shit are? I bet I could use some ironic foreign name in my own language and it wouldn't take me one day to get kicked for cultural appropiation with very little effort. It would be very easy to stage and just show how trigger happy you are. But I guess I wouldn't even need to, just look at this fucking mess:

I wonder why between all the links OP posts this isn't included!

I don't remember having said that you are op explicitly or even implied it. But frankly this is not important, you could be one hundred posters or just one. You're still fucking unbearable and member of an ideological crusade.

"And if someone takes issue with something you said or did, resist the urge to be defensive. Just stop doing what it was they complained about and apologize. Even if you feel you were misinterpreted or unfairly accused, chances are good there was something you could’ve communicated better "

How about YOU stop defending yourself, and start owning? Ah, I forgot these rules don't apply to ingroups, they only apply to dissidents, people that you consider ugly, free spirits and anything that it's out of your control.

People fucking care. Your country lost a fucking election to a fucking proto-dictator just because how unbearable was your side.

I get that you're a third worlder who can't even hack it at an outsourcing firm, but there's this thing called irony.
Again, just kill yourself.

Please join #rust on Lets have a discussion.
I'm gonna include it in the next general, just for you.


What's the irony? SJW using xenophobic stereotypes?

Why did you only reply to the detail I messed up and not the rest hm?
Even if you claim the chat isn't moderated as the official, it's difficult to believe so given everything that surrounds OP posts. I ask again. It's all memes and jokes? Yes or not?

Are you perhaps trying to let the rest slip because you think the CoC is fine? Are you saying that having to interact with several repositories infected with it is fine?

"Keep up the good fight. Go hipsters aren't friends. Don't let yourself get discouraged by C weenies and C++ tards - they're done for, and they know it."

You want to have your ideological crusade without being called for it. Thank god your fucking imaginary harassment rules don't apply here, because you're in for a dissent induced triggering.
Don't be shy now.

Settle down, pajeet. We control your fate. We are the future. We own you.

I'm glad all the faggots piled into Rust. It's a dead-end language and this effectively contains them until it collapses.

Jealous detractors will be jealous. Lets get back on track.

128-bit Integers Soon
HN Discussion:
This adds u128/i128. No plans for quadruple floats, half floats or other obscure primitives right now.

First Redox ISO Release
Will this OS finally be the Windows killer we've been yearning for?

Zetox: toxcore implementation in Rust
Not sure what it's worth, the guy writing it seems to be a long-time tox fan (not big-time contributor, tho).

GCC and ADAR both already cover that, and have for many many years. Furthermore, Ada in general lets you define whatever size integer you like. What, you didn't think you had a unique feature there, did you?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha... Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.

Daily reminder that Rust is the future, C/C++ is the past, and everything except Rust is deprecated.

Is your goal to just shit up the thread because C and C++ are deprecated?
It must feel horrible to develop software in your ancient languages.
Who said anything about unique?
Is your autism bad enough that it prevents you from functioning in society, or does it just prevent your ability to recognize humor or irony?

Ah, the quaint delusions of a megalomaniacal yet powerless hipster.

I don't develop in C/C++ unless I'm getting paid for it. But certain other ancient languages are quite comfy. Due to, y'know, age not meaning shit about whether or not software is actually any good.

C is deprecated
Get rekt.

I can't see writing the core of a non-trivial module in anything other than C/C++ as there is so much coordination with the compiler required to deal with kernel-tier threading.

Literally the only reason to learn Rust is because it's a new language. If you want to learn a new language that's actually half decent, learn Go.

fucking LOL


gtfo go defense force

The 128-bit support is just taking advantage of its support in LLVM. If it were not supported in LLVM it likely would not be adopted.

Generics have existed for as long as C has, they are not "cuttin edge". They prevent many bugs and save a lot of time.

LOL butthurt LMAOOOO






Webdevs are the literal cancer destroying everything good about technology. That and "UX" designers.

C. If you can't code in this, then you are not a programmer, you're an over glorified script kiddy.


Daily reminder that C and C++ are deprecated.

No, I recognized the le epic futurama reference, friend. The bacon narwhals at midnight, amirite? :^):^)

C++ didn't depreciate C and neither will Rust. If anything, Rust takes what C programmers didn't like about C++ and makes its compilation length problems astronomically worse. Rustfags have yet to give anyone a reason why to pick up their special snowflake language with its built-in code analyzer instead of simply using C or C++ with a static code analyzer.


C fag detected
Can't wait for the hammer to drop on you so you realize that your static analyzer is worth less than dog shit.

How exactly is the hammer going to drop on C programmers? There will always be C programs to maintain and new programs being written, and there isn't a thing you can do about it except throw tantrums. will continue writing programs in C (or potentially their suckless Rust replacement, Myrddin), xmonad will still be a Haskell WM, the scientific community will stick with Fortran and Python, and so on. Sure, you can continue pushing your memory safe "one size fits all" approach but that doesn't mean everyone absolutely has to use it; they can continue using other languages, memory safe or not, until something else they like comes along.


rust in a nutshell

The caveat would be, in the context of C and C++ at compile time.
Rust can't check Rc cycles statically, for example, but it doesn't change the fact that the language and static analysis makes data races and memory safety violations impossible, outside of unsafe.

That's a funny way to define "replacement" considering it doesn't have the main guarantees Rust has.

Are you talking about the "annoy the programmer to death with borrow checker false positives" guarantee, the "tragic compile times for moderately large projects" guarantee, the "webshit-tier package manager" guarantee or the "unbearable SJW hipster community" guarantee?

