Dear Moderation of Holla Forums's Holla Forums ("Random") board…
I want to become the owner of this board. More than you LIKE being the owner of this board- trust me. I'm not saying you're bad at moderation, just that I deserve it more.
I will make this thread every day until I'm the owner of this board. I will make Holla Forums great again and it will be better than whatever's going on right now. Thank you.
I'm not sure if I'll support you. What's you're stance on lolis?
Robert Lewis
Parker Barnes
Better than their 3d equivalent.
Brayden Bailey
I guess that'll work, you have my support
John Wood
I tried to get nominated once and then for some reasons benji got included in the poll, got all the votes then said he didn't want to do it. If it came to a vote at this point I think a ponyfag would get it.
Ayden Ortiz
you have my vote m8
Brandon Fisher
What are your plans on banning? Are you going to be adding more rules onto Holla Forums?
should mods be able to permanent ban for things other than CP?
Jayden Wood
Thanks. There's a high probability I'd be absentee for months at a time though. I'd just like a BO who:
Connor Perez
the eye on the right (viewer's perspective) isn't an oval, very poorly drawn. SAD!
Jaxson Howard
Oh and no stupid shit ie: IDs or text-board.
Jack Hall
idk about board owner but maybe a mod you are here a lot.
what do you want to be mod for?
Logan Morgan
Spoken like a true leader! ALL HAIL MAKAPOSTER
Brody James
only hotwheels can save this chan now
Jaxson Hill
As mod I could do exactly…. None of the stuff I just said I'd like to see happen. Thanks for the offer, but no.
Dominic Rodriguez
nah m8 hotwheels ruined it.
Colton Thompson
are you op?
Robert Lee
No I just started talking about being bo because said it.
Adrian Gomez
hotwheels crafted it from his tiny hands, but jim saved it.
his views on what should be banned/logged on here were perfect in my eyes. out of all the goys, he was the least.
Chase Rodriguez
except harboring pedos, i agree.
Colton Myers
I have to be fair. Ideally I'd allow pedos on a chan random. Unfortunately they have the chance to get a site shutdown. As a BO I don't think the person who runs b should call any shots on the subject other than what Jim mandates. That said dys tried to give them a fair shake and they were absolutely cancerous.
Kayden Stewart
If I remember correctly, Holla Forums didn't get shutdown before because it was hosted in a outside country (don't remember what country it was though, not the US though).
I always loved the sound of Holla Forums having only 1 global rule, and it made it a lot more appealing to people at halfchan getting banned weekly, but ever since jim took over that changed.
Gavin Hill
was it in an outside country before it was on Jim' commiefornia server? i forgot.
Dominic Ross
I was thinking it stayed on US servers. People said that it moved when hotwheels moved to the phillipines but I don't think it was true.
Michael Fisher
To be fair it still only has 1 global rule. It's the BO's choice to enforce pedo-removal (or removal of anything)
Holla Forums is no longer a global board but it's still mostly treated as such
Elijah Rodriguez
i was about to say the same, i thought he did that too.
well, before it was pretty much just no CP. now the dost is here which pretty much forces all pedo content to be removed. I guess that could be said it's still 1 rule, they just made the rule apply to a lot more broader of content.
Lincoln Jones
Yeah iirc Jim put some pressure on the bo (I think it was lowcard at the time) at the same time as he purged some boards. He cited some law that said CP is "contextual" and doesn't have to do with nudity. Really if a pedo thread came back I think they'd have to appoint their own mods, that could clear spam out of the thread and in return they'd have to keep their thread crystal-clear of actual pizza. They'd come back (without mchan or libre), generate traffic and keep the normalfags out. A bargain can be struck now, but pedos have never bargained in good faith before.
Elijah Smith
OP is a faggot
Samuel Jenkins
can you suck some more cock you gigantic faggot
Zachary Wilson
not all the people in a single group will stay within the rules, ever. I wouldn't be surprised if they would purge the bo and replace him for not enforcing global rules. nothing will change until jim changes.
I think jim could've hosted it outside the country, i'm sure he has the shekels, but i've yet to figure out why he decided to host Holla Forums in the US. maybe he's just a faggot?
David Wood
Your postings are rude
Julian Sanchez
Pretty sure at this point Holla Forums is still just leeching off of 2chans servers which are in the US.
Dylan Mitchell
Cooper Brooks
Jackson Robinson
Sadly you're right. I think I have a mental illness.
Isaac Fisher
why haven't you killed yourself already then?
Cooper Bell
Make me BO dysnomia
Levi Morris
There, there. 4/5 of the posts he was replying to were me and yours was sandwiched in the middle.
