Is Linux worth it? Is Windows 10 any good? botnet? Should I stay on Windows 7 forever?
Is Linux worth it? Is Windows 10 any good? botnet? Should I stay on Windows 7 forever?
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It's botnet
it's my understanding that the OS Mint has a proxy program that let's one run windows programs. It takes a bit of typing, but seems to be a freer way.
If you aren't still on Windows XP, you fucked up.
Windows 10 is utter shit
Slow, botnet and annoying to use
Apparently Linux is more friendly these days but haven’t tested it
To me it is. Been using it solid for the last 13 years.
I've done non-trivial work and recovery on computers that use it and from what I've seen, no.
Yes. Also spyware is inherent in the system out of the box.
I used to use Windows for some gaming. I haven't booted into it in over a year now but plan to keep it around. I see no reason to upgrade yet as I anticipate games working on it for a long time to come.
Depends. Linux is good for most things, but if you want to do video editing stay on Windows 7 because all the video editing programs for Linux systems are fucking garbage.
Oh, and if you have a Nvidia graphics card stay on Windows.
Lmao this retard too stupid to go into the Chrome settings and uncheck a couple boxes hahahaha
That post was so stupid I can only assume it's bait.
fuck that you can't trust a jew company
No, but if that is what you are using now, you should keep it as long as you can.
Hopefully something better will come along before you have to give it up.
Fuck Googleshit, btw. Don't even think about it.
nice. this thread is bait for the lightweight retards that will say "hurr yass linux is amezing for you" because they think they are 1337 haX0rz when they dual boot a kernel, play in firefox for 15 minutes, type "ls" in a *gnome* fucking terminal, use sudo for anything, then shutdown (if they're special snowflakes they'll use shutdown -r instead of the gui dropdown) so they can get back to windoze super fast to hit up reddit and brag about their awesome hacker skills that they possess and others don't. go fuck yourselves amateurs. if you don't live it 24/7, you're fucking posers.
Fuck no
until linux has gaem
wow, actually typing a code into a terminal? must make us all hackers. Nobody using linux that isn't 14- thinks that.
most major steam games are now supported on linux.
enjoy your shit ports.
Really depends on what you're trying to do, I've been using Windows 10 since 2015 and noticed a significant performance increase over Windows 7, especially in games like GTAV and BF4. The privacy settings are pretty straight forward and easy to disable in the registry, group settings, third party programs etc if you're not a lazy retard. Only the tin foilers that are probably packing CP get their asses exploded over it.
What I use Linux(Ubuntu) for is my media server and any old computer I don't think could run Windows or that I don't feel like buying a Windows license for.
I probably would switch my main rig to Linux if it could easily run all my games and work programs but that's not going to happen for a long time if ever.
The operating system matters less than the programs and work being done on it. Having a nice OS with no programs is like having a nice car with nowhere to drive.
Enjoy sending encrypted screenshots to NSAcrosoft
It's simple, don't be a retard and sign up for the insider ring.
you don't get to opt out of the NSA spying on you
I bet you think you can OPT out of your ISP watching your internet activity too.
I bet you think because you have "options" the program magically becomes FOSS.
kys NSAcuck
Nice pic. You've totally discredited yourself (not that you had any at all for shilling Ubuntu and w10) as NSA or bait for posting the typical "tinfoil hat" saved from google images reaction.
I don't take unsubstantiated claims seriously. You're life must be a living hell of constant paranoia hahaha
forgot pictru
fuckken christ its not a fucking sex change.
just try a distro, try several, dual boot.
Its not rocket science you slob.
Nor do computer literate weaboos, but guess what the difference between you and me is? I don't wait for some cuck to present me with what he wants me to believe is factual, but instead I do my own research, so, if you think you're actually sly enough to outsmart the people who came to a website because they enjoy freedom and didn't want a botnet to steal their data, you can think again.
Yeah I gotta agree with this guy, idiotic tin foil paranoia aside if you can find a good Linux distro that runs all your programs or has non shit alternatives to them I would switch.
I think Dual booting is retarded however because most Linux only programs are also on Windows or have better alternatives on Windows.
You actually bought a windows license before?
of course he did. Look at the punctuation and formatting of that post. It's obviously a Microcuck shill or NSA or a troll.
It's not as bad as people make out. I used to use FreeBSD on my desktop and had good luck as a casual gamer playing Humble Bundle titles or things that ran decently under wine. Linux's gaming has actually gotten good enough that I switched to Linux some years ago.
Admittedly I'm probably a casual though and don't get to play as much as I like. Currently trying to run through a few CRPGs I've been putting off because I'm excited about Planescape: Tides of Numenera and Wasteland 3.
Nah, I run Gentoo.
you can literally go fuck yourself lightweight pussy and drop dead while you're at it
The dumb Russian nigger in that video is running Windows 10 while opted into the insider program. It's basically early access testing for new updates. They take a metric ass load of data from it for testing and diagnostics which is why I'm not opted in.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
You can if you keep repeating sovereign citizen bullshit.
