Eric Trump: My Dad's Immigration Plan Includes Amnesty "The point isn't just deporting them, it's deporting them and letting them back in legally. He's been so clear about that and I know the liberal media wants to misconstrue it, but its deporting them and letting them back legally."
"One, we have a law, right? You're supposed to come in legally. I would get people out and I would have an expedited way of getting them back into the country, so they can be legal. Let them be legal." … "We have to bring great people into this country. OK? And I want to bring – I love the idea of immigration, but it's got to be legal immigration. Now, a lot of these people are helping us, whether it's the grapes or whether it's jobs. And sometimes it's jobs. In all fairness, I love our country, but sometimes it's jobs that a citizen of the United States doesn't even want to do. There are jobs that a lot of people don't want to do. I want to move them out. I want to move them back in and let them be legal. But they have to be in here legally."
Holla Forums simply disregards anything adverse to their worldview and shilling and moves on. It's fucking helpless to try to make them talk about something something if they don't dominate the narrative.
Thomas Lewis
Holy shit these people are fucking delusional
Evan Harris
What's this (((name))) meme?
Michael Smith
some bullshit about jews
Nolan Martin
(((da joos)))
Gavin Myers
Ted Cruz warned that this was Trump's plan but the idiots would not listen.
Xavier Wilson
Nice pic, saved.
And yes, Donald Trump could shit on people and they would eat it up like it was a gourmet dinner. He contradicts himself constantly and flip-flop all the time, yet his followers think they can expect sane policies from him. It's also interesting to observe people who condemned the NSA 3 years ago, and now they have fallen in love with a man who wants to assassinate Edward Snowden [1]. Trump supporters are utter trash and idiots, this has nothing to do with political correctness.
The alt-right are the biggest cucks the world has ever seen.
Samuel Thomas
At least cucks get to watch.
Owen Evans
And people will applaud him because they're Mexicans.
Grayson Hall
Asher Peterson
One of the most successful entryists ever if he pulls it off.
Landon Nelson
Can someone explain this to me? So, Trump wants to deport some immigrants and bring some back legally for labor demand? How does this make him look bad or hypocritical or whatever?
Gabriel Lopez
He has completely and utterly duped the far right in America.
Leo Parker
I think so too, but how does OP prove that?
Jack White
He's starting to hedge on his tough-guy far right populist image now that he's the only republican candidate.
By the time he's elected, he'll be basically identical to Hillary.
Gavin Peterson
This. He's the Obama of the right. Man, they'll be frustrated with him.
Christian Sullivan
He wants to kick people out and then make it legal for them to come back?