Whhat is this expression trying to convey

Whhat is this expression trying to convey

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the same thing that all anime faces convey: the poster is a faggot


spread your ass


It's trying to convey an awkward smug face.

What about this one

lack of regret


They express hunger for more cum.

i dont wear underwear unless im wearing tight pants and to hide my bulge

I don't either tbh. I also have shaved (almost) my entire body lately. I didn't shave my arms because I don't want people to know I shaved (I did shave my pits tho). And I have to say it feels sooo good. You feel lighter on your feet and your skin feels much smoother. I'm telling you, it feels so good to have your skin breath. I don't know what's about it, but having hair and clothes on at the same time makes my skin feel gross.

i like it when there is a little hair. it shows that you're fertile

Well tbh, I don't mind hair a little hair around the dick (mainly because it can be itchy if you shave there). But, just trust me. It. feels. great. You will never regret it. Hair gross back too you know.

meant grows

post bute, legs, and hard dick

But I don't have a camera. I'll just buy a phone once when I go shopping again (which is soon).

post a stream of you killing yourself.

dont die

dont die user




