as a poorfag liveing in burgerstan moving into his first apartment is it worth it to buy a kotatsu?
it looks comfy as fuck but i don't know how much a good one would cost or which ones are good.
what other furniture would you guys recommend?
as a poorfag liveing in burgerstan moving into his first apartment is it worth it to buy a kotatsu?
it looks comfy as fuck but i don't know how much a good one would cost or which ones are good.
what other furniture would you guys recommend?
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A kotatsu sounds nice but it'd just be sad it you use it by yourself. Don't buy one unless you have people to sit in it with.
They're great if you're willing to build your living room around sitting on the floor. For most westerners, this is a non-starter. If you live alone or with other weebs, go for it. Maximum comfy levels, esp when combo'ed with green tea on a cold winter morning.
what if my gf decides to move in?
Looks risky. I probably wouldn't like it. After about a day, I'd get tired of it and hate it. It's just gonna be in the way. Just buy a comfy couch
I can't even imagine kotatsus being anything but uncomfortable. even in the dead of winter my apartment never goes below 70 degrees
If you have an apartment it can't cost that much to just keep your apartment at a comfortable temperature.
That said I don't really understand what you're supposed to do with your legs, I can't sit at a table with my legs out in front of my and if you sit on your feet then you can't really get a blanket around you. I'm a westerner I'm not nimble enough for this shit, I'd rather just sit in a wing chair and be cold.
Heated dakis are a better solution.
Post pics, liar. Body pillows and weird creepy dolls don't count.
we have only been going out for about a month and i don't have any pictures.
she looks kind of like pic related
5/10 would fuck once and then leave in a ditch somewhere out of town
Is she a weeb? Footsie under a kotatsu is pretty much heaven on earth, esp for a footfag like myself.
LOL, I'd love to see the average 8channer try and get into full lotus.
doesn't have to be full lotus. 3/4 or even half will do just fine.
just get a landwhale and plenty of pizza.
Kotatsu are insanely expensive if imported.
I saw a post about a guy who spent ~$700 shipped for the Kotatsu and futon.
Get a table from Ikea and cut the legs off, get a big plushy comforter, and get some foam pads. Those things shouldn't be hard to find
You might have trouble sourcing a kotatsu heater though. They're specially made to be mounted upside down, and might not be designed for US power if you find one. A heated blanket would do nicely as a replacement though.
Responding to my question with a question I don't know the answer to isn't helpful.
Nigga, are you shitting me? I'd be amazes to see half of you even get into half lotus, let alone sit in it for any extended period of time.
Fuck, I bet half of you couldn't last 10 minutes in seiza.
I can hit full lotus without touching my legs
maybe not, but I can at last 20 minutes in your mom
Vid proof or it didn't happen. Yes, for both of you.
Kotatsus are made for and by tiny Japanese people so unless you're a manlet I'd recomend building one
you really want me to post a video of your mom and me having sex?
you're not going to do it
of course not. I respect her too much.
whats' a kotaku?
You're not even a weeb. Get off my board.
that's not true i watched studio ghibli once
also, this is ran/b/om not /a/nimation
It's anime/random.