Every time I heat up potatos in the microwave my relatives look at me weird or ask questions like "you're heating a potato salad on the microwave?". I know they're retarded, but is this part of their retardation or am I doing something wrong?
Microwave potato
you're heating a salad?
It seems to me you have a hard time understanding what does and doesn't work well together.
For example this thread is perfect for facebook or reddit but terrible for Holla Forums.
Yeah, but potato salads don't necessarily have things that don't go well in the microwave.
For instance my potato salad is made of potatos, mayo, onions, eggs and tomatos. Once it's out of the fridge i also put in some vinegar.
hello masaokis
how much do you weight and why do you eat shit?
i weigh around 183 pounds.
Primarily to live, secondarily because it's tasty. I don't know if you lads are just shitposting but potato salads like that taste good.
can you make a video of how to cook one? or cook anything, i'd really love to see you cook.
Shut up user. You just want to laugh at how fat I am.
Stop pretending to be me fatty.
No, but it's really simple. Just boil a bunch of potatos, chop them into cubes, cook the eggs in the shells, chop each egg into 4 (1 horizontal and one vertical slice), chop the tomatos, and throw in mayo until everything is covered. I don't know how much i put because i always eyeball it but you'll know when it's enough. You can put more stuff like mushrooms, oregano, cucumber and if you like salt, salt.
not really. i can see fat fucks all over the place, but if you find potato salad delicious, your cooking MUST be special. will you?
nigga 183 pounds isn't even fat, I'm 6'2' and slightly fit.
yeah, i told you, i don't want to see your fat pigshit mantits. i want to see your cooking and your food
If you're just trying to make baked potato to eat then yes your relatives are genuinely retarded
fuck you this is a perfect thread. some random unimportant detail starts the thread and then we drift around and have fun. this is b. this is who we are.
have you tried cooking eggs in the microwave?
it's a great way to get the same texture as boiling in way less time
this will show which ones are the most retarded here
Have you tried cooking mustard gas in the microwave? It is a great way to give it the same texture as RDX or French's mustard.
Cooking 🍳
Have you tried microwaving the three copies of your 23rd gene? It is a great way to get the texture the same as a potato
Potato salad should be eaten at room temp cuck.
Hot German Potato Salad.
Non Germanics BTFO
BTFOing anyone
what's in that, user?
potatoes with their peel, chives/parsley and then the shiny stuff, what tf is that?
some onion and the whiteish glup? is that der fuhrer's cheese?
that's where all the nutrients are, it's the only way to eat potatoes.
I'm not op, I think warm potato salads are disgusting and I'm not overweight. I'm just saying you should never eat potatoes without the peel.
Microwave that shit OP
Otherwise it takes an hour in the oven and that's time you could be shit posting.
the secret is cock cheese, isn't it? you have been demasked, oh uncut descendant of the lamented master race.
if only bocuse had known about cock-cheese, french gastronomy wouldn't be the laughing stock it is.
seig heil!
yep, but he's a fatass pigshit faggot
kartoffelsalat, dummköpfe.
kekking at all the Anons ITT who think they don't like potato salad. That shit is dank.
OP have you ever made scrambled egg in the microwave? That's my best lazy hack. Whip 2 eggs with a splash of milk in a teacup, put it in for 45 seconds, then stir, then another 45 seconds, and you'll have perfect fluffy scrambled eggs in a cup. Just put a bit of salt and pepper on it and it's good. Just dont eat straight away it will be really fucking hot.
I believe youhave stated the problem in incorrect terms.
Potato salad is good, just not when you put it in a microwave and ruin it.
what are those red things in there?
the skin of red potatoes. Could also be bacon but it's not.
the skin of baby dick forehead i suck before the main meal
Look at tucker's face as this lady talks. he looks like she is microwaving his potato.
potato salad is served chilled
and I'm not a hater of tomaters i sometimes eat them like apples, but in a potato salad? that sounds bad
hot potato salad with bacon.
mmmm mmmmm
Can tucker keep his potato from getting microwaved this time?
How to microwave Tucker's Potato
1. Wash potato and puncture with fork several times. wrap with paper towel and place inside microwave.
2. Set timer to 40:00 minutes on high
3. Press start and watch tucker's face.
4. listen to his gentle "ok"
5. Let cool in microwave for ten minutes
6. remove and cut open length wise, smother in butter.
7. let tucker ask a question
watch pretty much any tucker video when he has a "passionate person" on. They start rambling and Tucker just kind of waits for them to finish and the nonsense kinds of hurts him and he shudders when they say something really dumb until he is still, only blinking, like an abused dog, waiting for them to expend their anger. The soft "ok"s and the blink are the only things that let you know he is not a still pic. but he is waiting, an ambush predator, waiting for them to stop to ask them questions they won't answer but the viewer will see and that is why Tucker suffers for us all.