Marshmallow test

Basically kids were given a marshmallow and told that if they were to wait they could get 2 marshmallows instead of one…guess which race waited the most?

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Impulse control has always been the one critical failing of Africans. It's the reason they've never accomplished anything as a civilization.

Tell us something we don't know.
Okay, someone get me my flamethrower.

I wonder if constantly getting butt-fucked by Russians leads them to a "fuck it" attitude so that they grab what they can while they can.

Look at where Russia is. Damn, I think I see why they have such a drug problem.

not trying to defend nignogs
but part of this experiment also means trust in authority figures
western european kids raised by parents who care will be more proned to believe whoever is saying it will actually deliver the 2 candy bars in the future
versus the young coon whose upbringing consists of getting smacked in the head by the boytoy of the month not trusting in a future reward

to understand this dynamic means using it against western europeans
for example this experiment is basicly repeated at large with pension funds or assorted schemes
gives us your shekels today goy and we will give you more tomorrow
but when the shekelgrabber is not trustworthy he can make a huge profit

So Germanics are superior to Anglos?

Time preference is not the best term to describe this trend.

Delayed gratification, is more apt. Isn't it?

Which is an inherently K trait, it is odd to note that Germans today are having sex at a younger age then in the time of Caesar.

We are going from K to r, at an alarming speed and hence the further we progress on our current path, the more we will resemble Africa instead of Japan which is a strong K group.

This is not to say that low impulse control is a bad trait to have for Africans' primeval environment. If cold winters don't exist and any food you save might rot or get stolen, then the best strategy is to eat now and save nothing for later.

German Master Race

Shit example. $1000 now.

50% in 30 days isn't insanely hard. It's a risk certainly, but it shows the example is more of a faggot than the OP.

how is it that azns are higher to slavs?

Germans while cucked in some parts still have that inherent culture of control and order within them.
Something that should be envied by the rest of the world.

The test was preformed on kids

No test would please a left leaning guy….so I propose the ultimate test.
Control of all environmental effects, different races are born in EXACTLY the same environments, and only differences are the genes.
OH WAIT, there are already tests on twins that were seperated during birth towards different environments, so when tested they had the same IQ numbers and similar personalities.
There are genes for personality and IQ, whether you like that or not, and these genes are heritable.
You might like to think that poverty causes violence, and violence causes family disruption which causes destroyed environment for kids….BUT SOMETHING HAD TO CAUSE POVERTY IN FIRST PLACE. And poverty is greatly correlated with low IQ.

Tell me what is your nationality.

Nature will find the optimal reproductive strategy in all environments.

OP can't have a intellectual argument has to bring identity politics into thread, because he is butt hurt.

Stop being a fag OP

75% German my blue outer eyes + sandy blonde hair
15ish% various Swiss / Swede / those other cucks up there my green inner eyes
5% or so Italian my mutt brown hair
5% various other European whites

Probably 100% nigger if I were to do one of those DNA mail in (((tests)))

you misunderstand my intention
i don't really get btw how you think the tone of my post implied i am left leaning

i was just saying the test measures time preference times trust in authority figures
i think if you go after certain lets say more anarchistic western european ethnicities you would also find a low respons to the test but due to other reasons
and that trusting authority figures in itself is not really a trait without risk

A better example would be two items of use but one is a need and one is a want.

you see, us slavs must drink our vodka very quick unless you want your gopnik friend Ivan will drink it all.
it is of very sad reality in slavland

Your genes aren't your identity, you can't change your genes, and your genes highly correlate with demographics (ie nationality) and intelligence.

$1000 now, because $1500 might be worth shit in a month

that's not how central heterochromia, dear user.

that's not how central heterochromia works, dear user*

fucked up

Because slavs are subhumans and the Asians have been flaying the country since the USSR. They also marry lots of slav women too.
Cant say they didnt deserve it.

Top Cuck


Do I have it in reverse?

Sorry I'm not a libfag. I don't stare into my eyes for hours.

Oy vey, 1000 Shekels now or 1500 Shekels in 30 days? I can make more profit in 30 days.

Are flowers superior to roses?

No. I have it correct. Blue outer, green inner.

