At the doc getting tested for diabetes. Wish me luck b
At the doc getting tested for diabetes. Wish me luck b
Good luck OP. Whichever way the results go, I hope it's what you wanted.
diabetes ain't shit. I've had it for years and nothing has happened except I occasionally feel faint if I haven't eaten in a while.
fuck you, you big fat heap of shit
I hope your feet drop off.
This isn't facebook kid, the shit here is way darker and plenty hardcore.
tell the truth, you have aids
Did your Daddy tell you that at your twelfth birthday party last week, kid?
i hope you die today before tomorrow
Op here. Fucken pissed bcuz they didnt tell me I needed to fast before I could do the test. Turns out that i stopped by wendys on the way to get a double cheeseburger and ate it in the car. So now I have to go back tomorrow, but I can't eat after the 11:00 news. Don't know what the news has to do with it, but I didn't ask
Anyway, I told the doc my symptoms… the brown freckles appearing on my feet, tingling in hands and feet, and edema in my right leg. He's not convinced that it's diabetes, but still need to test to be sure
Honestly, I'd rather fuck a hooker without a condom and get herpes than have to give myself insulin injections all while not being able to drink alcohol and eat food in unmoderated bliss
That's a pretty bad joke user. You need to work on the delivery.
That's what you get for being a degenerate fatass. You should have come to >>>/fit/ at least once. Now go inject your daily insulin fatty
looks like you accidentally a verb there
Shut the fuck up sanic
You aren't being real.
You can completely eliminate Type II diabeetus with diet and exercise
lel this is the op that had a rash on his foot and asked what it is the other day. i said it looked like diabetes and made up a bunch of shit to make it sound good. i don't know shit about diabetes, i think you just had excema.
don't credit yourself too hard. you're not the only one who said that and those brown spots are symptoms of da 'betes, though they are symptoms of other things as well
considering my diet and how i brutalize my digestive system on nearly a daily basis, beeteez seems entirely conceivable
why the fuck do you take so many pictures of your food??!
because i like it
here, i call this one
beef circle and chicken
I need more of this
/fit/ is full of gay porn
So do you got the 'beetus?
I'm an artist. I created this.
From a diabetic to another; if its type 2 OP then I hope you lose your legs you stupid fatass
Would you be open to entertain at children's parties, user?
We'll play a game called "lets measure each others penises" the one with the shortest gets rocks and insults thrown at him. Its good fun
fuck you think that bread is made of?
I LIKE your style, user. Let's sniff togeter.
doubles are checked. checked is the verb in the sentence.
did he literally break his ass?
reddit confirmed
That's not true.
I hoe you die.
Op, I overcame diabetes, by cutting out carbs, and eventually reintegrating them into my diet. By that I mean no sugary snacks ever. Of course I fuck up, and go crazy sometimes but I don't do it at least more then once a month.