How true is it, Holla Forums?
How true is it, Holla Forums?
It's autistic.
still don't know whats the deal with the alt-cucks.
how do you do it? how do you manage to be more cringe worthy than MGTOW and Gamergate fags combined?
very meta 9/11
The alt right isn't real.
Kill yourself, by the way.
This is the most idiotic infograph I've seen in 2017
You score 0/10 on the humor scale.
nothing wrong with the MGTOW guys.
when i say alt-cuck i mean Holla Forumstards in general, don't care what you call yourselves atm.
still cringe worthy
Fuck off, normalfag. What are you even doing on this site? What brings you here instead of, say, twitter or 4chan?
i'v been on chans long before you were born, fatass.
this meme is going hard in the paint lately.
some jewish shill is pushing for it
Chaim please leave
>>>Holla Forums
this is some fedora tipping faggotry. anyone who says "redpill" is fucking retarded. i do not want to be associated with these retards. go back to cuckchan
Shitty infograph
Holla Forums is that way fag