Rate my gf

Rate my gf

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malshapen/10 pls kys

bretty gud/10


would not bang

She looks like my brother, gross

Too old
Too many clothes
Too self-centered
Won't do anal


on a scale of 1 - 10 how smooth is her dick?


I just posted mine here and she is way more attractive then your ugly dark american whore.

Rate mine.

Why the fuck did she eat your child??? That's fucked up!

she looks soulless

That heartless face ruined everything about her appearance.

Of course she is soulless, she eats children!

It's eastern europe we ran out of potatoes.

OPs gf looks mean as fuck and souless also stuck up.

My girl friend does anal I dout his does.

This. And are you the pitcher or the catcher in the relationship?

You guys will actually post the faces of your women? I have a baby factory too, but I wouldnt post her face for people to drool over.

But I imported a woman from Europe too, a German.

I seems like most American women are trash and not worth the bitch attitude and stuff.

Verdict is still out on whether OP's is in fact a woman.

OP put her out of her misery.

I guess that can be a serious question, even if you have had sex with them these days. but i saw a baby come out of mine.

However, some people can never tell and can lead to some awkward situations for healthcare professionals that have tranny patients with spouses that do not know. (Hint, you cannot tell them)

She was awful figure for eastern europe.

She would be considered left overs here.

i can find her just give me time

I lived in Poland for a Year and Ukraine too. You don't have to tell me. She is my type. I like the extreme hourglass shape. 32 DDD and red head.

Why do americans love african faces so much. Nigger lover ju ju lips.

AVERAGE SIZED lips not that sheboon shit

Thats the problem thou. Shes not that hour glass and a bit chubby compared to girls here in Poland.

Her body looks like chubby weaboo cosin of my gf. People get so use to ugly broke man figures of american women they forget what hour glass really is.

Its still an african trait.

Enjoy your blue haired ugly big lip'd sjw.

Give us a pic that you can't find on the internet.
Also, you can't google image search anything from Holla Forums. Since when did this happen?

That bag won't help.
It is from Douglas, a German big box store like Bath and Body Works. They are everywhere.
The building is no help either, pretty common architecture in Germany.





Im saying thats NOT average sized lips.


2/10 would fuck once if I had a sexual emergency

Too cakeface and normie

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In [1]: from scipy.stats import uniform

In [2]: print ("your gf rating is {0:.1f}".format(uniform.rvs(scale=10)))
your gf rating is 1.0