What would Microsoft have to do to get you guys to use poo in loo pajeet 10?

What would Microsoft have to do to get you guys to use poo in loo pajeet 10?

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Make it free software. People would strip the really terrible stuff out and I'd probably install it in a VM.

I wouldn't use it as my main operating system. Linux and friends are much better at the kind of autistic bullshit I'm interested in and that's not likely to change.

Get rid of the more obvious data mining

I think it's even more irredeemable than Win 8's and Vista's fiasco right now.
EVERY SINGLE people who talk to me (a lot, as I'm a well known "tech guy" and work with IT) complains about Windows 10 beyond belief - there's like, 0 people who even stayed "neutral" - it's unanimous: they all hate it and ask me if I could install Windows 7 back.

Do your own market research, Ballmer.

make it open source

Drop support for earlier versions of windows, and include Windows 10 in every pre-built, which is what their plan already is.

Give me 72 virgins up front, then:
- let me disable all their spyware/phone home
- let me select updates on my schedule based on a detailed description to install and roll them back if they fail
- let me uninstall their crapware like Cortana and Store and Xbox
- fix their firewall so you can allow just ping.exe instead of svchost.exe which basically allows everything
- either open source the code or post a legal document stating the company will be dissolved and distributed to OS buyers if a backdoor is ever found or utilized

File for bankruptcy.

I don't use Windows 10 because of the telemetry stuff, two control panels, shitty UI, update fuckery and the fact that I don't trust it.
If they opened up the code I could see for myself what the system does. At best this shows that Microsoft doesn't have malicious code, at worst it lets people strip the bad code out and make non-shit versions of it. This would fix the telemetry issues as well.
If they treated updates the way your average Linux distro does it would help a lot. Pop up a notification at most, and let the user update when they're ready. Or at least add an "I'm not retarded" button that allows you to manage updates.
As for the UI and two control panels, that's because they're trying to make Windows 10 into a desktop and tablet OS. Just go back to Windows 7's idea of making a good desktop, and ditch the new ui. At most let the user log into the other desktop if they want, like how most Linux distros let you have multiple DEs.

I'm using Linux because it just werks, does everything I need it to do and doesn't waste my time with stuff that isn't work. If Windows can supply that along with proof that there's nothing malicious inside it I'd gladly pay for it.

FOSS, privacy issues fixed, allow other DE, fix consistency issues with explorer, proper package manager.

Copyfree license

Die of AIDS from their pozzed neghole

Really simple: releasing a "bare bones" edition, nothing but the OS, every single bloat they add should be optional. Call it "hackerz" or whatever.

Make public domain and source available, remove all DRM, remove all spyware, make ads for other Microsoft software/products capable of suppression, and make system update optional like previous versions of Windows.

Remake Windows 2000.

Pull GUI out of the kernel, make it Unix like, make it libre and make a C and C++ toolchain that doesn't suck ass, you know, like GCC natively on Windows.

Rebrand it as a mobile operating system and apologise for ruining the PC market.

I dumped Windows when they released Vista. They is no possible way they can get me back at this point.

How could anyone go back

Even if Microsoft would make themselves legally obligated to respect users freedom like the FSF does I wouldn’t use it.
Even if that shit would be under GPLv3 I wouldn't use it.

Pay me a very large amount of money.

They can't.

Make it free software, preferably under the GNU license GPLv3+

I know one thing: I don't have to use it and i am quite comfortable with this long, very long term perspective.

nothing, I will never use that shit

Let me prevent it from waking my laptop up from sleep once a day.

Pay me at least 200€ per hour.

1. Remove spying LOL
2. Make the UI 1-to-1 like Windows 2000, no phone UI
3. FOSS LOL, because I use Loonix and BSD now

Hey how do I get this shit for free? Selling a laptop

Install Windows 7 or 8, run DAZ loader, and then open the Windows 10 installer from inside Windows 7.

But desu, I already use it.

give me an x1 carbon

QA their shit software before dumping it on the paying public. Their anniversary update made several million webcams unuseable and caused BSODs for people with SSD for OS and hard drive for programs.

