Since God Emperor Trump won the election, please remove Berniecuck supporter from sticky and replace with Linus Torvalds.
Since God Emperor Trump won the election...
When will you stop trying to undermine freedom via politics?
What about those of us who arent muritards?
wew calm down you loser, not everyone's so invested in third world politics
Get politics out of software tbh fam.
1) We don't for sane people at least like Stallman for his political or social ideas. Only for his contributions to the technological world.
2) Stallman is a scientist, not an intelligent person. Meaning he has a really high IQ and striking autism.
3) To all the tards saying "politics has no place in technology", you're acting like scientists, not intelligent people. Science isn't an end in itsef and its goal is moral ("good"). Only Scientists could say "let us live in our bubble while thing happens outside! Nobody should disturb my hobby!"
4) Linus is fully pozzed by corporations while Stallman is a no compromise man, even if he's not right about everything. That's breddy gool.
Your interpretation of science is very confused.
Science is a domain of work and like all work it needs to be square.
Their is no good or bad in the tools that are used in each domain.
The goal of all the domains of scientific research by itself is just to acquire/discovers new knowledge.
It is how we use these tools and apply them that makes what we call good or bad or compromises.
We don't want politic in software because software is just a tools, like a hammer.
Do you want hammers specially made for girls and hammers for boy ?
RMS has a different definition of the word political than most people.
When he says for example "we need to politically organize" it's not to create a political party and be elected to X function.
What he means by that is that wee need to organize so that our claims can be heard to our elected leaders, so that they can see what frree/libre software is all about.
I like most of is ideas he treats them with logic and freedom.
Same thing with is contribution to the technological world.
Repect my authority
Stallman doesn't care if you like him. What Stallman wants is for people to think about the politics of freedom in computing. Stallman's character is irrelevant to this specific end.
Don't burn your bridges m80
Did you read what I said? Science's goal (acquiring knowledge) isn't an end. And everything that isn't an end is a mean to another end.
Science for science's sake is a hobby, nothing else.
So you are saying that every single physicist working at the LHC is a hobbyist? Because last time I checked the whole thing was built to look for a particle, and we don't even know what can we actually do with it.
that really hurt, didn't it?
bro tip: use the apostrophe key between the semicolon and enter a bit more
well known fake pasta.
How about you take your candidate who has actually said they want to censor the internet and get back to your containment board.
Trump knows Holla Forums played a big role in his election wither he wants to admit it or not. The internet is safe I think, unless you're a Muslim, but most internt users have an IQ above 90 so where safe from them too.
Are you serious? Holla Forums played a role in Trump's election? Wrong. That would be Assange. Holla Forums is shitpost central just like 4chan and all the other imageboards.
Replace the image with Fabrice Bellard.
As far as the media (and thus Trump) is concerned, yes, Holla Forums did
Trump acting like a brazen TV star and not a typical faggoty conservative is what won him the election.
Can we use Brian Fagioli as the banner, p-please?
The nature of being a whistleblower means that we normally don't know the identity of the whistleblower.