It's the same mentality behind shit like driverless cars: it is now the tool's responsibility to prevent the user from fucking up so we have to add more technical complexity and overhead on top of everything, all at the expense of speed, power, and user freedom.

Neat. This language seems reasonable and sane, like it was made by humans, not subhumans.

Rust doesn't actually make any guarantees. Any library can use unsafe, meaning you're right back where you started.

I found some Rust programming resources you might want to include in your next sticky.
>Be a Toilet Slut - cosmictrigger4 (TTS-female)

>Toilet Obsession - cosmictrigger4 (TTS-female)

>Sissy Poopy Time (caution, may really work!) - Brand_X (TTS-female)

>Sissy Poopy Time 2.1 - Brand_X (TTS-female)

>ToiletSlave - scarletsubmission (female)

>Femdom Humiliation at the Mall - Good Girl School Special Class: The Brown Note - Warning, this was made by special request and is absolutely not for everyone. Before even considering listening to this file I want you to fully read this description like a good girl and make an informed decision. This file contains suggestions that result in involuntary bowel movements which can also be triggered by hearing a certain noise. There is a little suggestion to prevent absolute disaster, but it doesn't fully prevent embarassment. Listen at your own risk! Also I'd like to add that even though I believe that the "good girl school" file was not exactly my best work, it has obviously found at least one fan and for her I am doing this request :-) As always, give plenty feedback and I will make more and better files. THIS FILE REQUIRES YOU TO LISTEN TO "Like a good girl" ( ) FIRST

Rust has a package manager?

That's not how this works, retard.
And even if you use Rust bindings to C, which does use an unsafe FFI, the interface borrowing it can guarantee that no memory safety violations occur in the Rust code that uses it.

Are you the faggot that's still mad that the machine told you that you weren't as clever as you thought you were?
Guess what, faggot: it's correct.

There's no overhead in borrowck at runtime.

Daily reminder that C is deprecated, and C weenies are mad as phuc.

It's a weird reminder considering all trends show that rust isn't gaining any considerable hold. Most gains were done some time ago but that's it.

The only chance for anything to beat C is to dethrone it before wasm becomes a thing.

It could be said that rust was the last reasonable attemp of dweeb-web-like shit devs to make themselves the standard.

all your cluttered avant garde ideas of managers of package managers of package managers will be thrown out through the window.

Your time is running out. If all you can resort to is namecalling... might as well just quit early and save yourself from the humilliation.

Sorry, are you still mad that C is deprecated?
Of what? Rust versioning bumps and how it brings down the ecosystem with it prevent any sort of serious adoption, along with compile times but these are all things are being worked on.
You really are a dumbfuck autist that can't sense humor.
Are you fucking retarded, or do you just keep repeating "WEBSHIT WEBSHIT WEBSHIT" when encountering things you don't like?
Oh yeah, dipshit, language tooling is definitely avant garde. As has already been pointed out, it's easy enough to fix cargo so that it plays well outside of package managers.
Yeah, nah, language specific package managers aren't going anywhere for development, you fucking retard. And if someone wanted to package rust, and forego cargo and all of that, they can do it just as well as how C libs are done now. That is, not at all well done.

it's funny, for webshit, it definitely isn't a language that lends itself to website.

seems like nigger brains can't understand it, or at best took a look at a rapidly changing language up to 1.0, and label it webshit. probably couldn't get anything to compile, lmao.

Not the user you're talking to, but holy shit you're desperate.

Gee I wonder why he says that.

2 of them are Web related shit.
He wasn't even talking about language specific package managers, he was shitting on Cargo specifically, "you fucking retard".

You see this image? Maybe you're just a newfaggot, in which case that explains everything.
Okay, yeah, you're just a fucking retard, in addition to being a newfaggot.
Going to frame this post on my wall as a reminder to the roleplaying autists that frequent these threads. Sure to solicit a good chuckle everytime I glance at it.

Says the dull hipster who needs his safe space language to protect him from all those scary segfaults. Can't deal with the actual machine? Need to be restrained by some "borrow checker" in order to not screw everything up? Maybe you should go back to web development.

If the compiler told you that you're an idiot, and you said it was a false positive, chances are that you're the idiot who's not qualified to deal with the actual machine.

KEK. i wrote hello world and fizzbuzz in c and ech in x86 asm. get fucked webdev-kiddo.

Why are you faggots so fixated on hello world and fizzbuzz?

because that is all that Holla Forums can do.

Why are you so fixated in segfaults?

I have a hard time believing you can get that many seg faults or that you tested your code so little that it reaches the point you need a language with contribed ugly sintax to fix it to make sure bugs don't reach release.

Seems to me the easier, cheaper solution would be to either fire you or fire your PM for not distributing company resources correctly.

If we're talking about lives here, and that these errors could kill people, you would invest much more in testing.

If you're talking about something that isn't dangerous... then why use something so different for the sake of being different?

Not only that, but changing the baggage of 20 years of old c++ shit for the baggage of sjw seems like a terrible exchange. I would prefer to code in ASM on a windows notepad on a thinkpad keyboard with a broken mouse rather than having to share or contribute to anything tainted with them. The first time you reject a pushrequest from them they will claim you're a heteropatriarcal opressor rejecting their contributions based on bigotry. I prefer something old with its own history so they have a harder time infiltrating themselves.

Rust has many parallels to the DNC

If the compiler of a good language told me that, I might take it seriously. But alas, Rust is a fucking joke and it's narrow vision for what is considered to be correct code will never be standard.