1. Turn entire Windows ecosystem into free software by licensing it under GPLv3.
2. Stop using Batch and PowerShell, switch to Bash, ZSH or C Shell.
3. Get rid of all data mining and government security agency backdoors.

Like, seriously. #3 is why the corporation I work at will never use Windows for sensitive data servers. Industrial sabotage by proxy of government agencies is a real thing.

GPL it and remove all the spyware, and even then I'd only use it as a secondary system and only if I really needed windows-specific features because unix-like is life.


Nothing because it is absolutely flawless and I do not have autism.


keep the virgins, drop everything else. You ask too much

1. no data mining
3. package/driver manager
4. not baking in spyware like Cortana into it, make it optional at most
5. release a new corporate mission to respect user freedoms against alphabets with transparency reports and progress
6. create an official, updated anime mascot (the current one is trash)
7. remove the bloat
8. I might get shit for this, but I really enjoy OS X's Preview and cmd+shift+4 screenshot area

Deport/gas all the jews, kikes, niggers, spics, native americans and asians from america.


Kill Cortana

Stop spying on my shit

Fuck off Balmer.

We already use it with telemetry disabled.

Speak for yourself. I certainly don't. Lots of people here don't use Windows at all, and many of the people that do only use 7 or other pre-10 versions.

How do you prove beyond a reasonable doubt that telemetry is disabled?

Either the users control the program (free software) or the program controls the users

From this article


Keep a log of all network traffic. We know the telemetry "call home" details so it's easy enough to find traffic for this situation.

1. Open source.
2. Security audited by sane people.
3. Complete admin control over *all* aspects of OS.

My autism about "open source"

What did he mean by this?
The Windows equivalent of Superuser is the SYSTEM account because too many retards abused the Admin account amd fuckes up their install

This is literally what's wrong with today's software

A nonzero number of explosions going off in the room housing their update servers. Preferably in the low kiloton range.
Fine, evacuate the employees first if you want. I'm not THAT cruel.

Reasons I'm using wincuck 10:

Battery life for my laptop
light vidya

If linux can actually address those shortcomings I'd have literally 0 reasons to stay. And no, Libre/Open/Whatever office is a fucking joke compared to what microsoft offers.


you can install Office on Linux, not just the latest version (and it's not like it's better), and you can open and edit Office files just fine on the browser (onedrive)

just admit it, you play videogames and that's it, which you can also manage to do it from linux, there's even an active thread of it (passthrough)

I'm a financecuck whose balls are chained by Excel. LibreOffice alternatives are fucking paltry compared to the stupid shit MS office products can do. And yes, there's a massive difference between word/excel/powerpoint 2010/2013/2016.

I use these products for my job, not to shoddily edit some shit together to write a highschool book report like you.

In your situation, yes, onedrive and google docs would definitely suffice.

This is just me talking, but office typesetting is a joke. I use matlab and octave for all my computational needs.

Can you give three examples of what MS Excel does that Libreoffice does not do?

I have zero issues with it at home but for the love of God do not use W10 at work - Either it fucks itself up via forced updates or the office drones will somehow do it themselves.

I'm a freetard, but I think it's dumb to think that that's viable for everyone. Harmful, even, because it makes you focus on denying shortcomings instead of fixing them.

Interoperability and being usable by non-autists/mathematicians/programmers count a lot.

There's plenty in here:

You mean Microsoft Technical Support Call Center?

Tsundere user pls

Some of those features are hilariously bullshit.

Good job LibreOffice! you can import of DOS/Windows legacy spreadsheet formats: Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro (v1-5.5 DOS; v6.0 Windows), Microsoft Works spreadsheet

Meanwhile excel only supports importing stuff up until excel 97, only 19 years ago ):

totally convincing

Except for some proprietary microcode I need for wifi and graphics modesetting, I use only free software. Libreoffice is good enough for me. It's good enough for you It's good enough for most people. But it's not good enough for everyone. Why is that hard to believe when its own wiki lists so many things it can't do?

Free software is not at the point yet where it's a drop-in replacement for absolutely everything, only for most things.