Really gyrates your grey matter.
Top 10 Things Only Red-Pill Men Understand About Women
TFM is based af fam
fuck off, tfm.
Just a fan, really. I ain't even MGTOW, I just don't love these hoes man.
Are the alt-right the new fedora tipping retards? They literally can't help but to virtue signal. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Grow the fuck up, get a job and stop hating people for insignificant differences, you'll feel better afterwards, I promise.
You should totally drop a Stirner meme to drive your point home, dude. Show these Drumpfkins who's boss!
reported for doxxing, nypa
Not sure why you're acting so triggered, my guy. I'm actually more of a libertarian and think of the "alt-right" as an artificial boogeyman made up by the legacy media. Tbh, mon frère, I don't even know how you drew the line from gender issues to Trump, I guess you're on the BuzzFeed end of the spectrum.
Hahaha, I love him so much.
Go back to your containment thread you dirty fuck
t. virtue signaling retard
That whole thing was gay and I regret listening to it even though it was just in the background. MGTOW/redpill/etc that focuses on talking about women instead of hobbies or interests are literally just male feminists.
Keep orbiting your coalburner friend you got oneitis for, bluepill chump
this is the most cancerous thing i've heard in years, and i only listened to 10 seconds of it around 2 minutes in. go back to DR Phil or whatever normie shithole you got this from
Get a load of this cuck, he doesn't know how to set boundaries so he lets women walk all over him.
I have a waifu. I'm just saying it's pathetic to spend so much time talking about women, regardless of how you slice it.
you know what kind of people can relate to these problems? degenerates (aka normies)
typical broseph is mad that he got jewed by a girl (despite that he probably does the same shit in the first place), and thinks all women are out to get our shit
white on black text; dr
i just realized anything with a bunch of big letters is bullshit
ex: MGTOW, LBGTQIPwhatever
(i still dont know/care what MGTOW is but after seeing a few posts here i assume its just the same faggots who call themselves "redpilled")
even in the arts we have a bunch of people who made a few good things and they become standard subjects of discussion despite how irrelevant they are. for example: (all i can think of right now is metal/rock music) BTBAM, GSYBE
they're all just subjects for loud faggots to spew their faggotry about