I have come up with a way to differentiate our chanspeak from others. You just have to come up with a rule.
As an example, repeating letters get underlined
nigger -> ni g er
I have come up with a way to differentiate our chanspeak from others. You just have to come up with a rule.
As an example, repeating letters get underlined
nigger -> ni g er
To what fucking end? Don't impose your autism on everyone else.
I have come up with a way to differentiate our OP from others. You just have to come up with a rule.
As an example, OP is a faggot
fuck you niger
Don't you mean fagot?
kys fagot
Fuck you niger, I will type as I like and force it until it becomes a comon thing.
I will even ad more rules.
Instead of th you just type –h–.
It wil evolve until –h–e marks are not neded and –h–e language has changed, atleast on b
With your autism level, I give it a week before everything you post is
yøtãxėtøxãmėtøy ukøpãf?
I think you need to find the git repo first
The main problem with this is that it replaces the two keystroke gg, oo, etc with a five keystroke g, o, etc.
If it was more efficient instead of less, then people might run with it. Otherwise it's just extra work.
jst typ wtht vwls whts th prblm
get out kike
It was suggested on Holla Forums a long time ago to just use Old Futhark.
lets all type in rot13
vs lbh ernq guvf lbh ner tnl yby!
in order to actually branch from any language, the most effective technique is complete isolation from the mother language. no more dictionaries, no chatting with speakers of the mother language who aren't part of the new society, no reading old books.
without a rulebook or larger population to keep in line with, your language will drift naturally. idioms will develop that don't make sense in the mother language and the meanings of many identical words will no longer match after roughly 80 years.
languages are memes, you can't force a meme.
if you want to have a sekrit club language related to english, learn afrikaans (easy) or icelandic (difficulty on par with mandarin).
What if you say a letter three times?
start with runes