What are your thoughts on it so far?
TAWOG: The rerun thread
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Customarily, a good OP will start the thread by sharing their thoughts on a topic, so as to spur discussion without lazily asking others to do it for him. I recommending keeping this in mind when moving forward in the future.
i'd give gumball a good fuck tho
There's a fundamental problem with that though.
TAWoG is actually good whereas phinneas and pherb is shit
hows it feel to have shit taste
this user knows what's up.
why must such terrible artists defile such pure characters
truth be told sunnibee is hit or miss erring on the miss side
he has gotten considerably worse lately for some reason.
sad because he used to do concept art for comics that he was thinking of starting and it could look downright incredible at times.
it's not that the quality of the peice is shit, it's the way he's taken to drawing models lately, anus placement is always off, flesh seems almost gooey for some reason but the quality of stuff like linework hasn't taken a noticeable dive
yeah, that's what I was saying. It has just been an overall drop in quality. At times he even gets the form on the head wrong which messes up his placement of his now weirdly over exaggerated facial features. It's disappointing and a tad spooky for other artists to see somebody skill drop so much.
Honestly, it's my favorite episodic cartoon that's currently on. I find it's always good to toss on TV and it has a bunch of good episodes.
Now who wants full episodes in webm form?
nicole is just adult female gumball, and i don't like adults maybe i like nicole just a bit
The first 3 minutes are already hilarious. Did you post the one with the anime battle, too?
Nope, I don't believe I have that one. I didn't make these, I just saved them from Holla Forums's webm thread.
I know, the quality is mind-blowingly good, isn't it?
Why is that on Holla Forums…
I've made many of these, including the blame above and this one. There's someone in Holla Forums who made a whole bunch of episodes, you can tell it's his webm when the filesize is around 7.95 mb. I only make webms of things/episodes that I think are relevant to Holla Forums boards or special somehow.
Holla Forums's webm threads have been Holla Forums webm threads with slightly more focus on video games for a long time at this point.
Oh shit. I better write my last wishes, since this episode might have killed me.
I always knew Holla Forums is shit. I don't even have to go there to know they hype crap like FnaF and Minecraft. God bless Holla Forums.
Neat. Thanks for making those, they're good.
Seriously, how are you fitting 10 minutes in less than 8 mb? PLEASE tell me.
How much fan art is there of Anime Nicole? I've only seen one or two pics, which is way less than I expected.
Holla Forums isn't that much better off
non experienced user here
I don't get it
Why should he respect form ?
It's a cartoon, cartoonist style always tend to the absurd and exaggeration,no ?
when form is a big focus of the art you usually don't want to break it by throwing in flat, stylized bits on the form. It makes it look awkward. Suni has always been big on form in his drawings, the problem is that at some point he worked out the gesture and construction phase of his drawings and now massively over exaggerates forms at times leading to lumpy messes instead of anatomical lumps that follow a logical construction. Then on top of that he's slapping on cartoony, over exaggerated, flat faces. Back in the day he had this really neat ability to make the cartoony seem tangible with his form and rendering, now he just throws together form and stylization haphazardly… that is, when he draws at all. So basically, you can ignore form, but if needs a logic behind it to make it a skilled decision instead of an accident.
makes me sad because at one point he was the person that actually got me into art.
still the non experienced user here
Can you post some examples please (images)
I would like to see the difference that you describe :)
sure, we can even keep it gumball related. First 2 are his older works. They are stylized but grounded in reality. The next two are his more recent works. They don't show off the 2 dimensional faces on 3d forms I was talking about terribly well, but they show where he threw caution to the wind and just drew. Mind you that the first and last pictures are doodles, so check out that quality drop there.
I really believe most of this is due to laziness and dropping two very important phases of his work. I used to watch him livestream and last year he would just go straight for the final line work… and while that is a neat skill to have, it can quickly degrade your skills unless you are doing quite a few life studies to keep you grounded.
you should draw more Nicole
an ass shot would be nice.
He's drawn her quite a few times when that Chinese ripoff Gumball was discovered.
Thanks for the comparison user I understand now
4 or 3 was supposed to be the last, besides 2 seasons is a lot of time.
The way he says "my" last makes it sound like it might continue without him. I wonder how long they can keep going without the show turning stale.
Mike Innel/Manyakkis has even done some really detailed animations about her. They aren't the canon Anime Nicole, more like human Nicole, but they are still pretty good
Mike Innel/Manyakkis has even done some really detailed animations about her. They aren't the canon Anime Nicole, more like human Nicole, but they are still pretty good. You can find them at Gelbooru or Danbooru.
Anyone got a torrent for all 4 seasons?
If that's true… I suppose I can't fault him.
Better to die as DCAU, than to live long enough to become The Simpsons.
Let's hope they don't even try.
You could always just stream/download 'em off KissCartoon…
Better go down with dignity than becoming like Adventure Time or Spongebob
Nicole topless scene is canon
Ben is a hero.