I cracked the code! How to Beat Liberals/SJW's



OMG. I think I just discovered a glitch in the code.

Just as leftism is about destroying Whites through making it a moral imperative to submit/forgive/accept negative treatment by non-whites, and the way it facilitates this is by heaping praise and status on the most self-effacing tolerant self-abnegator. We can turn this around by forcing non-white leftists to view whites as the horrible other that must be sacrificed for.

Essentially, by whites being the bad acting people, we can force non-white liberals into virtue-signalling their liberal credentials into submitting to us.

We become (white) blacks and they become (black) whites.

They become the "Good White People" sacrificing themselves for the betterment of the lesser (white) bigoted people who are too morally ignorant to know better.

We need to encourage non-white SJW's to virtue signal themselves to death, just like the (((globalists))) have been encouraging Whites to do for the last 60 years.

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self-denial or self-sacrifice.

fuck off you self hating jew
the white man was never born to submit

Just call them traitors (to the nation/race/whatever), see how they recoil.

I don't think you understand, this is about twisting leftist ideology against our enemies and using it against them.In order to be good liberals/SJWs, they would need to sacrifice themselves for bigoted racist whites.

No, this is about acting like niggers. Fuck off.

No it's not. It is about playing up the ignorant racist bigot stereotype, which is what they think we are already, and flipping their own ideology against them so that we become the object of their self-abnegation virtue-signalling.

The Libshits are very fond lately of saying that criticizing Islam or blaming them just creates a climate of hate which just creates more terrorists and radicalizes people. We should flip this and say that blaming white people for any problems and calling them racist just creates more extremists and white supremacists, so they should remember #notallwahitepeople.

Exactly, this is what I am saying. Turn their desire to virtue-signal self-abnegation in our favour.

Not even reading a single word after the title. If the answer isn't bullets then OP is a faggot.

You're a dumb shit. They aren't ideological, they just hate whites.

i see your reasoning but you are forgetting one thing OP
they are not like us, it is said here often but i think you fail to see just how different the other is

the leftists methods work against white people because they are intelligent and have empathy
unless both requisits are fullfilled your plan has no chance of success
do you really think a hood nigger gangbanger is going to care about virtue signaling or feel feels
their culture and sandnigger rotates around machisimo and strength/aggressivity
what is important to them is showing everyone else who is the boss, who holds the whip in his hand
this is how their own tribal chieftains and their own imams control their unwashed massess and that is the trait you have to play against them

in short a being that has the emotional range of a toddler is quite immune to guildtripping

Criticising white supremacists creates a climate of hate and radicalises people. Not all white supremacists blow people up and the vast majority of white supremacists are peaceful. The white supremacists that go out and commit terrorism aren't real white supremacists. White supremacists have a voice to be heard and to ignore them and to attack them only radicalises them. By attacking white supremacists you are driving them into the hands of a Klan.

the thing is leftism is in relation to power. No matter if we act like white trash or whatever, as long as we make up the biggest racial demographic (as shrinking as it is) and retain european based cultural values (as little as we have left), the Left will only function to target and destroy white people. You cannot act in a way that will end their wrath. You cannot appease them until you are destroyed, only then will they eat themselves up. Its a disease that does not stop.

The article I linked to has a brown muslim in Australia calling for leftists to tolerate and 'forgive' a woman accused of bigotry and racism for wanting a ban on muslim immigration to Australia.

This could work.

No, but this is aimed at the educated/liberal/SJW. They would be open to this. They are the ones who virtue-signal.


They're not going to quit when we're a minority. Their rhetoric will get even more aggressive.

That will not work, or will work in only couple of examples.
The factor you're not evaluating is that they hate our guts. They will not care about taking the moral high ground, they just want to see us dead and gone.

When will you low IQ niggers learn that you don't fight leftist retardation by acknowledging their insane narrative as having any kind of validity? Don't fight on their battleground and absolutetly don't use their tactics

Except they're not going to fall for it. All it does is discredit their rhetoric. All their rhetoric and theories are just dressing for anti whiteness.

Go try it, and when it doesn't work, learn from the experience.

You cracked nothing but your sanity.

This user understands.

OP, make them explain why cartel rule in Mexico is more humanitarian than the United States simply invading and recolonizing the area between Tampico and Brownsville. We should rename it Texas-Sud.

you should try it and let us know if it works.

If you have idea, first thing is to test it on small sample and report results. Do not be discouraged to test your ideas. You will not always be right but from time to time you will be.

Non-whites are just in it for the gibs. They feed off the country while it lives and when it dies, they'll pick its bones and move on.

Besides, liberal's critical theory is not a coherent logical whole. When people pointed out that non-whites could be racist as well, liberals added the 'prejudice + power' clause to the theory. There's no flipping it against them because they are like the one asshole kid that kept altering the rules of the game while you were playing.

Besides, it is now blatantly obvious how destructive the left has become. Whenever multiculturalism is debated we can pretty much just point at Detroit.

That's where you fucked up.


That muslim was speaking out of both sides of his mouth. "Back hand compliments".

He "appears" to be "nice"–but he calls her: "sick". Then he says: "I wont attack her, while he is attacking her……etc

Watch the video again.
Passive aggressive little shit is just wanting to befriend whites long enough to flood the country with muslims and then he will turn.

