Is there any point to alcohol besides getting drunk? I've been drinking for a while and can honestly sqy that all alcohol tastes like shit, no matter what kind it is. The only good thing about it is how nice it feels to be drunk.
Am I missing something? Is there more to alcohol, or is this it?
Pic unrelated.
Connor Nguyen
you het drunk because
Colton Russell
If you are under the age of 23, then I can tell you that it will eventually taste good. It's sort of like broccoli, you're not going to enjoy it until you are older. That being said, some people never enjoy it but I think chances are there will be drinks you end up liking.
Henry Anderson
Idk why but it's absolutely impossible for me to get drunk. I've had entire bottles of vodka, rum and regular beers at one time, yet I still can't get drunk. You guys are lucky
Anthony Williams
theres no point to it AT ALL
Samuel Walker
it's an effective sterilising agent
Asher Hughes
As an alcoholic, I'd advise you leave it well alone. Especially if bad shit has happened in your life.
Cooper Watson
I loved broccoli ever since I was a baby, shitlord. Alcohol is just stockholm sydrome.
Jackson Diaz
1. The only good thing about it is how nice it feels to be drunk. 2. Am I missing something?
Adrian Peterson
My dad likes the taste of alcohol but he only drink baileys and good beer/wine.
Caleb Cook
Godiva chocolate. should get you started.
Nathan Garcia
pic related
Liam Foster
There's gotta be some mix you like, but yeah, that's pretty much it.
Liam Young
You don't need to spend $350k on plastic surgery to make fugly butterfaces look pretty.
Carter Martin
It's one of the few things that I can put in my mouth that I can still actually taste.
Brandon Reyes
Blake Gray
So bad angle is totally not why she looks bad in that one picture
Ian Wilson
That's a benefit of being drunk retard. If alcohol didn't make you drunk, but was exactly the same besides that, you wouldn't want to fuck ugly bitches, and therefor wouldn't drink it.
Grayson Foster
You are slightly confused, OP. The point of alcohol is not to get yourself drunk, it is to get the people around you drunk. Yes, you have to drink as well, in order to make it appear social, but the real purpose is to get everyone else drunk so that you can extract information, money, and favors from them which you can use to your own social advantage.
All it takes is one well-timed photograph of your boss to make you a VP. All it takes is one small bit of insider info to make you a millionaire. Those are extreme examples of course, most of what you accomplish will be smaller than that, but the concept is the same.
Helpful hint: Start with your landlord. Free rent will save you thousands of dollars a year.
Xavier Martin
I don't know whether to be impressed by this answer or scared by it. Gonna go with the former, just because it sounds straight out of an old Soviet spy manual, and therefore probably has actual merit.
Sebastian Ramirez
Yeah, I couldn't get drunk when I was a teenager either. Now that I'm 50 I can't stop getting drunk. Let that be a lesson to you. Enjoy your own mistakes in life! It's a mistake to think you can't get drunk
Parker Robinson
Get some of these down your neck, cunt.
Jayden Johnson
Drink cider.
Owen Ortiz
Cider is for farmers and chutney jousters.
Jordan Myers
Some of it tastes pretty good. Most of it is just to get drunk.
Just don't make the mistake of getting drunk on shit that tastes bad. You will just get way too drunk way too quickly and be no fun for anybody, including yourself. If its shit you actually like to drink, you can dose it much better.
Jose Stewart
no not rreally
Nathaniel Johnson
that's a beer for poofs.
David Martinez
This, actually. It's one of the reasons I became a heavy drinker/borderline alcoholic. So that I can drink more than the people around me and watch them descend into madness whilst I maintain at least a bit higher level of sobriety. Of course the health problems suck as a result.
Jaxson Kelly
Its a social thing like tattoos or being a whore.
Nathaniel Jones
It is an even bigger mistake to think tequila is good for you in the same way orange juice is.
Chase Lopez
How easy is it to get addicted though? I drink and smoke sometimes, and I haven't gotten addicted to either alcohol or tobacco yet. I don't feel a dependency either – I just get a bit drunk and light up a cigar once a month or so on a Friday night because I've got nothing better to do.
I've actually never tried mixed drinks. I've tried beer, but it just tastes like water. I've tried wine, but it tastes… weird. Mostly I just drink straight shots of whisky because it tastes alcoholic (not weak like beer), but still has some non-alcohol related taste unlike vodka, which just tastes, smells, and looks like rubbing alcohol.
You take that back m8. If you insult my waifu you'll pay with your laifu.
Parker Ward
Alcohol lowers testosterone
Jayden Thomas
Try a mixed drink, my man. I mix my own bloody marys and it's great. 5 parts alcohol to 1 part mix and I'm in heaven.
Joseph Walker
Is this true?
Asher Jones
Red wine is the only exception to this rule.
Jose Wilson
My main poison is scotch. Colas and gingerale (oddly enough) mix well with it. Drink it neat if it's aged beyond sixteen years.
Nathan Garcia
gave me a boner
Luis Reed
nice glock
Jordan Morgan
Anthony Torres
even before that plastic suchery
Jordan Harris
dulls pain. I've hurt nearly constantly since I quit drinking. And when I still was, it made me feel good. at least for the first handful. after that it depends