How is your union of egoists doing? (Stellaris)

How is your union of egoists doing? (Stellaris)
Paradox Interactive confirmed for having read Stirner

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So are we gonna be able to have space communism, or what?

Spooks belong to the young man, not the child.

yes but spookily enough if you go full materialist-collectivist you can only have empire-despotic government

Lame, smh tbqh fam. Guess I'll have to mod the game.


Now, you just need to fine a planet to nuke and then bring Communism to it. AS IT'S ALIENS!!!

Also, I'll check it better in autumn, once I have more free time and most DLCs and updates are out.

Lenin wrote spooky shit about aliens. He said that if aliens were real maybe communism would be disproven and something better may exist


Welp, my book doesn't cite his speech anywhere besides that's from 1920, so I wouldn't trust it too much considering it's about spooky aliums and shit


Nah, I'm not twenty any more. I have things like food, transport and taxes to deal with.

hey i think it's on sale on thepiratebay

Spooked as fuck.

Thanks for the pointer but my rig is below the minimum spec on steam even before adding wine to overhead.

This is why you never buy a game on launch. After a year, once the first DLCs are out, and it's on sale with all of them for 10 euros (BREXIT WHEN?), I'll see.

How is spook bustin' not materialist?

Don't pay too much attention to Yui.
He's still inteligencia, even if not nomenclature like rebel

btw if you go full materialist it literally says "fuck morals"

Morality is a spook.
The only reason to have morals is for society to function.


Thus, morals are only temporal.


Stellaris is shit though so whatever.

why is it the most tryhard materialists always end up being enormous faggots?
yet you have them say the most retarded bourgeoise idealist stupid shit there is, smug liberal cunts that go on youtube and talk about their fedora and neckbeard fashion while promoting liberal faggotry and finding in feminism the evil of our time.
what a fucking pathetic display. makes me want to throw up just to properly show my despise for them.
if all you do is say "spook this spook that" like these fucking anarchist stirnerfags do you don't understand the material conditions of them.
"unspooking" is fucking smokescreening that you are yourself idealistic faggots that claim you have to put the struggle in the superstructure rather than change the foundation of society.
this is why you end up being such fucking libtard faggots.

Eeer.. you know this isn't plebit, right?

We are not all anarkids who've turned atheism into a relegion, you know…


Finally someone around here actually read The Ego And It's Own

Back to reddit with you, lad


As a physical thing? No, humans are not spooks. "The human race" as a concept, one that demands your protection? That's a spook.

Reply back after killing yourself. It should be easy.

Why are you associating yourself with some concept? I wouldn't defend any "race", because "race" is not me. "Race" is just a social concept i can use for my purposes, but it shouldn't have more worth than me, because then it will gain control over me and use me for it's own purposes, which is spooky and autistic.
You are talking about self-preservation? But following commands of [spook] itself can lead me to sacrificing myself in the name of [spook]. Because "race", like other spooks, would just exploit myself for its egoistic needs.
Better solution is to defend myself and form the union of egoists who want to do the same. It will be in our best self-interest to organize and help each other.


come back when you've finished reading Max Stirner


Read the thread before you post next time.

Edgy. :^)

Who the fuck said "White"?

I don't even…

We're not talking about the races of humans. We're talking about the human race.

ITT: People who don't understand what spooks are

Understaning something is a spook does not mean you want it gone for ever.
Spooks have their uses, when keeping society together.

(Still edgy).

Not disproven he felt that they would show us the stage of development beyond communism

you mean the human species?

this is sjw tier

How is egoism not idealist?

Stop reproducing shitty Holla Forums memetic truncations of theory and actually read something once in awhile.

Listen, just because you're semi-literate and are only familiar with chan memes and The Very Hungry Caterpillar book doesn't mean that phrases you've never heard are recent inventions.

those damn SJWS!

Hate to break it to you, but Shakespeare was a total SJW.

A beast with two backs, one moor and one not.

I hate this neoliberal meme.

I think, for the purposes of this game, a socialist ethos would be fanatic materialist, with some degree of individualism and xenophilia (unless you want to play it more tankie). "Collectivism" as described by and as functions in this game is, ironically enough, much closer to a capitalist ethos. I'd only get it if you're roleplaying as a tankie civ and want to pretend that slavery is gulags or something.


Could you explain the

Cause if you want, you can call Aristophanes an SJW too, if you want. That doesn't make him one.

Doesn't that describe the modern caricature of a SJW though?

That's just a stretch from some Shakespeare was a feminist article on Midsummer's

It was a joke man.

i'm pretty sure the globe theater wasn't exactly bourgie

Perhaps I should, yes.

Fuck off

This is noted by many, it makes collectivism very weak except for dedicated slaver builds. We should somehow tell Paradox, get the ball rolling. Maybe they'll reconsider and change it with the next updates as the ethos system is oversimplified and quite unbalanced right now.

it's still fun.

Wasn't entirely happy with 'collectivist' so I had to settle for 'pacifist', which is just as bad, but at least I can avoid violence for the sake of it.



we got another dogmatist over here.


Anyone got a link to linux torrent?