Pointing to code written by subhumans doesn't make C a bad language.

nice try, rust false flag

javascript source file extension: js
rust source file extension: rs

No offense, but your posts make me think you have never written a single line of code in your life.
Segfaults are annoying, but ultimately harmless in non mission critical programs. I'm not sure why are YOU so fixated with segfaults (since you are the only one who mentioned it in the thread in the first place) considering it's not the only bug Rust's design solves. C is designed without security in mind, and fucking up really hard is very easy in that program; just to put an example, the standard library sort of encourages trusting null terminators, which is one of the worst things you could ever do considering C lets you overwrite the stack and there will be no segfault to protect you and your computer in this case. The result is a relatively easy to exploit bug that can open you to all sorts of attackers. Sure, there are some compiler flags or kernel settings that can help you mitigate this, but they are still not infallible and some of them are very limiting (say goodbye to JIT if you enable NOEXEC). Not to mention this isn't the only way to fuck up in C, since there are also double frees, race conditions and (I assume fixed in Rust) TOCTOEs. Many times these errors aren't obvious.
Yeah, surely we want to invest more in testing when we could use a formally proven language like Ada from the beginning, if only because we want to use muh C because of reasons.
Because security is not "optional" in any execution environment but airgapped computers.

We know the problem with swjs is real when they are unable to give them any kind of excuse. Which usually is easy in edition wars.

Them having no problems with sjws means they will do shit when sjws are in control.

Fork rust. Make a CoCless version of it and we might consider discussing any of your arguments. If its philosophy is that good, then it will be good without sjws calling the shots

Funny, "we" seem to be discussing it right now, with or without aspies that hold an unwarranted self-important air about them.
Who are you referring to with "we" by the way? Your multiple personalities?

There's no point forking it when it's rotten to the core.

Jump on board with Zig or Myrddin.


What if we start writing in Python to replace C programs, amirite guise? :^)
I'd rather not judge languages by the syntax, but having to use digraphs in a motherfucking Hello World is C++ grades of convolution. The rest of the examples aren't much better, and in general the language seems to be filled with redundant Alt Gr symbols that will only dampen your productivity. What does this language even have over Rust or Ada? Is it somehow "not for hipsters", even though Rust is miles more popular than Zig?

Okay. I and any poster that dont want to use software that in the chance it gets popular would get CoC more relevance. I'm quite sure it's not "nobody" nor only me.

No, there might be point in forking it. All in all rust MIGHT have a point somewhere. However, I can't give it even the benefit of the doubt until I'm guaranteed that me using it, reccomending it in my company wouldn't further give more power to SJWs.

They can reply all the "keks" they want as if sjws in the field were a boogieman. But nobody will be keking when you're banned from even contributing just because you used an "offensive smiley" in an "offensive satirical tone".


SJWS are not a problem of the future, this is not an slippery slope, it's happening right now as we speak.
One thing would be having SJW contributors, another thing is having a CoC. One thing would be Moderating your own community in a safe-pc-retard-space way, another being part of a movement that uses force to make sure EVERYONE is part of said spaces or is kicked out.

But hey, technically, none here can contribute to Rust, as we engage in dangerous, unsafe boards with toxic people. So asking us to use a language we're not allowed to contribute is ridiculous.

Rust propagandists have to explain themselves or simply continue enduring this bullshit circular conversations instead of talking about the potentially fine cool shit they can do on their language.

Rust is not popular.

The sigils are used for three things: Import syntax, pointer syntax, and error handling syntax. It's not hard.

I'm against rust and it already looks the opposite of confortable.

popularity is not the only thing that makes one a hipster, if it were, any old, unpopular thing would be a hipster thing.

Compared to Zig? Oh yes, it is. I'd be surprised if there were Zig projects other than what the author already wrote. In fact, there isn't even a Zig language category in ShitHub wereas Rust has one, so go figure.

That might be due to corporate investment, I doubt Rust got a category for being popular.

While being backed up by Mozilla has something to do with it, it is actually fairly popular. It has around 15000 projects, whereas Ada has 3500 and Zig has... well, probably just what the author of the language wrote.

When you say projects, you mean like libraries, full applications, frameworks, etc, or you mean snippets of code like "3 lines of code that inserts braces at the end strings, lel"? I'm quite sure while there are probably full, serious projects that attemp to solve real problems, we can agree your number sounds a little bit inflated. 15000 is number that can be easily reached if each of the users of its language did 10 or so projects that actually don't contribute to anything, or are forks made for testing stuff, or wathever.

I mean, one could argue that Zig or Ada programmers could do the same, but I doubt it considering Rust alone is so reminiscing of Node.js.

I'm not acussing Rust alone here. I think Python and Ruby probably have the same inflated numbers merely through bullshit projects.

I didn't mean the same as in just 15000, but rather inflated in similar proportions.

More like 50 projects. There can't be more than about 300 Rust users.

Wanna try again?

Are you fucking retarded?

Nodejs is a runtime environment, not a programming language, and I very much doubt that even the bottom of the barrel JS developers who happen to know about node, and use it, are not going to be able to get anything to compile with Rust. In fact, I fucking guarantee it. Even in this thread it's clear that retards decided to go check out the language and couldn't even get anything to compile. It was too hard for them, apparently, then they came back here to lash out and shitpost about it.

there are at least 1000 active users given that reddit's rust channel has more or less that quantity. Contributors and total subscribers don't actually account for much but still there should be at least 5000, and that's even a low estimation. I don't like them either, but lying about numbers is silly when anyone can go and check for themselves.

