Be libertarian
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In a homogeneous society, libertarianism might work for a short period of time. It would inevitably fall victim to multiculturalism though. Libertarianism is a pipe dream.
I use to be a lolberg but the no borders thing always rubbed me the wrong way.
Are you jelly that Jews are the master race or what?
Libertarians are Liberals in denial
Open borders to other libertarian countries, after we physically remove the commies and people who might rebel against the free state.
Once democracy is over, immigration will not be the biggest problem in the world
libertarians are hypocrites anyway. ANCAP 4 LIFE
The AnCap movement is retarded tbh, even Rothbard and Hoppe only used the term jokingly, especially the latter is almost in fash territory with his views on democracy, open borders and meritocracy.
I see myself as an anarchist in the moral sense, as I do not see "sovereignty" as a moral high ground. Countries that do not respect people as free individuals do not have an inherent right to exist.
I do however condone a government which actually cares about its citizens and provides services through voluntary taxation. Other than that and making sure murderers, thieves and government officials from before are taken care of (execution, exile or slavery as punishment), and defending the law and order of a free state, the government should keep to itself.
Getting rid of a libertarian government only opens up for other governments to take over and impose their will on the citizens.
I hope one day people will look back on democracy and forced taxation in 100 or 200 years as barbaric practices, like most people look back on monarchy and the middle ages.
This voluntary taxation is possible, as modern technology allows us to register everyone who actually pays taxes, and allow said people and their children under the age of 18 to welfare, schooling, fire insurance and police services. If you don't pay taxes and have children, you must take care of the children and provide those services from the private sector.
Other than that, you are free to live the life you wish as long as you don't hurt, coerce or violate other people or their property.
Problem solved!
If you support open borders, then you are not a Libertarian.
People can do whatever they want so long as it isn't come here and shitting the place up.
how do you define what is and isn't economic activity?
The libertarian movement in the US went to shit after Ron left. If you're not a fascist in $current_year+2, then there's no helping you.
In that sense it's just the result of people mistaking a surface issue for a core problem.
but tyranny and inefficiency ARE natural features of all governments
Case by case, every time governments try to make fixed definitions people find workarounds.
The overarching theme is domestic over international, if a local is doing X and an international is doing X the local will get tax breaks to stay competitive against Chinese labor rates.
so you're in favor of using taxpayer money to prop up inefficient businesses if they're 'local'?
No, I'm for taxing imports to keep local businesses competitive against 3rd world labor.
Yes, why does that matter? Whether global or national all economies are of finite scale and I have never seen a convincing argument explaining why a smaller scale economy is worse.
inb4 the need for resources, I'm speaking from the point of view of a major resource exporting nation. We will be able to trade what we have for what we need no mater who we piss off because the resources are here
That is just an argument for economic growth, if says nothing about why the size of the economy is relevant.
I understand that with fiat currency you have to outgrow inflation, I also don't see what a nation gains by dropping the gold standard and subjecting itself to inflation.
it's not that the size of an economy is relevant as such. it's that China has a comparative advantage over America in some things, and therefore it makes more sense to do those things in China
a nation doesn't really gain anything from it. the people creating the fiat currency, on the other hand, do. it's basically stealing from those whom the newly created money reaches last.
wow you're smart
I know
If get that it makes more sense on a global scale to use the comparative advantage, I just don't think it's worth all the damage globalization is doing to the first world.
i'd be fine with open borders if people in my community were allowed to discriminate against trash races that just want to shit up the place
deny them services, property and dignity, be as unwelcoming as possible until they stop coming
and then shoot them when they enter my gated communities
damage like way cheaper consumer goods?
Damage like the loss of heavy industry. Look into the history of war since the industrial age and you will see heavy industry wins wars every time.
I would rather pay more for a TV than have the west loss their industrial capability leaving us open to being held ransom by the east.
Libertarianism only works as long as long as there is a king of some-sort that allows it. Ultimately struggle results in one force dominating another and growing larger.
OMG other view points quick mods delete thread before commies and nazis open their minds
Liberty is the hardest state to maintain.
It relies on an intelligent populace that can think for themselves and values self-determination.
If you could make a society out of 150+ IQ Aryans it would likely be much easier to maintain liberty.
Fundamentally, completely open boarders will result in diffusion, becoming one with the lowest common denominator because according to natural law, matter and energy seek equilibrium.
To build walls is to stem the tide of entropy, the decline into chaos. To organize knowledge and seek perfection is proof of the divine spark, the Promethean flame. The aspect that differentiates the human from the animal. Humanity is after-all stuck between the divine and the bestial, with some people and groups closer to one end of the spectrum.
Life itself began with the creation of walled gardens, walls to differentiate inside from outside. The cell membrane discriminates on what enters and leaves the cell, without this discrimination life itself cannot exist.
Boarders and walls are the foundation of civilization.
The most practical way to be a libertarian is to be a separatist, and become the ruler of your small fiefdom, which you can the rule in a enlightened light-handed libertarian manner.
All of human existence is under the rule of Saturn (ruler of time)
Once libertarians grow up, they either go Holla Forums or they get an ethnic girlfriend and have socially awkward mongrel children.
I'm so Liberal, I am 21 and I have an 11-yo girlfriend. No, it's not sexual, but we spend all our time together happily.
How did that start? Little sister's friend or something.
USA was basically a libertarian nation until the end of the 19th century, and protected its borders from the hordes. QED.
Reminder that Libertarians are all Autistic.
Explain all those damn chinese we imported because we were too lazy to do the railroads ourselves?
It's almost like power corrupts. I wouldn't know, though. Don't have my foot in the boot.