Let's go.
Deus vult
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I also have random pictures of templar knight, in case anyone is interested.
I am
that's it
Hospitaller's are best knightly order
Heretics and Pagans get out
that's not very deus vult of you :(
The Knights Templar were Demon worshiping Crypto-Kikes
Shiggy diggy
Move along brothers.
Heresy will be dealt with swiftly.
Superior Prussian Teutonic Aryans would disagree.
It's like you faggots have never even opened a history book. Or that you love sucking Runciman's dick.
You conveniently forgot that Byzantium was a Orthodox country (Christian Byzantium) to the Catholics Orthodox Christianity is a heresy. Also that many people in eastern Europe were still pagans. Sure some of the more important Kings, Dukes and Counts were Orthodox but many of the people were still tribal pagans.
Christianity feels like Communism these days.
Check 'em Kennedi
Allah Akbar
Christianity. Is communist..dont think so… Poland is Catholic, Hungaryis orthodox. The UK which i live in. Which many far left London types.. Gives way more benefits to illegal immigrants. And unemployed inbreds. And has more sjw anti family types.
Fuck off Z1
Daily reminder that this crap is lefty propaganda, see this please:
So what about other Christian nations like Hungary or Russia which doesn't deal with the Islam bullshit?
Daily reminder you lost
Because they have non. Sjw leaders.