Are there well known SJW journalists within cartoons and comics besides movie Bob? I can name at least five cuck game journalists.
Movie Bob
Cuck Holla Forums journalists
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still waiting for movie Bob to be arrested over CP. He literallly defended pedophile feminists.
Does this guy even know what he is talking about? Does he even research it? I mean even the most casual comic book fan can tell you Marvel and DC are full of shit. Jeez is he actually worse than linkara?
Did you seriously not even provide a webm, OP?
Is this a secret shill thread?
He got the boot already, any money make from this go to the escapist and not him.
The fat fuck probably worse than linkara. He wrote a book about his life. In which he compared the 90s Sega Vs Nintendo console war too his Vietnam.
I remember hearing an audiobook of the intro. It really is awful.
I'm surprised movie Bob didn't called halo islamophobic. For me the most annoying SJW types are the anti-Christains who fight tooth and nail too defend Islam. Movie Bob calls anyone movie or comic with anti-religious theme or message progressive. Unless if it's Islam of course. Hell movie Bob tells is fans too tolerant and respect other people religions yet gets triggered that the movie Book of Eli protrayed a Christain character in a positive light. Hell movie Bob called sausage party the smartest and most adult movie of 2016.
Jesus that fat lard has shit taste in film. I've heard bits about his Halo review and it pisses me off, not just as a Halo fan but just as someone with basic common sense. The Covenant are a Religious cult with a very strict hierarchy. They're pretty much alien version of the Ottoman Empire. Bob is a shallow hack with no spine.
Holy shit. You were not kidding. Did this Bob guy inspired the fedora atheist meme?
I thought that was the Amazing Atheist who spawned that meme.
It might be both of them. Both are overweight and have horrible facial hair.
When did Link looking feminine was a new thing? I thought this guy was a nintendrone.
Biut why?
Didn't he was upset he couldn't play super mario 3 on his GRANDMOTHER'S FUNERAL?
Yes, how dare they show Christianity in a positive light! How dare you!
No, it was just various pictures of random fat neckbeards in fedoras with quotes from r/atheism on them. And that wasn't even the original fedora meme.
As I remember it started on half/b/ when some faggot went to r/atheism/ and found the testimonials thread.
Something about posting themselves as "triumphs of atheism"? The pictures had us rolling and Holla Forums inevitably noticed ALMOST ALL OF THEM HAD FUCKING FEDORAS ON. Also minimum 2 day whisker growth.
So Holla Forums started editing their pictures with the edgiest atheist inspired quotes they could think of, but there again the inspiration for that was from the r/atheist/s themselves. Specifically that one quote with "I'm not a professional quote maker but, in this moment I'm euphoric not because of any belief in some phony god but because I'm enlightened by my own intelligence."
Nah, they don't worship a god, they worship their own assholes.
I remember that. They sent all the comic news sites that panel where he and his boyfriend are making out in public. Then in the first issue, where that panel appears, they killed said boyfriend in a train crash. Alan Scott then proceeds not to be gay for the rest of the Nu52.
The best part is that a magic green flame comes out of no-where to save Scott, but just lets his Asian boy-toy die in the crash.
Why aren't you standing up for minority oppression like an adult, nerd?
Is Devan Faraci a cuck/co/ journalist?
Probably. I know he and his site might not be held in high regards around these parts. And I personally don't care for his articles in Kill or Be Killed so far.
Apparently, Faraci is going to write a comic adaptation of Jim Thompson's The Killer Inside Me for IDW.
I already knew about his backwards outlook on video games, but this here is just too much.
He's more of a cuck/tv/ guy.
Even worse is that wasn't even a book about his life. It was a book about Super Mario 3 that he turned into an autobiography because he's a narcissist. If you look at the book, it gives you the impression that it's going to be a book about the making of Mario 3, maybe with interviews and concept art and shit. Then it gets going and and then it turns out to be about his childhood obsession with the game, and how he was a bullied faggot. Halfway through, he remember that it's supposed to be about Mario, so he turns the book into a poorly done walkthrough.
I'm in shock to figure out that this ham beast and Tim Sterling aren't the same fucker.
How do you do that?
By being a narcissist.
I must read this.
Well first you talk about how SMB3 changed the gaming world, then you talk about how it changed your world, then you just keep talking about yourself since you already led the conversation to yourself by using the game, and then you tell everyone that you skipped grandma's funeral because you wanted to play SMB3.
That's probably the best summary of new atheism I have ever heard. It's explain why most angry atheist e-celebs are ether outright pro Islam and mass Muslim immigration. Or defend Islam while bitching about Christians at the same time. I mean look up atheism plus, r/atheism and any atheist Facebook community. They are all overwhelming pro Islam.