Say it with me:
Install Arch my dude.
this is like saying buy burger king when mcdonalds is right next door. you're fucked now m8
burger king is better than mcdonalds tbh
wait, what? Can I get this on Gentoo?
why are people like you so butthurt that some other people aren't willing to bend over backwards for the government?
linux is the best, but not for gaming
windows 10 is good for everything unless your concerned about privacy, then use destory windows spying / DWS_Lite.exe
windows 7 is good but soon outdated.
is this legit? Holla Forums told me there's nothing to be done about Win10 spying
ask them, idk
Linux is best for everything but gaming (in which case, it depends on the game). If you have Windows installed already, you can simply dual-boot Linux and Windows and swap between them whenever - it's free and easy.
All you fags talking about how hard Linux is to use, I game on Linux daily, my grandma uses Linux, my 10yo nephew can navigate using the cli.
I understand though that the 8ch comminuty isn't really that smart. To that I say that the Linux community is currently full right now and it doesn't need any more wannabe hax0rz shitting up forums with "How do I do this? I didn't RTFM". Just stay in your little echo-bubble and continue to feel smug about how using something other than Windows10 is a waste of time.
enjoy your constant system breaking updates
they're both shit
That time is now.
This is a stupid meme I have been using arch for years and pacman has never broken my computer.
indeed. I only eat organic, locally grown mushroom burgers with red ale sauce.
this tbh
mac works really well because mac runs on linux so it's terminal works well and it's over all great for development.
windows pc's are good for gaming and hacking i think
linux is good for servers and old school dev
I've been use Arch every day on a laptop for the last 5 months just to see if it's gotten better over the last 7 years since I stopped using it. Almost every time I update there's some niggly little pedantic bullshit I have to do to make my system keep working like it did before the update. Back when Arch came out I was a rolling-release apologist too and bought into the bleeding-edge silliness. Do what I did long ago and keep a log of all the little things you have to fix after almost every little update. Then you can objectively see what I saw long ago.
Go back to reddit you colossal failure of a human being.
you're probably just trolling but wtf
mac doesn't run on linux you dumb shithead
I use linux and I play all the games I want chum
Another datamining thread…
YES (fascits countries that force you to pay for windows).
Yes, but not worthy enough
Not enough info, well, its a datamining thread after all…
Found your problem
It randomly killed my external audio interface. Twice.
It is unquestionably a broken piece of shit that lacks basic system functionality you'd expect from an OS if you wre living in the 90's.
The only reason why I'm even using win8.1 right now is because I do drafting and design in software that will only run in win32, I also make great use of Adobe's software where the situation is similar.
I don't even play vidya any longer (some Heroes 3 now and then but that's it) yet I'm stuck with this piece of shit because there exists no binary-compatible alternative.
I know. I was using Slackware on it just fine for years. I install Arch on it and find it's still a shit show just like it was when I used to use it on this very same laptop and my desktop.
Using a rolling distro on a laptop is almost never a good idea.
I switched to ubuntu years ago and haven't looked back
it's free and it doesn't glitch out the way windows did that made me switch (whatever that was, it's so long ago that I don't even remember. I think it just plain wouldn't start)
Are you me? Except Windows 10 has more features than Windows 7 or 8.
Did you also have audio problems? Did a fair bit of googling and seems it's a very common issue for laptop users that the OS stops recognizing their audio devices.
Nope, but I haven't updated my DAW machine to Windows 10 just in case.
why's that?
You're going to have to back that up. What's so different, in your opinion, about using Arch on my trusty old Lenovo than my desktop? Keep in mind I'm not a new or trivial adopter; years ago I used Arch on multiple desktops and laptops for multiple years.
Would very strongly advise against doing so.
I know, the only reason I updated was because it has features required for my studies.
bullshit. I've been running Unix/OSX on my notebook for years, zero problems.
Yes goyim, if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. You aren't a peodophile are you?
(heil dubs)
That's WINE, dummy.
everything but trisquel on a libreboot thinkpad with no proprietary firmware is botnet just get one or kill yourself faggot OP.
Windows 10 wont fucking kill you. Microsoft literally doesn't give a fuck about you, the risk associated with using Windows 10 is exactly 0. Literally 0 people have been prosecuted for anything being attributed to the fucking government using a backdoor to tap your PC. That's not even how the NSAs PRISM program works.
If you value privacy out of principle Which I completely respect then by all means avoid Windows 10
But for fucks sake, don't be a retarded Linux zealot trying to make it your altruistic goal in life to convert every single Windows user into the cult of Linux. Even Linus Torvalds hates people like that.
And if you're still paranoid about Windows 10 and are too autistic to just fucking install it than at least get Windows 8.1 and install something like classic shell so you aren't using an outdated version full of security holes
How about having enough dignity to refuse start menu ads in your $140 OS?
inb4 just turn them off - they'll be back after the next mandatory update
inb4 but I got it for free! - that promotion is over, now they're asking over $100
if they're going to treat their flagship product like an ad-infested free goyphone app then at least they should have the decency not to charge for it. /rant
you can't do a passthrough without another GPU
go back to reddit.