Individualism/collectivism is one of the most crucial cultural dimensions
and has been extensively studied. A high score of Individualism implies that
individuals are loosely connected to the society, and are expected to take care
of themselves. In comparison, in a society with collectivistic culture, people
can be protected by some strong cohesive groups throughout lifetime as a
reward to their unshakeable loyalty. The relationship between individualism
and time preference, however, is not clear. On the one hand, the social
connection in a collectivistic culture may provide its citizens a “cushion” or
safety net for potential losses (Hsee & Weber, 1999; Li & Fang, 2004; Weber
& Hsee, 1998), with which people can afford to wait longer and to be more
patient. On the other hand, in an individualistic society, people are expected
to be more independent and to plan their lives by themselves. Triandis
(1971) notes that the “modern man” in a more individualistic culture is more
“concerned with time, planning, willing to defer gratification,” whereas the
“traditional man” in a more collectivistic culture “considers planning a waste
of time, and does not defer gratification.”(p.8.) Therefore, it is also possible
that people in an individualistic culture learn to plan for the future and hence
are more patient. To test the impacts of a collectivistic culture, Mahajna et
al. (2008) compared the subjective discount rates and risk preferences for
Israeli Jews and Arabs with bank customers as participants. Their findings
show that Israeli Arabs, who are supposedly from a more collectivistic society,
have higher subjective discount rates, corresponding to less patience towards
monetary incentives. However, as discussed in the introduction, it is difficult
to disentangle confounding factors with only two cultural groups. Therefore,
with a large sample of countries in our study, we can test more systematically
the relationship between individualism and time preferences, after controlling
other cultural and economic factors.

Fucking racists, obviously they chose to only have the one marshmallow because they were starving, and picked the $1000 because they couldn't make rent because of YOU, white man.

I meant as in, the inner colour doesn't matter genetically speaking.

Sorry for being a white male

kek, well somehow actual situation of the person who anwers influences the response on that experiment


Identity does not have to mutable in order to exist. They are plenty of immutable identity properties such as genetic make up.

If we take the example mentioned, user describes his identity via his nationality (referring to his genetic make up) which is immutable and his psychical traits which represent that genetic group.

To state that because it is mutable it is not an identity is foolish.

I think your point has been proven wrong.



My eyes are beautiful and your eyes suck.

I am sorry for being white, here is my wife. Well she is Trudeau's but he lent her so it's not a problem.

yet by letting them fuck white women you improve their nig dna slowly

angola = portuguese who fucked negresses

That's one way of looking at it, I guess. Or we could just come up with a disease that infects primarily niggers because of gegraphy. See Zika and Ebola.

We just need to remove social benefits for the masses such as welfare.

To represent our stratospheric society in the way our votes count and our programs are implemented.

So one citizen that is more productive than an other has more rights.

If you want to kill miscegenation, kill social programs which turn our society from K to r.

Simple as that, we will never win against niggers in a r society, we are not programmed to be successful in that environment. They are , hence why they are dumber. They have no need for superior reasoning, they have all they need to reproduce successfully in the current environment.


i didnt say it was a good thing

it improves the nigs but is bad for the white women

best is to get rid of niggers all together

A must read for anyone interested in genetic and racial classification

A new racial classification method for the white race.

This is sort of confounded by relative prosperity levels. Of course richer people will choose to wait for more money because the values are not really a big amount for them either way.

They could have thought of a better way of testing it.

mfw german

Huge read, it seems interesting though.

If you wait too long, there will be no marshmallows. Only the cold dank grave.

Did they only get Abos for that test

'''The Today and Tomorrow of Kids: Time Preferences and Educational
Outcomes of Children''' (June 2011)

>Abstract: We experimentally investigate the distribution of children's time preferences along gender and racial lines. We find that boys are more impatient than girls and black children are more impatient than white children. Black boys have the highest discount rates of all groups. Most importantly, we show that impatience has a direct correlation with behavior that is predictive of economic success. An increase of one standard deviation in the discount rate is associated with an increase in the number of disciplinary referrals that a child has the following school year by 14%. Our results suggest that impatience might play an important role in determining the success of performance incentive programs for school children.

Very interesting OP.

Nigeria, lol.

Better spend my money now rather than save and get robbed and murdered for it later. At least that's what a member of an inferior nation might think.

Better spend my money now rather than save and get robbed and murdered for it later. At least that's what someone from an inferior nation might think.