the internet aristocrat just opened a patreon. hypocrites everywhere.
Remember him?
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No i don't remember him but every leech on patreon disgusts me.
he was a major figure when gamergate all happened. he then went on a tantrum that everyone opened a patreon and did what the other side did (monetize everything), and now he just did it today. here's him throwing a fit at other jewtubers. what a fucking joke.
False idols, not even once. He's a youtuber, of course he does it for the money.
gamergaters are dumb as fuck
now what do? i know we've gone mainstream after trump won, but this is too much. Holla Forums is getting mentioned everywhere. he was the only e-celeb fag i tolerated, because he kept the money out of it. fuck him.
i care why?
if people wanna give him money what do i care so long as its not comming out of my pocket
Stop being but hurt Fan bois that he sold out and is cashing in on his name id do the same would allow me to do things i enjoy rather then working on a lathe like i do for 9 hours a day
who gives a fuck good on him wish him all the best
Just rat him out to the Liberal scum who run Patreon. They permabanned HW for less.
he always hated people who were "content creators". he predicted the term and then knew that monetization is coming to youtube after the multi-channel networking and ads business started. he threw a fit at gamergaters because they opened patreon accounts, and now he opens a patreon. that doesn't sound the least hypocritical to you?
Sell your soul to the highest bidder
Thanks Moot, Thanks Hotwheels