Not really answering the question.

And yes, Node and Rust are different things, but that was not what I was claiming.

Back before node reached its peak I even remember hearing a lot of people saying "PHP is dead!". Don't get me wrong, I hate php just as much as the next person, but we have seen this before.

And it's not like we've not seen outlandish remarks from the rust side on this thread either. Not even talking about Rust as a language, but rather phrases that show misconception of what a low level language should be trying to achieve. I frankly think that at least some of the rusters on this thread are using rust as a hobby rather than work, or are losing their time in a tool not fit to what they actually need and claiming otherwise.

Have you ever considered that you're not really getting any of the in-jokes in this thread?
I'll give you a hint: no one seriously thinks C is deprecated.

They aren't jokes if they're not funny. Fuck off.

are you upset that C is deprecated by a superior language?

Do you know what 'inherently flawed' means or are you just using big words to sound smart?


pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
I dunno OP, would you like her to be? :3c

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
No, we did, more than a century ago

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws

There is nothing to really weed through.
Do your own due diligence, they are reliable trucks.
Just know he has to make a profit to keep the lights on, and he has to pay uncle sam.
You better fall in love with it because youll be paying a premium.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
help yourself.

pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Are you going to have a steel plant? I see hot metal cars.

the thighs would make great steaks

I'm a proud northerner like Lindy

We all know he would challenge people to a dance-off instead though

are those heels? please tell me you have more heels

That's shrewd Hans

Does that happen frequently?

because extending the neck is probably only a handful of developmental genes in the HOX family while being capable of carpentry is a ton of factors including larger brains, opposable thumbs, and complex social structures

its like 3d definition nowadays is a couple of cylinders with a pre-made substance material

Nah, I meant the whole 'keep trying' thing.

Creme Meme Punk is the best, he's the best in the world.

top kek

Hydrus has always seemed like a pain in the butt is it worth it?





So I want to get into a low level programming language. I've pretty much stayed with high level languages like Java, Python, Javascript and such, and "lowest" I've gone was Golang.

I was thinking of jumping into Rust, seeing as I'm a pleb, and will probably fuck up at every corner with C or C++. Anything I should know before taking the dive?

Rust is meme. The king of the safe systems language game is Ada, and yes, it's quite beginner friendly.

Ada is meme. The king of the safe systems language game is Rust, and yes, it's quite beginner friendly.



Every programmer worth their salt should be apt in C, be it deprecated or not. Besides being able to make use of the innumerably amount of C systems & libraries out there, there are some thing you just have to know: Pointer mechanics, the way heap & stack works, memory/lifetime management, how to identify overhead & deliberate on whether its justified or not... and ofc, you have to experience, in just how many ways you can (and will) fuck your shit up. Once you know, you'll learn to appreciate .

*The more you suffer, the more you'll learn to appreciate Rust.

TempleOS disproves your entire premise that C has to have a huge stack that's full of cruft.

TempleOS also disproves "if you build it they will come"

They said the same about Linux in the 90's, and today almost nobody runs OpenBSD, and in fact people often joked about it not long ago.
Tomorrow you'll have TemplsOS as one of the only holdouts against cia niggers, all else will be compromised (just like your mind has been).

I'm not sure I would use the work of a schizophrenic autist as a good example of anything

*The more you acquire brain damage, the more you won't know any better and just accept shitty Rust syntax.

The pure madness:

Three meme languages at once
Haskell, Rust, and C
My body can't take it

You forgot Python.

You are a faggot, dumb special snowflake who doesn't have a fucking clue on how the world works.

Fuck off.

Go to and check out how many libraries Node has!

Wow, Node is the best and should be used for everything!

Just make sure you are ready to replace your library of choice every month because the author has dropped it or it has become incompatible or some shit. The standards in that community are abysmal and so are in Rust.


He doesn't even know what you're talking about.

youre fagget

wtf is this real?

Just... Nuke yourselves US. Holy shit.

Guys I come from 4chins and I'm appalled. This place is more cucked than reddit ffs

I have nowhere to go now.

t. projecting webdev pretending to be a "muh syshtums coder".

Go "code" your systemd kernel in rust or whatever it is you do faggot.

Not necessarily. In any case "if you build it and spend your time in stream arguing with imaginary CIA niggers they will come".


I never programmed in Rust.
To me it seems like same thing that Rust is doing could be achieved by combining C++ (or C if working on low-level stuff) and some static analysis tool that detects memory leaks, out of bounds memory access, etc.
This is first result that I got when I searched for such tool:
There might be a lot better tools.

Is there anything that Rust offers that would not be covered by that setup?

Are you one of those incompetent streetshitters that post is referring to?

Rust offers excessive restrictions on what can be written, very poor compile times, mandatory runtime array bounds checking, a shitty package manager and a horrible community. You are indeed better off using modern C++ techniques (such as smart pointers and RAII) combined with occasional static analysis.

If occasional static analysis was all it took to avoid bugs, we wouldn't be wasting all this money in security fuckups.

No, you're just a fucking retard.
i'm sure you'd be bitching if you had to write a proof every time you use an array, as well.

Also, forgot to mention, access bounds check is not mandatory in Rust. You just have to be explicit. Not that it's actually a problem in many cases, especially when you attempt to optimize for branch prediction. And iterator. But for random ref you probably want to use the following:
Now that it's been demonstrated that you're a retard who doesn't know what you're talking about, I suggest you fuck off.

wtf are u linking to, bro

Is there any place where I can read about pros and cons of Rust that is not polarized like "Rust is [best|worst] thing that ever happened."?

