Dear Moderation of Holla Forums's Holla Forums ("Random") board…

Dear Moderation of Holla Forums's Holla Forums ("Random") board…

I want to become the owner of this board. More than you LIKE being the owner of this board- trust me. I'm not saying you're bad at moderation, just that I deserve it more.

I will make this thread every day until I'm the owner of this board. I will make Holla Forums great again and it will be better than whatever's going on right now. Thank you.



Post more Miku

fuck off z1

You still have my support user~

We all saw you incompetence last night you datamining faggot. You will never get BO.

nothing wrong with the last hg, dude.

You ruin everything. The Hunger games, my gif, and now you plan to ruin this board even more by getting BO.

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