They only respect force, their language is violence. If you play the victim card they'll only laugh at you and stomp your had into the pavement.

I think we should try to get more of these white SJWs to explicitly state that they want white people to be murdered. We should just keep questioning them about terror attacks and minority crime until they have no choice but to sperg out and publicly admit it.

When, to the average goy, it becomes indisputable that this multiculturalism thing is a lie and that they in fact want to wipe us out, it may finally force them to pick a side. Once they pick a side, they'll start exercising an in-group bias which will at least give us a fighting chance.

I think on some level, most whites are aware of how much minorities dislike them, but they are unaware of these ethnomasochistic whites and (((whiltes))) working alongside them.

Can Holla Forums fact check this response to Waleed Aly for me?

…Or you can reform your faith, stop placing your burdens and responsibilities on the kuffar, Waleed. It is not ours to bare and my people and culture in this age are becoming victims of it now as we have allowed hundreds of thousands of Muslims to come and live in the west with open bloody arms. I know there are so many happenings where the Islamic community are trying to reach out to everyone else in this country, but there is no evidence of reformation, just expectation that the wider Australian community can just 'tolerate' your culture or better yet become a fellow submissive of God.

I can't blame you, you can't just rewrite what is written in the Sunnah overnight, you can't change what is written about Muhammad life and deeds in the Hadith and Sira.

Most Muslims are either conveniently ignorant or silent about the history of horrific war crimes against the people in and around Medina, with Muhammad, drunk on political power, sanctioned as a spiritual leader in Medina after he was kicked out of Mecca in 622, rejecting a co-existence pact with the local customs of the territory. 622 (also being the beginning of the Islamic Calender.)

Slavery, Sex slaves, paedophilia, the child molestation of 9 year old Aisha. The aggressive raiding parties that ransacked the caravans of Mecca which lead to the battle of Badr in 624CE and sealed in place the aggressive ideology of Islamism in which the Jewish desert tribes of Medina (Banu Qaynuqa, Banu Nadir, Banu Quyrayza) stood no chance against. He ordered assassinations against his rivals. Banu Quyrayza massacre is a fancy highlight with the execution murder of 700-900 men and boys after surrendering to the Neo-cultist raiding parties led by the Green Smock wearer himself in 627.

""How can you seriously think that Muhammad was the perfect man to model yourself around.""

And though you can point at the finger at the cultural dominance and nasty bullshit of other faiths in the world, such as the Spanish Inquisition and religious infighting within Europe, The crusades (in which was mostly a response to aggressive attacks on European soil from Islamic armies). There has been huge reformation to the point where people are leaving Christianity in droves.

For balance sake, In Islamic defence, It also had a reformation once, during it's golden age, and a massive chance to calm the fuck down, with the embracement of Mathematics, Astonomy and free thought. But thanks to characters like Al-Mutawakkil with the school of Mu'tazila and Gazhali with the school of Ash'ari, + others enforcing the faith to the book and being obstacles against science and free thought. With a complete toppling of the civilization when the Mongols ransacked Baghdad in 13th century including the Bayt al-Hikma (house of wisdom). Luckily the West embraced and nurtured what was left of it (also the grassroots of the Renaissance in Europe.) This literalism comes from the core of Islamic faith, it is time normal people in the culture just ditched it altogether, much like we have ours.

All that remains is this aggressive, power-fetish political ideologues in the faith of mainstream Islam TO THIS DAY. You have crank laws that still are in practice today, such as stoning of women who are raped, cutting off the hands of people who steal, needing four male witnesses in defence to a woman's rape. You still have teachings and laws which demand Jizya taxes of non-muslims subjects living in Islamic regions, teachings that people who follow polytheistic faith must be killed, list goes on and on. None of this can be changed without removing selected text from the Qu'ran, as it is sole mutterings of Muhammad believing himself for being a prophet, as an avatar of god so to speak. All claimed to be the perfect pure word of god without contradiction, Not something that you can do at all.

And with teachings such as Taqiyya (where it is permitted for a Muslim to deny a religious practice or belief if they are in a situation where they fell that they are being persecuted or under compulsion.) and Kitman (The act of trickery and deceitfulness, permission to lie to the Kaffir and reserve true beliefs.) In this political climate, how can anyone trust what you are saying if these stupid things are in effect with the added baggage of your culture's history, arrogance and aggression.

I invite you to reform your faith or fucking leave it, pick one. Don't fucking demand us for forgiveness for YOUR mess, YOUR burden and YOUR cultural influence. In this "gleeful" Social Marxist west, we are forced culturally to create these double standards to give your culture a fair go every time shit like this hits the fan in non-muslim nations. I for one, have felt betrayed time and time again by this faith. I've have given it a fair go but now I offer it no mercy anymore.

Like I said, reform or leave it.

This is not going to work you absolute retarded. First of all, it your shits all fucked up. You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded.

Only white people are stupid enough to do this virtue signaling shit. The equivalent among blacks for example is to kill a cop or rob a white kid. Thats how they virtue signal. You cannot turn this around on any other race, its a genetic weakness of whites


This is accurate.