Pros: it eliminates the single most common classes of vulnerabilities
Cons: the compiler and the language itself are unpolished and unfinished, and still changing "rapidly" in 1.0
That's all you need to know, retards like are just shitposters who don't really know what they're talking about.

No. Rust is long dead. Anyone still genuinely interested in it is drinking the SJW colada. That is literally all you need to know about it. Don't bother learning more. You'll just be disappointed.

Well, you should provide some evidence if you are making claims like that.
It seems like there is a lot of software being produced in Rust.

I actually went to Rust channels today to talk with them and they were normal.
It seems like you were tricked by vocal minority.

Of course. There's quite a few webdev hipsters who are enthusiastic about playing systems programmers and are fanatically writing mediocre versions of existing software in Rust. See the thread's title: "Rewrite It In Rust". That doesn't mean the language has any relevance in the real world, though.

How did you test this? Did you try to trigger them?

I bet he thinks all libcucks type like they're on Tumblr, with no punctuation and no grasp of what the shift key is supposed to do. The whole reason they're poisonous to be around is their ability to pretend they're normal.

It was not an experiment. I just talked with them, because I am thinking about learning enough Rust to be able to hack on Rust code, and it is how I felt about them after we talked. And I was open about fact that I am bad goy, they were ok with it.
I did go in expecting SJWs that Holla Forums is always talking about, tho.

Tell me more, pls. I hope that I was not Jewed that badly.

Normal people acknowledge biology. They know that different races, or different genders, give you fundamentally different kinds of people. Try asking them about these innate differences and how that affects people's choice of programming language. You'll be banned on the spot and added to their secret blacklist of the unindoctrinated.

To be honest it is mix between biology/nature and culture/nurture. And how much each of those things influences human choices is still open question in science.

I can see that. But you can't claim:
if you did nothing to test these hypotheses.
After all, remember that even the creators of Rust are cucked, as demonstrated by their code of conduct and pearls such as this:
fn main() { let p1 = Philosopher::new("Judith Butler"); let p2 = Philosopher::new("Gilles Deleuze"); let p3 = Philosopher::new("Karl Marx"); let p4 = Philosopher::new("Emma Goldman"); let p5 = Philosopher::new("Michel Foucault");}

That's from , by the way.

Stop using JIDF tactics and quoting things incorrectly. I said that it seems like you were tricked.

Marx is only one of those philosophers that I heard about. Why should I be concerned about thise philosophers?

inb4 they're all kikes

That's the thing though. You claim that was tricked, but you did nothing to substantiate that assertion. I don't see how I quoted anything incorrectly.

You don't have to be concerned about the philosophers themselves, but you should perhaps ask why, of all possible choices, the writer would choose (in order) a feminist "gender theorist", an anti-capitalist postmodernist, the father of communism, a jewish anarchist attempted murderer and an AIDS-ridden degenerate postmodernist.

behold, the exact opposite of SJWs: autismus maximus

Oh, wow, I read the tutorial. Now I fully agree with all their philosophies.
If you are really bothered about it send email to Rust team and give them better list.

I was stating my opinion, not a fact. I talked to them, they were normal, I guess that you were tricked. GO AWAY, JIDF!

You asked what was wrong with the philosophers, and I answered. Now you're using sarcasm to jewishly move the goalposts and dodge the fact that the content of the tutorial directly reflects the political beliefs of Rust's creators.

Oh okay. You were not being dishonest, just a moron with no critical thinking ability. My bad. Glad you cleared that up!

In the past two days the meme that is Rust has gone completely out of control. Hacker News is even more inundated than usual with threads full of hypemonkeys sucking Mozilla's pixelated cock


servo isn't vaporware, components of it are already shipping in firefox, and it has had an alpha release. you sure are fuckin stupid.

Fuck off street shitters




How fitting.

>curl -sSf | sh
Am I the only one who hates this kind of things?
Where have this cancer started?

Why I need your stupid packaging system mingled with the compiler?
Why I can't just download a signed tar archive and compile it myself?
Or use a distribution repository?

For example, Perl comes in one tar archive and all documentation is include, with nice tools to read it.
I've never encountered a platform where it didn't compile.
Even on Plan 9 it complies nicely after couple of tricks done.
You can mirror CPAN and never get anything from internet.

Why I can't have this with new stuff?

BTW, I blame street shitters and kikes for that.

Why can't you speak English?

Software is usually distributed this way when it's poorly engineered, fragile, and/or difficult to build. Julia is the same way. It rebuilds a ton of deps from its own tree unless you force it to use the system versions, and if you do, it often won't compile.

Do you NOT REALIZE the way you express yourself you fucking SJW piece of shit? Are you so far gone you don't even realize it's affecting your mannerisms to the extent of making you a carbon copy of everyone else of those faggots around you?

I want you to leave Holla Forums. Please.

You seem upset, autist.

More of the same retarded mental structures shining through your language choices.

Also I think your skin is darker than mine judging by your shit grammar. Just in case: I'm not a native English speaker.

It's distributed that way because it's a script to bootstrap.
Funny, the retard you replied to says that Perl can also be compiled and installed on his autism operating system (Plan 9) but it also requires running a script.

Seems like you don't really know what you're talking about. If you wanted to bootstrap yourself, you can. Just do what the script does.

