What was his fucking problem?
What was his fucking problem?
He did it for free.
Eevrie night'a he haf'a to clean da skool. And eevrie night'a dat'a dierty boy messa tings up'a. His wife'a, she no lik'a diss.
Such'a iz lif'a az a Yanitor.
It's because that Dexter always leaving a mess and staying after hours everyday. Yannie has to clean up every more than usual every night and come home later than usual preventing him from doing the snu-snu with his wife.
Dats'a what i sayd! How come you no speak'a da symple English'a?
Also I doubt he was getting overtime for that crap too
good post/10
Yeah, that totally justifies the kidnapping, torture and attempted murder of a child.
Guessing you've never worked with children, user.
I don't have the irresistible urge to torture and murder children, Moishe.
We know. You've never worked with them.
What was the guy's ethnicity anyway? He sounded like a jewish Luigi, but his wife had a vaguely slav name.
he could just have sex with dexter if he was that pent up
He fell in love with a slav girl while traveling Europe for work.
Most people don't have the urge to have sex with children, Chaim.
for some reason he reminds me of the ice cream van guy who hates dexter because dexter gave him a jar of pennies and it fucked up his life.
What kind of accent is that? Hungarian?
I always assumed he was a slavshit, yeah.
It's his yob, mon.
Shut up, kike.
Only a kike would hold any sympathy for a fellow subhuman like that.
Whatever you say, Schlomo.
The only kike here is the man who thinks children aren't subhuman.
Aren't you running late for sacrificing children to Moloch at your local synagogue, Mordecai?