What comics are redpilled?
What comics are redpilled?
The White Martians were fucking cucked in the books. They let the girls get raped by Martian niggers and don't dare strike back because they fear getting destroyed. They are like modern day Europe.
The John Carter comics were pretty good, but I'd hardly call them redpilled. The main character married a alien spic and race mixed with her.
So redpill means being a total faggot who wouldn't get with an alien woman?
It sorta is redpilled in the context of the story since Carter released the people from the grasp of an evil religion based on a fraud that controlled the entire Martian civilization and used to exploit its people.
heh, take the redbull kid
Well that's what happens when an originally satiric board goes full on pants-on-head retarded for it's agenda.
Don't be deliberately obtuse.
There's almost only exclusively liberal sensibilities in modern fiction, and the their portrayal of anyone who disagrees with those sensibilities are all varying degrees of insulting. Don't give me any of that "Holla Forumslack circlejerk safespace" shit, it's all liberal circlejerking as is. I still tolerate this if the stories are good, but I'd rather not have to. Just for fucking once at least.
it's to do with who you're giving money to
You're giving Holla Forums too much credit there.
What about tin tin?
Never read the comics but I see some panels that get posted now and again, also ignore the obvious edit, it's the only image I had on my phone
Where is the rest? I'd pay to see that girl BLACKED.
Okay, is there anything that isn't circlejerking in your opinion, and can you provide some examples?
Is the original Larry Hama G.I. Joe red pilled?
You have to be out of your mind to say you wouldnt fuck her.
Cerebus the Aardvark is…interesting. I'm not sure if you'd call it redpill or not but it's most certainly anti-feminist once the plot really gets going (naturally that alone has generated a massive amount of ass-pain as a result).
Yeah, that's what I thought.
This thread is already sinking. That is probably why he hasn't replied yet because he hasn't noticed.
The early comics used stereotypes that were common and acceptable back when they were written. That's all.