It's not only pajeets, women and faggots using Rust. There is hope.

You can't escape the bulllshit packaging system (cargo) and treat rustc like a normal compiler. You currently are required to use all that bullshit webdev crap if you have any kind of complexity libraries-wise.

express this
*whips out dick*

Sorry, you seem to be a bit retarded. I guess your system packaging C libs is also "webdev crap."
But hey, as long as you don't acknowledge your hypocrisy, retard.

Having a packaging system for every language/compiler on your system is webdev crap. The system's packaging system in case of linux distros is fine because it's a unified packaging system, with centralized repositories and more importantly dependency management.

Nice attempt at grasping at straws there, but not even you, stupid as you are, believe that joke of a counter-argument you made there.

Happy new year you hillbilly piece of shit.

Does Rust have a somewhat usuable IRC library where you can subscribe to individual events?
I'm still maintaining a bot written in PHP using SmartIRC, and as the guy running it still has it on a shitbox running Botnet 2008 Server Edition, something that directly compiles into an .exe is rather preferable.

No, it's not.
And Cargo is fine because it's a unified, and predictable, packaging system for rust
The only person grasping for straws is someone complaining about the fact that cargo or the stdlib exists. If you don't want to use it, and you despise package managers, obviously being a slackware autist, then don't use it.
I'm not the autistic faggot complaining about a package manager and language-specific tooling.

And further, you or another user were complaining about bootstrapping from a script. The package manager is besides the point. You don't have to bootstrap any of that.

To sum up, you're wrong, you obviously have a mental illness (autism), and no one actually cares about your complaints. They're not going to change anything, no one actually cares about the mentally ill.

Forgot the rustc link

So, again, not only are you mentally ill, but you also don't know what the fuck you are talking about. You don't need cargo.
Complaining about going without cargo when you don't want it doesn't make a whole lot of fucking sense, does it champ? Don't want cargo? Deal with it, faggot. Call rustc. Then try not being an autistic stain on society.

You sound like you're interested in using Rust.


It's a carbon copy of C++ references and const keyword. How the fuck did they managed to tout it as some hot shit feature?

They also imitated C++11's move semantics and smart pointers, and now they're pretending their language is revolutionary. So dumb.

How many times do you retards need to be told, before you get it through your thick as fuck nigger skull, that the borrow checker doesn't just boil down to "references". And why is it inevitably always the same fucking retards that reply with the same shit? Every thread: "muh smartptr lmao i dont write C++ that segfaults". Quit larping, holy fuck.
Not even going to get into the fact that Rust was around in 2009 and started getting sponsored by Mozilla in 2010. Well before C++11, you fucking retarded faggot.
If you actually knew anything, you'd be talking about Cyclone. But you don't. In fact, you're probably so fucking stupid that you don't actually know C++. Makes sense, modern C++ is a clusterfuck of complexity and as far as expressitivity goes with these new features, there's many static guarantees that are lacking.
Not to mention, penetration. Rust guarantees this with the compiler.
You'll still be sucking Microsoft and Intel's dick for years to come, and all the compiler bugs that entails, with no built-in static analysis, forcing you to think about ownership/mut like Rust's compiler does.
Not that you actually write anything for that to matter, mind you.

Modern C++ is perfectly expressive with it's slim and powerful set of standard constructions. It's just your brain is so thoroughly enriched in melanine enhanced semen from all the SJW funding that you couldn't comprehend even something as simple as that. But go ahead and tell me all about how a shitty ripoff meme language is in fact being a great origin of modern language features.

Okay, fuckhead, consider the following:

function(T& a, T& b) as function(c, d)
c and d being instances of shared_ptr

You can't statically know anything about aliasing in this context.

Protip: you cannot use shared_ptr with mutable references and have those static guarantees.

Oh, and the best part about this? Either you break backwards compatibility by fixing this properly, or you make shared_ptr useless.
Yeah, maybe it's not the SJW's fault that you're a fucking retard who doesn't actually use the things you proclaim are the equivalent to what's found in Rust.

They're not equivalent; they're actually better since they don't come packaged with guaranteed slow-as-fuck compilation for any moderately large projects and a paranoid system of excessive hand-holding masquerading as "safety guarantees".

Stay mad C++ weenie. Your kind lacks swagger, you'll never win this.

Rejecting perfectly valid programs with no logical explanation is not even hand-holding. It's security theater.

So you actually have no rebuttal to the example I gave, and are just shitposting.

Nigger, the example I gave pretty much fucks up modern C++'s model for type and resource safety. One second you retards are saying that your mess of backwards compatibility is equivalent, the next you're saying it's better because it doesn't concern itself with such lowly things like safety because "lol it's perfectly valid."

Nah, you're just a fucking retard.

Memory safety is for retards incapable of calling free/delete upon objects they're about to delete.

The Rustfags obviously aren't from around here anyways, since they talk like faggots from the weird twitter circlejerk.

Woah! OpenGL rendering?!
I am now a #RustMissile.

great now rewrite it in c and maybe it will actually go fast

more like it will segfault fast

Enjoy shooting yourself in the leg


Made our case.

I want to learn my first language because muh future codemonkey. All the people and professors at university tell us to start either with java, python or C(++). I'm conflicted about RUST as I'm not sure if it's either a small tryhard group of people pushing it or if it's really 'the future'.

I would appreciate an hontest opinion without any fanboism.

Rust is very much in flux, even though there's a stable version.
C++ is too complex to learn best practices as a first language, though those best practices are applicable to Rust.
Learn Python.