Noah Moore
i demand a explanation of what happened to dysnomia
Lincoln Cooper
Literally nothing besides getting triggered for a couple days. The username here is really, really gullible.
Nicholas Wood
Matthew Thompson
is he talking about newfag?
Caleb Walker
he got hacked.
Isaac Ortiz
I think he meant to say "userbase" but idk. He's a retard regardless.
Camden Lewis
Ethan Nguyen
wait can you confirm this how do you know?
Jack Martinez
highly doubt that.
this thread already has more actual conversation that most of the other shit here.
Asher Turner
Parker White
Can I confirm that dysnomia and newfag or two different people or can I confirm that he meant "userbase"? The answer is no to both.
Robert Thompson
i remember newfag posting in a thread shortly after dysnomia leaving (if that's true). he posted a convo of a tox chat with dysnomia. if someone still has the pic pls post
Benjamin Clark
ill confirm this. hes a retard who meant to say userbase.
Jack Green
geez thanks guys great help
Jace Garcia
That was bullshit. You're stupid if you think dysnomia left.
Mason Ortiz
Luke Bennett
no proof for either side. it's only sensible to assume the information given to us from the BO is true until more info is given.
Benjamin Robinson
Luis Garcia
Does anyone honestly believe Dys could go so long without funstickying something?
Jordan Thomas
or attentionwhoring or deleting spam or etc etc etc
Ian Murphy
Michael Hall
Justin Moore
Daniel Torres
Oh look it's this reply aga- nvm good triple
Leo Johnson
is makaposter clipboardfag dysnomia the same person? RESTORE IDS
Tyler Sanchez
Camden Parker
Nolan Cook
Hunter Ramirez
dysnomia let pony threads go on. not sure about the other shit. i would honestly believe dynsomia wouldn't give a flying fuck.
if he really gave the account to someone else, then yes, he would be forced to.
Aaron White
Juan Green
Lucas Martin
Nicholas Rodriguez
Adding to the mystery via misinformation… The legend.
Josiah Green
REMOVE Holla Forums
James Jenkins
Jonathan Foster
I just got a great idea. You know how there is now an option to make a thread forced user so tripfucks can't cuck it up? There needs to be an option to force ID for a thread.
Austin Baker
Jordan Campbell
OP here. I agree with most of this. I'd probably just have one eternal cyclical meta thread. if it gets pruned, then obviously there's not enough interest for that kind of stuff, so I wouldn't make another one. That won't happen, unfortunately. He said on his twitter he pretty much quit using imageboards as a whole because of the memories of what could've been ;_; No bans ever for Tor. They even warn you about ow doing so is a stupid idea on it's ID page I'm also thinking of having a for individual mods, so that if their "approval rating" goes below a certain percentage they're given the book/temporarily probated. tl;dr: make me BO
No, just trust me.
There is? I didn't see it when I was a vol. It must be a BO-only thing.
Jace Sanchez
Andrew Bennett
furries already beat you to the punch on this idea
Luis Hernandez
Xavier Russell
You will never get mod you loser.
Christian Gonzalez
I like that idea
Alexander Turner
I don't want to be a mod, I want be the BO. Nice trips though. Also, why are you so mad, dude?
Ian Thomas
Justin Stewart
its not a BO option because it's right under the thread creation
Ayden Diaz
Do you even know who I am, newfag?
Evan Long
Connor Jackson
Ryan Hill
we mod team now
Elijah Lewis
You just started this shtick like a week ago.
Thomas Carter
Jackson Young
Ryan Nguyen
Adam Morales
pretty sure he's been doing this shit for like a month now
Thomas Sullivan
Thomas Gonzalez
Grayson Cox
remove yourself
Jack Thomas
William Harris
fucc off ID: 487bf9
Isaac Williams
Noah Brown
Justin Collins
No one would contest my positions if I actually became BO. If I did something stupid I change it as per the request of the users, I wouldn't derail a thread hopelessly arguing about it against everyone else. There's no reason to not want me to be BO in the current year +2. Literally the only thing preventing me from becoming the board owner is paranoia on the part of "Newfag".
Whoa, in all my time on this site, I never noticed that. That's pretty cool.
Oh haha, I remember you. Tbqh this only started because I selected the wrong file when making a thread, which was the same image that I'd sued to start another thread, so I decided to just go along with it and shitpost/act like a typical self-important avatarag for the day.
Joshua Brooks
Levi Rivera
Liam Perry
John Butler
What's the point of forcing user if you're gonna restore IDs?
Jeremiah Jenkins
dysnomia is newfag you idiot.
dys thinks he's some kind of epic troll. Remember when he false-flag spammed cp, left it up for hours, wiped the board, made it one page, and stickied the pony thread all while lolling his ass off at the user-tears.