I'm going to be talking with my representative's chief of staff and one of my senator's bill writers on Monday (both...

I'm going to be talking with my representative's chief of staff and one of my senator's bill writers on Monday (both are Republicans).

I was planning to request a bill requiring all voting machines run open source software to prevent "glitches" where George Soros made voting machines "accidentally" give votes to the candidate supported by George Soros. Any suggestions beyond referring them to the Free Software Foundation?

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Beyond simply running free software, they should also be subject to a battery of open and public penetration tests. Anybody should be able to buy one, and anyone should be able to test an attack on one. Lastly, there must be a way for anyone to verify that the software running on the machine has not been tampered with.

Require that they give every voter a cryptographically signed paper receipt with a mailable stub, so that every vote can be audited in the event of a recount.

Not just open source, consider putting it under a libre license or something to where there will be a huge penalty if they're caught using modified versions than the public source code.

Open source is the same as libre from a practical point of view in nearly all cases. The word you're looking for is probably "copyleft".

The crux is that software and hardware have to be public. An interested citizen needs to be able to build the whole machine and all software running on it by himself.

Perhaps a system similar to that used in the Casino Gambling industry. While Universities are extremely partisan, their researchers have put out very sound information proving that Voting Machines don't even try to be secure.

Because these voting machines are to serve the interests of the public, and voting has always been conducted very openly, a copy of the software used on the voting machines should be made available. On top of this, auditing procedures should be in place to ensure that a voting machine was running the same, unaltered copy of the software throughout the voting session. Good luck OP.

They don't need to be open source, they just need to implement a verifiable process. I should be able to download from a central election server the list of votes, verify cryptographically with my voter ID smartcard that my vote is signed by me, and that it is what I voted for.

That's why it should fully release the source code, preferably one under a good copyleft license. If they don't, they could just pay someone to say it's all secure lol, trust us guiz.

But votes also have to be secret. What's to stop a couple of union thugs wielding lead pipes coming by to make sure you "voted the right way"?




We should really be considering going back to hand-counted paper ballots entirely rather than continue to fuck around with the massive number of attack vectors represented by electronic voting, but if you can't convince them of that then audit-able code is at least better than the proprietary election machine industry we currently have that has consolidated into two regional monopolies.

And by the way, the evidence shows that Trump benefited from massive voter suppression and election fraud himself. Hillary may have rigged the Democratic Primary but Trump was better at cheating in the General. Election fraud becoming a partisan issue easily dismissed over sour grapes is very dangerous.


completely false. wish the anti-trumpers would all go through with their promises to variously move to canada, kill themselves, or vote for canada to secede

Is this what the media is spinning now? Seriously? "Trump made people not want to vote!" Are you fucking stupid? Hillary won the popular vote you dunce. And if you think thats evidence the electoral college is bullshit than you have lost all credibility. It means most of her votes came from California, the most populated state and a Democrat stronghold. Where the election actually mattered, swing states and heartland states, Trump completely wrecked her.

Visit the fucking link and read up on the evidence before you dismiss it in the exact childish partisan manner that I just described.

We use 14-year-old, no-longer-manufactured-or-supported, extremely exploitable machines in America, in many states without even a voter-verified paper trail. Everyone is fucking cheating. The Republicans have been doing it just as much if not more than the Democrats.


I don't think 6 minutes is long enough to digest that video I linked.

Hillary won the popular vote. Trump won the electoral vote where it mattered. This isn't rocket science champ. Those so-called "rigged" vote machine that you are attributing to a Trump victory makes 0 sense because those voter machines only count the popular vote where he lost (thanks California!)

Did I mention anything about the electoral college in any of my posts? That's an entirely different issue that has nothing to do with election integrity besides how areas are targeted for fraud. I'm not kidding, watch the goddamn video before you attempt to articulate an argument again.

Naw. I think you're retarded.
You sound like you don't even know what the electoral college is and what purpose it serves. You just repeat the bullshit Holla Forums tells you and blindly say its bad and you don't even know why.

Open source does not stop them from tampering with the code pre-implementation.

The best system here would be a Public Ledger (somthing similar to Bitcoin) where the votes are all publically viewable - yet still preserving anonymity.

My current solution here is that each individual who registers to vote is given a "Private Key" (much like a Bitcoin Wallet) after proving their identity (this key should not necessarily be tied to their identity for anonymity reasons).

They can then verify their vote on the Public Ledger (blockchain) with the key they were given in order to confirm their vote wasn't tampered with.

Another added benefit of this is that the Votes could be instantly tallied by anyone who is hosting this Public Ledger (blockchain).


And the easiest verifiable process that the world's best Cybernetics researchers have come up with, with the less flaws, and best flaw-detection processes is.... The Paper Ballot.


Electronic voting is for brain-dead iPad owners.

You... can guarantee that for the next 100 years?

You an guarantee that the crypto isn't backdoored already?

Computer Illiterates ITT.

The alleged discrepancies and such would only account for ~5% of the 10 Million Deomcrats who just didn't vote because they hate HRC and the Cult-Left.