What the hackers on HN say:

Impressive software, People rediscovering their love for programming, a beautiful thing to behold, really. One can dream again about what the future will bring.

Learn all of them (except Java). Learn python, learn C & some of C++ in either order. Lastly learn Rust.
Programming languages are tools. You should be aware of & be able to use multiple tools.

I'd say learn both python and C at the same time because python is a hell of a lot easier to learn than C, but it has some quirks like using whitespace instead of curly brackets and semicolons that will mess you up when learning other languages

are you being sarcastic?

That's what it is. See posts such as . Nearly everyone pushing it sounds like either a fanatic or a marketer (with unironic claims that it's "software's salvation"), and that's not a good sign. Also, notice how these people single-mindedly focus on one issue ("safety") while belittling other issues Rust may have.

It's enough to fool autists like

To wit:

pretty much like (((java))) took over. It's a fucking mess and obsolete, yet it has 90% corporate and platform penetration and is in the upper quarter of salaries.

java is not the only obsolete piece of shit out there. It's just about how many idiots start using it. I'd argue that this is what kept C afloat for a looooong time.

The next logical step will be AIs creating programs by someone directing it with highly abstract (and easy) commands. Twitter already does it with almost 80% of their code, though their AI code money army is still controlled manually through a lot of steps of the process.

Nah, just autists getting uppity when confronted with someone saying that their meme language is deprecated, not able to detect sarcasm.
lmao, mental illness alert

C++17 is almost here and people are still talking about this shit? Pathetic.

Too bad C++17 doesn't change anything in the context of ownership, lifetimes, and having to create borrow abstractions of your own on all of your objects, and it certainly doesn't change facts like

Poe's law. Parodies of Rust fanatics are indistinguishable from the real thing.
This is the survey this is in reference to.

I'm definitely a lesbian male developer

The question is is this faggotory Mozila-enabled or they are being cunts on their own behalf?

They're all SJWs. The question is meaningless.


Can I have an example of a shitlord friendly language/software community then?
Otherwise blaming Rust folks for being "progressive" seems unfair.

All this fag-loving shit is industry enabled.
So in this case Mozilla is to blame.

I don't know for sure, but I won't be surprised if such PC-compliance is demanded from maintainers by sponsoring companies.

Linux kernel development community is prime example of how software should be developed. If your code is shit, go fuck yourself, we are not pulling this. Progressivness in software engineering will get us nowhere. For example take this e-mail from Torvalds:

>mtu if (mtu < hlen + sizeof(struct frag_hdr) + 8)

If rust community had a set of core developers with similar mentality as Torvalds none of this SJW bulshit would have happened in the first place.

Ever heard of "Smug Lisp Weenies" you insufferable cunt? This mentality certainly applies to Haskell as-well & even C (though to a lesser-degree)).

Linux is right on this readability is a prime key to understand what is happening.
But he his I think unfair with the reason of why it was used.
Having the compiler doing fancy magic to stop overflows is imo a good thing.
Instead of shouting "it's shit don't use it" he should have said that "nobody can't read your shit code make it readable and explain to the gcc why they are retards when it comes to readability and they need to fix their shit so that everyone can read"

There's nothing non-PC in his rant. Also he bashes GCC devs not his own.
And he had fucked up too many times to take his reputation seriously.
Even Stallman who is an autistic commie seems more based.
He's pro-gun at least.

LMAOing @ this thread

All you Holla Forums tards fell into the rustfags trap.

We all know C++ is the best language because of how fast it complies and how advanced it is and yet you continue to post in this thread.

Newfag poser, if I've ever seen one.

It applies to everything without a noise filter tbh. Rust makes a ruckus, other langs have a few autists screeching. There's a difference.

It isn't, it's nonstandard. We don't need another brick in the wall that rises between Linux and other compilers that aren't GCC.

C++ feels like it's in development hell, even bjarne himself admitted it and went mad at the committee. Most of the features people wanted are not ready for 17, including modules, contracts, concepts...
Most of the things coming out in C++17 are QoL, the only big features I can think of are the Filesystem thing and Parallelism.

Nah you're just autistic

C++ standard is on a 3 year release cycle. If something's not ready in time for release, it gets pushed back into the next version of the standard. It's a good method for ensuring shit gets released, a bad method for ensuring things people want get released.

I'd probably go with a 3 year release cycle for the standard than one that waits until everything that people want are finished and never gets released.

Don't forget "if constexpr" and the value-holding types (std::any, std::optional and std::variant). It's true that a lot of the new features are mostly convenience things, but in aggregate they should make a noticeable positive difference.
At least, with the amount of large features in the pipeline, C++20 is likely to be a significant upgrade.

It's true, though. Rust hipsters are somewhat of a joke.

What is happening?

Tokio is a platform for writing fast networking code in Rust. It’s built on futures, a zero-cost abstraction for asynchronous programming in Rust.

I don't know if you realized, but this has been a C++ thread.

You go enjoy your memes to Japan, though. Have fun.

c++ is utter shite.

It's been a C++ getting shit on thread, sure.
Are you still upset over it being pointed out that Stroustrup's proposed model for type and resource safety in C++ is totally useless, unless you limit yourself to a severely crippled subset of the language, thanks to, for example, things like the not very well thought out shared_ptr?



So, yeah, still upset.




No thanks.

Seriously underrated post.

It's not just emacs. They cloned fucking Minix and GNU Hurd. It's a fucking microkernel Rust OS

How is rust slower, in anything but compile times?
As a matter of fact, the vast majority of the repository is still C.

