ITT we pay respects to dead boards
ITT we pay respects to dead boards
I need some rest
dont you dare put baph to rest now! it can survive, we just need to give it a little help.
It needs to accomplish something in its name that doesn't involve officials or gubmint people. I feel like it was a sped up version of "Anonymous" - started off as a competent group of hackers but then something happened and now all you have is edgy 14 year olds posting.
there's too many good memories to put it to rest. If we had something most of Holla Forums was about, like gamergate, I think it could likely spark back up.
I doubt anything as big as that will happen in the near future though.
i thought all the /baph/oles left for the danknet
Political and ideological unity is vital to achieve this point in Holla Forums once more. Until another huge controversy comes up that doesn't involve world gov't, it's gonna stay that way for a while.
It's a website that feeds off of drama, controversy, and censorship on other places. I'm sure without Holla Forums, baph would be about fucking with high profile liberals. Without Holla Forums, it'd be about getting revenge on people who got Trump elected.
Also, this. Jim taking over the website and keeping suspicious amounts of data on users made participating on /baph/ a risk no one wants to take. The only difference between this site and 4chan at this point is that 4chan doesn't allow VPN's.
we need to gas Holla Forums tbdesu
>>>Holla Forums
we can't pay respect to a cancerous board?
Make /baphoment/ great again!
this guy gets it!
to all the wankers wanking over the corpse of /baph/, one name to bring you back to reality: benjii biddix. now go fuck your silly little selves.
We are around, a few anyways.
all of them except b, v, tv and the pols
>>>/fit/, like it was ever alive to begin with
Remember the ebin /desu/ raids on Holla Forums?
I want to please bloodanon's vagina and make her stop cutting herself with love.