It's a far better system than anything we have presently.

If the Crypto is backdoored, people would still be able to view their votes recorded incorrectly.

Do you seriously prefer your merchant-made voting machines?

You mean the Paper Ballot system, which is centuries old, and has evolved into a process that's withstood centuries of attacks, and takes extreme amount of effort to corrupt without anyone noticing?

No, you're just goyim being puppeted into replacing it.

It's a good chance the old guy Republican dudes the OP is meeting understands the voting process better than a babby millennial.

Why not use something like the Tally sticks which the British used for money?

The idea is when you register to vote you get a tally stick. Yoiu then write down your vote on your stick,and you break your stick.

So you and others suspect voter fraud you would request your stick pieces.

It should be open source in principle since the elections are for the people and by the people. It's only reasonable that the software be made public also. Also plays into the whole making sure the code is sane and not able to be "gamed".

That's the excuse they use when you don't let illegal beaners vote.

Democrats are notorious for bussing illegals to multiple polling places, using "the dead" to vote, and others. The Republicans are either to "honorable" or too stupid to cheat even a quarter as much as the Democrats do.

There are potential benefits to voting machines that aren't being used, such as checking for dead voter ids. Any voting machine should have a paper trail. For me though, securing them is theoretical for me and I'd really like to see paper ballots exclusively since I know enough about computers to never trust a computerized system no matter how isolated it maybe from networks.

Bush cheated in Florida 2000 and in Ohio 2004. It's more likely than you think.

At this point, I strongly suspect you have no idea how a Blockchain works.

The only fraud that could occur with this system is in the dispensing of the "keys".

Everything else is open-source and verifiable to everyone who cares to monitor it.

If "votes" were blocked by a miner, then the voter himself would be able to see this. Several voters and you'd have evidence of mass corruption that would be nailable to a set location.

I strongly suspect you think Voting is a single-layer process, as well as a faggot who thinks he's always right. Just watch the video in .

So ...how do you propose verifying the blockchain-votes are legit? How do you propose handling the cast votes when the power to the polling centers is sabotaged (that're set up because 97% of Voters can't into Blockchain themselves)? Were you born yesterday and have no idea that stealing bitcoin credential wallets is a thing? How about a MITM attack where the user gets trojaned voting software-- and what happens when bogus votes/no-votes are detected anyway? How about stealing the votes of people who won't/can't verify their votes?

And also keep in mind that you idea is a City Slicker idea that anti-establishment types absolutely detest.

...and how 'Merka has non-compulsory voting, so just steal a few strategic thousand votes here and there from people who never voted, and will never check if someone voted for them. Researchers and Vote Observers will have no way to check.

Are you still forcing yourself to believe that Magical Computers and Magic Technologies and Magic Software and Magic Blockchains will magically make voting better? Buy a shotgun, and surgically remove the tumor inside your skull.

The voting process itself is not online. Only the verification (public ledger) is provided online.

Here's how it would work:
1. He/She goes to voting center.
2. He/She offers proof of identity.
3. He/She receives "token" (Private and Public Key) to take into voting booth.
4. Inside voting booth, he/she uses Private Key to cast vote.
5. After voting, he/she can verify their vote was recorded correctly by either downloading the Public Ledger - or verifying it on a site akin to Blockchain.info (this can be both publically provided - Govt service - and privately provided).

Extra precautionary measures:
6. Proof of Identity is recorded to ensure each person can only receive one token.
7. The token issued is never tied to identity (ensures anonymity).
8. Each token is tied to a location (obviously) so that voting fraud can easily be investigated.
9. Each token is tied to the individual that handed it out (this makes them culpable for this fraud).

I don't understand how this is any more compromisable than a paper system?

If the number of tokens issued does not match the number of votes on the blockchain, then this is clear indication of corruption and due to the token being tied to the individual handing it out, they would be nuts to commit voter fraud.

Any computerized voting system without a paper trail is just asking for fraud to occur.

You have no idea how public-key crypto works then, for example.

You have no idea how a computer works, apparently. It's more than just a program. It's an operating system and it's hardware, all of which present far more attack vectors to be exploited than paper.

Public key cryptography can make sure that even if the voting machine is completely compromised people will be able to find out easily, and anyone can do a recount.

But this is just one part of the picture.
You want:
* receipt-free
* coercion-resistent (and abstention-resistent)
* private
* easily tallied
* verifyable

Even paper ballots are vulnerable to many of these. The benefit of paper is that people grasp paper.
The downside of proper electronic voting is that niggers who will never be able to understand public key crypto just say "lol use paper."


Didn't know about that. That's useful for telling them there is precedent. Thanks.

This is pretty much fool-proof.

The token contains the information necessary for the voter to verify their vote.

For instance, it could contain a URL for each party's Public Ledger checking service.

The complicated tech aspect would be essentially transparent to the end user. They simply check their vote at their party's URL as listed on the token they receive.

Require paper ballot voting.