So what? Also, there's plenty of horrors in the way emacs displays on screen. Apparently that's needed fixed for quite some time.

Rustniggers can't even English properly.

'That's' can be a contraction of 'that has', retard. It's perfectly valid.
Good job: not only are you a retard who can't back up the bullshit that you spout, but you're also an illiterate moron.

Rust's error checker is working as usual, I see.


'that has needed to be fixed'. It's a lazy contraction, retard.

Ada has no checking for data races, many ways to leak memory (that are possible in Ada) won't compile in Rust, and Ada doesn't use lifetime analysis to ensure RAII. The Rust borrow checker prevents use after free.

don't bother with the oekaki fag, he's the same mentally ill retard that would shit up threads with his dumb stallman drawings and random shitposting months back.

Pijul is a free and open source (AGPL 3) distributed version control system. Its distinctive feature is to be based on a sound theory of patches, which makes it easy to learn and use, and really distributed.


Literally none of this is a problem if you're using Valgrind like you ought to be.

rust depreciates valgrind

No, you still need it, because Rust's safety model doesn't go far enough.
Rust is both unnecessary and insufficient.

What is cachegrind?

Not that faggot, I started drawing yesterday and have never drawn Stallman in my life.

The only thing that has the potential to leak in Rust is Rc.

That's true but it's pretty explicit what you're doing there. Perhaps it's better to say "unintentionally"

As long as Linux uses git, it will never be deprecated.

Assuming we took the Rustfags' advice and rewrote everything in Rust or replaced everything with Rust programs, all this would be pointless the moment someone invents a better memory safe language. Suddenly the world would be stuck with a bunch of slowly-compiling programs written in an overengineered language that hates bindings, and we'd have to design the wheel from scratch again just because of some overenthusiastic language fanboys with no foresight.

Also, at this point I think you're literally retarded or you just are making up shit that's easy to knock down for some reason.
That blog post is the first fucking result for "rust language bindings" on google (at least in my bubble).

You didn't even read that guy's post, did you? C will never die because you need C to be able to write libraries.

But, user, you just need to rewrite everything in it and that won't ever be a problem!
Also, have I told you about my pet language? It's called Brainfuck and if you rewrite everything in this one...

You are wrong on both counts.
Don't try and damage control your way out of this.


I guarantee you Rust won't catch on. If the last 123789123 C killer languages didn't, why does everyone thing Rust will magically accomplish this?

In 5 years will probably be talking about the SpecialSnowflake and how were being told to rewrite in it. Fuck in 5 years, they'll probably just target Phones and Tablets for normies and leave us alone finally.

He's not wrong in some respects, but the String vs &str fuckup was hilarious. I imagined esr trying to learn Haskell.
Also, his 'rod-up-the-ass' authoritarianism analogy for Go was funny in the comments.

If you need to add two strings, you should be able to add two strings. Don't make excuses.

It wasn't about that, but rather a fuckup he mentioned in the comments.
And you don't seem to understand what's going on in that specific situation.
The short answer is "magic, but not too much magic" and the long answer is

Also see for what I'm talking about

Rust is backed by Mozilla and Mozilla's future is also riding on Rust (if they don't fix their shit memory leaks and data races, the browser will slowly continue to decline into nothingness). So saying Rust will die is equivalent to saying Firefox will go extinct. Most don't see that happening too soon.

The SJWs destroy everything they touch. Mozilla is contaminated. There's no saving it and there's no saving Rust.

Firefox by itself doesn't have memory leaking. Are you sure your extensions are not causing leaking problems?


I can name a few data races and leaks I know intimately, if you are actually seriously that deluded.

We all agree Rust syntax is horrible. Here's a list of the major problems and how to fix them, and then maybe people will actually use it someday.

1. No block expressions. No implicit returns. Use the fucking keyword.
2. Take the colon out of declaration syntax. remove the question mark operator. Give us a real ternary operator.
3. Take the "!" out of macros. They should look exactly like function calls.
4. Take the pipe bullshit out of closures. Use balanced delimiters.
5. Take out the "::" that sometimes appears when using templates. There is no reason for having this.
6. Fix all the keywords that were renamed for no reason: "match" = "switch," "let" = "auto," "()" = "void," and so on.
7. Replace the stupid "=>" operator with real case labels so IDEs can actually highlight them.
8. Make mutability the default. Use explicit const for immutable variables and references.
9. Put the type before the variable, not after.
10. Remove the pointless "fn" keyword. It's redundant.
11. Put template parameters before the associated declaration instead of mixing them in with a bunch of other stuff where it's impossible to read.
12. Change "self" back to "this" and make it implicit.
13. Struct fields should be defined with the same syntax as declaring variables.
14. Remove "impl Bar for Foo." You should be able to see all the interfaces a type inherits from at the declaration site.
15. Remove "impl Foo." Methods should be defined inside the struct body, or declared there and defined at the top level.
16. Make parentheses mandatory in if/while/for statements. Make braces optional.
17. Bring back the three-part for loop syntax. There are things that simply can't be expressed without it.
18. Make lifetimes completely invisible. They're implicit some of the time. Make them implicit all of the time, or just remove them. If the compiler can't make this work without a bunch of arcane symbols the programmer has to type, there is no point even having the feature.

Too bad the thread has hit the bump limit and nobody will read your blog post (which nobody would've cared about anways) anymore :^)

wow you are retarded

nice pasta feggit

last post for ada

rust > ada though