what in the fuck did i just watch ?
What in the fuck did i just watch ?
She's actually implying achieving FALC would be a bad thing.
I'd fucking love to be a teletubbie.
Is this satan-chan's channel?
i don't even think satanfag is that insane
She's not even that hot.
I wish she was SatanPoster. SatanPoster gives me a serious erection every time she calls me a filthy little commie and says that she's sending magic moon-rays after me.
Too impure even for satan-chan
Satan-chan looks better than that!
This has to be a parody or trolling.
from the looks of things she's completely serious
I was wrong.
She's not just serious about it, but she's pretentious as fuck, too.
I'm not watching her shit, you got some images?
bitch looks 16
Well i can say she's not ugly…But….
Satanchan would be at least twice as hot tbh
Yeah, looks almost underage to boot.
Why did you direct link that shit?
Don't give these retards views.
what the fuck
could someone explain? Is she serious or is this some le ironic Holla Forums trolleling xDD thing? I'm genuinely wondering, given the content on her channel
Watching her other videos, she seems serious.
She was gloating about being retweeted by david duke.
It is highly probable that you watched a u tube video entitled PROOF The Teletubbies is Communist Propaganda
Weird how she had a whole class-struggle bent thing going on. Benjamin remains the best at explaining the appeal of fascism (and its ties to social democrats):
Makes me wonder if the right will always pervert leftist ideals while keeping the same processes of bourgeois indoctrination/reducing everyone to machinery.
Itès like a company peddling bullshit for you to buy their product. Except here, its a narrativ.
The future looks dumb.
Trailer video looks like it's satirical. Her videos are also listed as "Comedy" and she's doing the whole Trump meme thing, but who knows. At any rate she's banking on the fact that it's ambiguous and this not only gives her the space to say absurd shit, but it racks up views like crazy because I guess people just can't believe that someone (especially a GIRL) is parroting the shit everyone says at Holla Forums. As far as I'm concerned it's yet another pointless youtube charade that produces nothing of actual worth. Not surprised that a fuck like Leafy jumps on this since he is exactly that.
I fucking hate "youtube culture." It's a microcosm representing the absolute worst of an advanced capitalist culture.
Girls like this are the worst. She is fully indoctrinated by this idiology and will porpaply never really question it. This is the wickedness of human nature at its finest. Behind cuteness and the seemingly innocent lies a cold and calculating mind. Thats the worst part, she talks like the average Holla Forumsype but isnt actually retardet. People belong to the worst enemys we have yet to face comrades.
Watched all vids by that bitch, really need to do something relaxing to cool my blood.
Watch a nice cartoon like Tanoshii Mooin Ikka or maybe a western cartoon like The Point or Secret of N.I.M.H.
watch panty and stocking
then you'll be angry for a completely different reason
Like the fact that there will never, ever be a second season?
Teletubbies is literally Hoxhaist propaganda though.
I know how you feel.
Also, snarky, nasally, pseudointellectuals measuring their e-peens.
Your making It worse for me guys….
What a surprise
My sides.
we need to go deeper
Looks like Holla Forums came to defend his waifu.
Nice, fuck that fascist whore
why am I not surprised?
Guess who has jumped onto this news hit?
Holla Forums really just is a bunch of autists.
the child sun is newborn hoxa