I like that girl hair for some reason.
How would you get this impression? It's MovieFuckingBob. The second you saw his name on the cover you should have known it was going to be nothing less than shit
Here you go.
The only guy Holla Forums related I follow is a latin american faggot with a youtube channel called TopComic.
He is a faggot with a weird voice problem, and doesn't know the concept of plagiarism.
Outside of that, I don't really listen to him. His voice is annoying, and his opinions worth of plebeians.
Bless your heart.
Then why the fuck do you follow him?
Because of my inner pleb and my only friend in real life
I was at a party and some guys were arguing who'd win in a fight, Batman or Spiderman. As they had an engaging conversation about it, I literally couldn't relate to anything they were talking about. I knew so much about comics that their squabble over the prowess of fictional characters was completely alien to me.
Embrace it, user. Your power-level is too great to be amongst normies.
Was he from channel awesome?
To be fair, like most internet critics, in the grand scheme of things Bob's pretty unknown. The average person who doesn't keep up with online spregs may see that and think "Hey, I remember liking that game as a kid, this could be cool." Then they crack it open and find the musings of a broken individual whose world was shattered when Yoshi's Island wasn't in continuity with the Mario cartoon. Much like Dobson, his entire view of these characters revolves around shitty tie in cartoons.
It's also funny that Blob is always bitching about toxic masculinity, but the guy fucking loves He-Man and GI Joe.
Nah, Top Comic is latinamerican, so he can't be affiliated with them.
I want friends, bud. But I don't have any outside of the internet.
Not gonna lie, I found Movieblob when he had about 4 episodes of Game Overthinker and that's it. At the time I thought, hey this isn't that bad, but even then there were warning signs. Things didn't really start red flagging for me until his awful Sonic videos, but I kept watching out of some hope that maybe it'll get better.
This fucking Book of Eli review is what confirmed for me that that was never going to happen. It was the last video of his I watched before I said fuck this shit.
In hindsight I waited way too fucking long.
Does he even fucking watch the movies he reviews? God is not an active participant in the film even if Eli believes he is. Its a movie about sad desperate people in a post apocalyptic hell hole. How is this bad but The Road is golden? How the fuck does that work? How do I even exist on this fucking planet? HOW!?
Well Channel Awesome does have some latino reviewers like Angry Joe and Erod who's Puerto Rican.
Even if he wasn't an SJW or fat manchild this alone makes him a joke.
Sure, just like how Family Guy and Sausage Party are "adult" animation.
Series died after SMB2j…
Anyway it's funny this dude is a meme and is so hated, he doesn't seem that remarkable or interesting.
He appears to be low functioning enough that I can't get that riled up about his foibles. If he lives independently, that's pretty inspirational, given his limitations.
This is a highly advanced form of hipsterism/contrarianism
To be fair, there's a different feel and flow with SMB.1/Vs./Lost Levels/Special that 3, World, and others don't have
It's not about believing in anything, it's about pissing off daddy.
As soon as old white people started hating muslims more than atheists, that's what they went to defend. But they lack the balls to actually convert like black dudes did, even to their own home-grown version.
so they have no principles and are just edgy contrarians?
She probably the only girl who does cute anime voices that hasn't shit on the same anime fans that made them popular to begin with
Wasn't that movie a stealth remake of Zardoz?
…which was an anti-religious movie by virtue of it all being made up by rich people, based on an ancient book they found, to keep the poor people in their place.
Does MovieBlob also hate The Blues Brothers?
Here's some old cringe for our good friend Movie Blob.
Reminder that Movie Bob is probably the anonymous author of this article (seriously, it reads exactly like the transcript to one of his reviews)
In which case he allegedly got assraped (and his arm broken in the process) when he was a seven year old.
It's not Bob, stop repeating this. Yes, the writer's the same kind of tone/word policing faggot as Bob but even a cursory glance at what the writer claims are his life experiences should tell that it isn't Bob.
Let's not forget that Bob basically gave us, unsolicited, his life story in his shitty book, and it was far more pampered and spoiled than whoever wrote this
The Road? With the guy from Lord of the Rings and the kid?
A little Trivia about Bob, It was revealed in 2013 that Bob Chipman belonged to a secret society from his college years, known as "the Black Rod worshippers" it is a mystery what does that society is about.
At a guess I would say they worship black rods.
They have secret societies at community college?
I always thought they were a clear whitish colour
Again no principles, just contrarian against bigotted daddy.
Andrew Wheeler probably counts.
