What are some good leftist kid's movies?

What are some good leftist kid's movies?

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The show goes into some leftist politics, even out right calls identity politics stupid and a waste of time.

Courage is the shit.

How? I never really thought about it.

which episode? Courage was my fucking childhood but i can't remember anything like that.

Chicken Run


Hm, yes.
It even answers the "Great Leader" question.

No matter what, that show taught me that you don't go around knicking someone's slab. It'll do you in.

Not a movie, but I'm really struggling to come up with something.

I've only seen about 1/4th of the episodes, but the plot relevant stuff isn't too far from the mark IMO.

To summarize, the cartoon is about sentient rock aliens known as gems. The gems are ruled by four diamonds. Gems' social status and roles are determined by the kind of gem they are, hence the diamond oligarchy. They tried colonize the Earth to make more gems, which was deleterious to Earth life. Some of them rebelled against the caste system and/or the colonizing. The "home world" thought they defeated the rebels, but now they're coming back.

It's only in its second season and only a small amount has been revealed so it could change, but it seems to be working up to have some fairly significant anti-imperialism, anti-class, pro-revolution elements.

The fanbase often is, but I don't think either are really that present in the show.

Animal Farm

Only show I'll never watch EXACTLY because of the fandom. … This and Gravity falls.

I even watch some episodes of MLP! (it's ok to pass the time).

The fuck is wrong with you.

The fanbase is what had me turned off from it for so long. I have terrible anxiety and started watching it every now and then at the beginning of the year as a way of calming my nerves, and it's a cute watch and everything, but I keep a long distance from the fandom.

Coincidentally, I've also seen all of Gravity Falls and I don't really recommend it if you've been spoiled already. You're not missing much. You're not missing much with either cartoon, but there's especially little to miss with GF if you already know the twists and reveals.

MLP's just not my thing, but I'm sure it's great for kids. I still think its fandom is worse than SU, but some SU fans did bully someone (a teenager, I think) into to attempting suicide for whitewashing one of the characters or drawing a fat one thin or something of the sort, so it's not like they're really that dissimilar.

I don't want to derail the thread, so let me close by saying Krusty Krab episodes of Spongebob are satire on the capitalist conception of work and Spongebob is a tongue-in-cheek representation of the model capitalist laborer, Mr. Krabs is the petit-bourgeoisie, and Squidward is a caricature of the alienated worker.

Spongebob is a good introduction to Marxist nihilism

Bronies are just feckless neckbeards.

The Tumblr fangirls, though, they are fucking psychotic.


It's funny because this is actually very true if it's somewhat subdued and in the background of the show.

Like Seinfeld, it is a product of 90s nihilism towards the failures of the 20th century.

I think he means the episode where Courage rescues a rabbit girl from an abusive boyfriend. The rabbit is in love with a cat, but the cat abuses and treats Courage like garbage because he is a dog, like the abusive boyfriend. Ultimately, Courage rescues the rabbit girl and as a result, the cat realizes that all dogs aren't the same, and you can have good dogs and evil dogs. I might be wrong, but that's the only example I can think of.



Gravity Falls is great though


Wall-E is kind of anti-capitalist… kind-of.

Persepolis isn't for small kids but it's an animated film about a revolution

Hard to think of any really… Damn. What a shame. We need some proper communist film makers.


Director Takahata writes for the JCP sometimes


Gravity Falls is 10/10 and the fanbase isn't nearly as bad as Steven Universe.

Anyone have the screencapped post on Bee Movie. It's somewhere in my harddrive, just can't remember.

But basically bee movie has the humans as the ruling class and the bees as the proles, but instead of violent revolution theres some lame reformism because killing humans isnt good for a kids movie.

I'm torn between going into politics to help create the conditions necessary for a communist revolution or going into film/animation to make communist art, but I'm not that good at either and can't figure out which one to commit to so I can improve.

I think communist children's media is especially important.

Agreed. And it needs to deal with the base questions, the "human nature" and "life just isn't fair, deal with it" and shit memes like that, the ideas that let people fall into shitty political views in the first place

You can very easily replace state with capitalist

you can always avoid tumblr and youtube user

i find it funny how the lego movie was anti-captailist

Even more so since the ants don't have anyone above them, they're all workers, whereas if it was an actually libertarian movie, the ants would have the ant manager or whatever keeping their surplus value, that is then taxed by the centre-left grasshopper government.


Yeah that's the one.

The original Lorax cartoon is a pretty good babby's first critique of capitalism but the movie is a horrible buttering of it. The book and cartoon show that the once-ler is also trapped by the demands of capital but the movie says it's just greed and that people just need to start planting trees.

Thankfully, the bronie trend has long passed.

The Ideology is strong with this one!

The comicbooks are better. :^)

Oh, you mean like Antz?

Dr Seuss in general is pretty good

Haven't seen it in ages - care to explain?

I don't know if I'd describe it as being leftist, but it is definitely explicitly anti-fascist.


Are you implying that you are a fascist communist or some shit?

m8, pls

No, I'm implying that just because you say you're antifas doesn't mean you aren't really a redfas.


Is it really pretentious?

I've yet to see it, but it's on my list.

Anyway it's about revolution as it's set in the backdrop of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, akin to how Oblivion (Tom Cruise) is a sci-fi movie because it's set in a future where he shoots lasers.

I never really thought of this as a political film myself, but I can relate to the protagonist growing up around regressive savages and feeling shamed and coerced into maintaining tradition and upholding family honour. That and trying to fit in with the white kids and feeling embarrassed about your background to the extent of lying about it, albeit I managed to get away with it whilst Marjane (the protagonist) get's called out for it and mocked by her white friends.

Pic related, the woman whose life this film is based on, it's pretty obvious that she still white washes her background, I'm not talking about the black and white art style, I mean the characters don't even look Iranian, and yes I've studied with plenty of the guys, they aren't the uber true Aryan race that they like to make themselves out to be on the internet, not that it's a bad thing but they are insecure about it.

Really? I thought it was a feature length advertisement.

I've read the comic. It's mostly about a kid growing up in a revolution at the start, then it's a kid growing up in a war. Then it's about a teen who has abandoned her land who has to struggle to find her place somewhere else. Then it's about her living in the fucked up sharia-law Iran, where she tries to fit in too.

It's pretty ok. It features lifestylist anarchists too. She's invited to go with the anarchist group to go to a party. She was then excited that they might do insurgency or some shit but they just played hide and seek and tag or some shit. Funny to see how these people and problems existed back then as they do now.


Watch 2 minutes of it and you'll find out the answer is yes.

This actually.

It's not as much pretentious, as it's you who have false expactations.

It's not inserting any revolutionary ideas.
It's only setting forward pieces of history.

"This is how things were for me at these points in my life".

See at a slice of life view of Iranian history, and you'll be fine.

this, it's a fucking autobiography with fictional elements for emotional values. Fucking had to analyze it for IB. Still pretty good to learn about life in Iran.