Hardly anyone would be fooled into thinking that Dobson's a typical Mario fan. Almost everything Nintendo-related outside of his "Danny and Spot" comics is him passive-aggressively bitching about what Nintendo did to [insert thing here] in the mid-90s. Anyway Bob has pretty consistently shown a soft spot for macho 80s action stuff, so him liking GI Joe and He-Man isn't out of character.
Think less of the cryptid and more the anatomy.
Cormac McCarthy degree
I remember a time when all Sci-Fi was highly optimistic in that Islam was non-existent in every vision of the future that every author came up with. Some would still have Christianity and Buddhism around, but never Islam.
Now we're starting to see Hajibs and other regressive fuckery leaking into Sci-fi,
I'd say he is one himself but unlike most of the other SJWs who project and use their views to hide their own disgusting behavior, he seems too dumb to actually be doing that.
Razorfist is almost as much of moron as Bob though
MovieBob has never been even a fake journalist. He's just a youtube e-celeb wannabe.
Nothing stops Bob from lying in an anonymous article about shit he did or about shit that happened to him.
Like being raped, for example?
Yeah, he could easily be lying about that as an excuse to write an article where he can lecture about how super duper serious rape is and how mean everyone who picked on him in school use it in a non-serious manner are.
I still can't figure out why anyone would directly link to MovieBlob's shit.
Wouldn't surprise if movie Bob comes out as pro pedosexual rights. He a admitted virgin too
Whats wrong with Christina Hoff Summer? She seems very nice.
I remember this show back when I was into cryptids.
She stood up for Gamergate and bad mouthed third wave feminism, thus making her public enemy number one for people like Bob.
I know I just don't get how anyone can hate her. She's just so reasonable and nice.
yeah, how dare a woman speak for herself? That's the job of the men and psychotic bull dykes who make up third wave feminism.
also defended common core and the ADL, a jew is a jew side with them as long as they aid you but remember that they will always defend their own and their plans above all else.
See, this is SJWthink. You can like someone without agreeing with absolutely every opinion they have. This is how you prove those "you're just like the SJWs!" faggots right.
He's written a lot of worrying things on twitter like "there are no bad tactics, just bad targets" and called for the killing of NRA members, attacks critics of Sarkeesian and called for the censorship of FPS games. The guy is a petty self-centered wannabe tyrant with no drive for self-improvement. If anything he's gotten worse over time.
Who you will vote for this election?
That's one of the most fucked up things about aggressive SJWs like MovieBlob: He's not just dedicated to wrong ideas (women are oppressed! Being white means you are automatically racist!) but he's really, really far gone. He's lapped the horseshoe a few times and now he's a ridiculous extremist who'd advocate for public decapitations and mandatory reeducation camps if he felt he had enough support.
This is a guy who quite literally believes that wrongthink should be a crime, and that by virtue of him disagreeing with someone, that person is automatically subhuman scum who deserves endless suffering.
The worst part is that he does it under the misguided assumption that it will get him some pussy
The only thing he does to impress women is go soft on feminists. If it weren't for that, everybody would lose in Bob's world (except Bob).
This is exactly the kind of person who would be completely unlikely to buy Bob's book in the first place.
Nah, pretty much everything he says he says for cunt. If you look at his videos and articles from about seven years ago (not that you should, but if you did) you'd see he claims to hold completely different views to the ones he holds now. My hypothesis is that Bob was faced with his own crippling virginity when he turned 30 or whatever, and decided he had to do whatever it takes to get himself laid.
So he's like a Holla Forumsack?
Found the christcuck.
I think Bob is driven by some sense of duty. He's desperate to find value in his meaningless, shitty life. His writing career is a bust. His acting career will never happen. All that's left for him is to miraculously ascend to the ranks of respected academians and philosophers, where all will respect his superior opinions and march to his orders.
The guy spends pretty much all day and all night spewing rhetoric and the only thing he's really managed to accomplish is establishing a dwindling echo chamber of sycophantic retards who will one day soon look back at all the shit he's been saying and think, "Why did I ever like this guy?"
Say what you will about Holla Forums, but they do believe people can be saved redpilled, and made to understand the error of their ways.
When did Bob ever try to become an actor?
Are you not aware of his Chris-chan tier storylines that he put into his Game Overthinker series?
I am. They just never struck me as an audition tape for his wannabe acting career.
I mean, I know he's stupid, but if he really wanted to be an actor there are better and less embarrassing ways to go about it.
So, he's the left-wing Phil Elmore?
Except Phil Elmore actually got laid, (albeit not for many years now), so, maybe the left-wing RHJunior?
I don't think Bob is able to distinguish between embarrassing/cringey behavior and normal/cool behavior. I remember one episode of the Game Overthinker when he was transparently trying to be really cool and serious so he interspersed his talks with slipping into his Boston accent (that according to him he only uses when upset) whilst posing outside (in rare instances of Bob going outside!) wearing a trenchcoat and posing. It was embarrassing as fuck and I have no doubt Bob was genuinely trying to be seen as cool during those shots.
Bob, for whatever reason, believed that his wobbly, misshapen body was suited for moving in front of a camera. Whether that's because he thought he could be an actor or some kind of personality in front of a camera, or perhaps some kind of video editing virtuoso who knows.
Keep in mind, Bob has been doing this for years now. Long enough to get his start on goddamned Machinima. He's never invited onto podcasts. He doesn't do crossovers. He can't even get people to act in his dumb little videos, so he has to do it all by himself.
Even the cuck squad with real pitiful fucks like Anthony Burch wants nothing to do with him.
So his analysis of the Spider-Man 3 dancing scene, where he said Peter Parker was just trying to be cool because he's a nerd and he thinks that's how cool people act, that was just another case of mass projection on Bob's part?
Movie Blob is such a disturbed person.
I assumed rather they were audition tapes for a wannabe director. Which isn't any fucking better because holy shit.
He doesn't even sound healthy
That black character is too cool for bob, though. He isn't nearly as oppressed as he should be.
Also he dies, so erasure or whatever.
Quints confirm that Razorfist is a faggot e-cleb that is just like Milo. Only with a Metal theme.
Tho, he could be self aware of it. Still just as bad morally, but at least he's not a lunatic.
Plus does it really make sence with him being possessed by the Venom ooze?
Well known sjw journalists would be everyone who works for Comics Alliance, Bleeding Cool, Comic Book Review, etc.
I'll share the highlights.
Also, remember that this is a man who loves nintendo so much he stuck with cassette tapes until the gamecube, but also hates them more than his parents for ruining mario in 1994.
I guess everyone who works at the Mary Sue would be a cuck/co/ journalist.
I'm probably autistic because that actually sort of makes sense
The whole point with the symbiote is it releases all your inhibitions. So for Peter its his anger. Regarding the dance thing, I don't think it would work like that because of the symbiote but I can see where people could think that way.
The only way for it to make sense is if Peter were autistic. Not out of the realm of possibility, especially for Raimi's Peter Parker, but I still strongly doubt it.
Nerd or no, nobody thinks this is how 'cool' people act.
I think the costume just acts like cocaine, or really strong coffee, makes you way too self-confident, until you become an asshole.
How so?
That's pretty much the intended meaning of the scene; even Bob isn't dumb enough to miss that though he is dumb enough to think he was unique in seeing it. (and given how badly done the rest of the movie was it's easy to believe that was legitimately meant to look good, though the expressions of everyone else involved tell another story)
Did Raimi say this? Because otherwise, no it's not
How much you want to bet blob will mumble that his headcannon is more valid than what A FUCKING WHITE MALE who happens to be the director says?
Nothing has ever made Islam look as good as that book did.
thanks fam
He's actually a massive Raimi-fag. His explanation of the dance scene was part of a series of mental gymnastics used to argue why Spider-Man 3 is actually good.
Has he touched on the subject of tree rape?
Not that I'm aware of
Trying to justify the dance scene won't redeem the rest of the movie. Bob is simply being a contrarian, at best. Trying to prove he has a superior critic's eye for the true greatness of a film that all the plebs clearly can't appreciate,
Standard procedure for Bob.
and you don't question WHY they're trying to stop that? especially with those two as their examples
you don't get "possessed" by the ooze. it's like being on roids, you get stronger but you get angrier
also, everything you do is something you'd do deep down
here's the justification. Peter's still the same socially retarded idiot who thought that making out with another girl in front of his girlfriend was cool, who doesn't think of telling Harry that his dad died by his own blade, and never got around to getting a better job than photographer for a newspaper despite being the top student under one of new york's most respected scientists
Yes you do. The symbiote starts directing your actions. It also had Spider-Man fighting crime when he was asleep. I can't remember if they put that in the movie, because the movie was terrible and I haven't seen it in years.
Harry wouldn't have believed him
That's a freelance job he uses to help pay bills, it's not his main job
The movies even said that he barely shows up for class most of the time
So why are they trying to get rid of their Latino reviewers then?
Looks like he hit a nerve.
I'm genuinely glad that I saw this a few years back. Since I actually know a lot of shit about Halo, this video clued me in to the way these people argue.